Freemium/Premium Tournament of Champions [Winner: ADOW]

Freemiums? Tired of Premiums always putting you down, calling you "cheap" and n00by?
Premiums? Tired of Freemiums mooching off the money you put into the site and n00bing up the place?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this tournament is for you! *points*
I'm enlisting 32 Freemiums and 32 Premiums to face-off in a 64 person, single elimination battle to the death, with Freemiums and Premiums starting on opposite sides of the bracket. All games will be head-to-head on the Classic Map in sequential order, with all of the other options chosen at random. Seeding is on a first sign-up, lowest seed given basis

And the winner shall be declared THE KING OF ALL THAT IS PREMIUM AND FREEMIUM.

So, do you have what it takes!