Home Field Disadvantage [Winner: timmy1]

Edit: I'm worried some people may be intimidated by the tournament description. I don't mean for it to be complicated...just choose a map you haven't play much (or you've never played at all). As long as you've defeated less than 5 people on it, you can use it. The point of this tournament is to see how you are on the maps you haven't mastered.
Looking for a challenge (or maybe a Crossmap medal)? In most tournaments, home maps give you the advantage. Not here. You get to choose your own map, but it must be a map on which you have FEWER THAN 5 unique defeats at the beginning of the round. (Check Game Finder or Map Rank GL for your # of unique defeats.)
The tournament will be best of 5 games, single elimination. There will be a total of 5 rounds. You will play 2 on your home map, 2 on your opponent's map, and 1 on a random map. You must have FEWER THAN 5 unique defeats on your home map at the beginning of each round. Because of this rule, you may change your home map between rounds. You must post here or send me a PM to change your map; if I hear nothing, I will assume your map stays the same. I will check each player's map before each round. If your map does not meet the criteria, I will send you a warning. You will then have 24 hours to change your map or face disqualification.
5 games will be played at a time, so PREMIUMS ONLY (sorry freemies). You have 48 hours to join your games before you are replaced.
Settings for all maps will be: Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny.
When you sign up, please select a map for Round 1. If you do not select a map, or the map does not meet criteria, you will not be registered. Also, please go easy on me - don't start playing a bunch of games on the map after you sign up. I will check before the round starts, and you could save me a lot of headaches by keeping your maps legal.
Looking for a challenge (or maybe a Crossmap medal)? In most tournaments, home maps give you the advantage. Not here. You get to choose your own map, but it must be a map on which you have FEWER THAN 5 unique defeats at the beginning of the round. (Check Game Finder or Map Rank GL for your # of unique defeats.)
The tournament will be best of 5 games, single elimination. There will be a total of 5 rounds. You will play 2 on your home map, 2 on your opponent's map, and 1 on a random map. You must have FEWER THAN 5 unique defeats on your home map at the beginning of each round. Because of this rule, you may change your home map between rounds. You must post here or send me a PM to change your map; if I hear nothing, I will assume your map stays the same. I will check each player's map before each round. If your map does not meet the criteria, I will send you a warning. You will then have 24 hours to change your map or face disqualification.
5 games will be played at a time, so PREMIUMS ONLY (sorry freemies). You have 48 hours to join your games before you are replaced.
Settings for all maps will be: Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny.
When you sign up, please select a map for Round 1. If you do not select a map, or the map does not meet criteria, you will not be registered. Also, please go easy on me - don't start playing a bunch of games on the map after you sign up. I will check before the round starts, and you could save me a lot of headaches by keeping your maps legal.