CC's FIFA World Cup 2010-SouthAfrica-Winner-HighlanderAttack
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:05 am
by NotNowKato
There are several tourneys at present on the theme of the FIFA World Cup 2010, many formats & pre-qualifying stages currently running. Not being as experienced as some of the other Tourney Organizers in their preparation formats, I have decided to make mine a fairly simple affair.
32 Teams will be present in South Africa this June to compete for the prestigious World Cup Trophy, in 8 Groups of 4 Teams. Each of the 32 players will pick a team to represent along with a Map that best represents their chosen Country, along with map settings. Each team in round 1 will play 1 home & 1 away game against the other teams in their group, 1v1 gameply, with points awarded as per the real game (Win=3pts - Draw=1pt - Lose=0pts) a draw will take place if game goes into round13+. Top 2 teams in each group will continue to the knockout stages & paired up as per the real Tournament (list below will detail how each groups top 2 will be placed in the next round & further on through to the final) - this will give players a chance to see who their opposition might be in the next round. Round 2 (last 16), Q-Finals & S-Finals will best of 3 games, on South African themed maps. Any tie in points in the group phase will be resolved as follows: 1.Most Wins - 2.Least Losses - 3.Tie-Break Game on 2010 World Cup Map (or South Africa map if unavailable) - Settings: Manual-Seq-Flat Rate-Unlim-Sunny.
In the Final, the 2 players contesting the World Cup Trophy will be a best of 5 games, 1 each of the players 1st round home settings, the other 3 will be played on the 2010 World Cup Map (if still available) or a South African Map. Winner will pick up the Tournament Trophy!
So come & sign up now, have fun & above all enjoy!
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:41 am
by nadin
In please with Ivory Coast
Greater China, Seq, Auto, Chained, Esc, Sunny
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:43 am
by ognjen
in please -Ghana map-Luxembourg auto,Seq, No Fog, Flat Rate, cha
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:55 am
by mali cimi
in please Denmark map- classic auto,Seq, No Fog, esc, cha thanks
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:48 am
by deanios
I chose France and D-Day Omaha beach because Omaha beach is where allied forces landed in France during WW2. so it is most definitely linked with the country I chose. Hoep that is OK
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:04 pm
by edwinissweet
i guess i'll take mexico on auzterlitz =p
um, auto, no spoils, sequential, chained, no fog
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:22 pm
by redbugal
I'll play Uruguay, New World, Flat Rate, Unlimited, Foggy.
Uruguay is totally in there somewhere.
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:31 pm
by Cubs24
Slovakia on europe please, sunny, unlimitied, escalating
Re: CC's FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa [13/32]
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:00 pm
by ognjen
in please -Ghana map-africa auto,Seq, No Fog, Flat Rate, cha