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Lords of the Midgard [Winners: First Post]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:58 am
by Commander62890
Winners: NanoTheGreat, Agent 86, Deli, Saraith


- All games will be played on the Midgard map. Settings will vary.
- This will be an elimination tournament that will feature 8 teams of 4.
- Games will come either 3 or 4 at a time... Freemiums must make sure they have these slots open if they wish to play.
- There will be 3 rounds. If your team does not win at least 3 of the 5 matches in each round, you are out.

- Of your 4 players, you must choose two to play in 1v1s, and the other two will play doubles. All 4 of you will play quads.

- In every round, each of your two 1v1 players will play a series of 3 games against an opposing 1v1 player. This matchup will be chosen simply by the order in which you sign up your players (doesn't really matter). If a player wins at least 2 of the 3 games, they win the 1v1 match. Each set of three counts as 1 win.
- In every round, your two doubles players will play two doubles games against the two opposing doubles players.
- In every round, all four players will play a quads game against the opposing team.

- Therefore, your team needs to win at least 3 of 5 of the following to advance: 1v1 match (3 games total), 1v1 match (3 games total), Doubles, Doubles, Quads

Settings for 1v1s:
1) Automatic, sequential, escalating, chained, no fog
2) Automatic, sequential, no spoils, unlimited, foggy
3) Manual, sequential, flat rate, adjacent, foggy

Settings for Doubles:
1) Automatic, sequential, escalating, chained, foggy
2) Automatic, sequential, no spoils, chained, no fog

Settings for Quads:
1) Automatic, sequential, escalating, chained, no fog

That's pretty much it... let me know if you have any questions, and please post who will be your two 1v1 players and who will be your doubles team.

Re: Lords of the Midgard

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:59 am
by Commander62890
There are 9 Games in each series, but remember, you need at least 3 points (out of 5) to advance. Winning a best-of-3 1v1 series = 1 point. Team games are 1 point each.


1: pimphawks70, ljex, dustine, commander62890 vs 8: Mustapha Mond, ripnet, babagonosh, sirron
2: alogomouris, JuliusDgibrilius, raeziel, gas vs 7: NanoTheGreat, Agent 86, Deli, saraith
3: Dunk90, bonus_mop, _Hitman_, Drew483 vs 6: HighlanderAttack, olkok, jricart, JoJo123
4: dustin800, dbandit70, sam02, bfunny27 vs 5: amazzony, downfall, Daviedoo, Lindax

1v8: Game 6865904, Game 6865954, Game 6865975, Game 6865934, Game 6865958, Game 6865979, Game 6866019, Game 6866025, Game 6866032
2v7: Game 6865906, Game 6865955, Game 6865976, Game 6865935, Game 6865959, Game 6865980, Game 6866020, Game 6866026, Game 6866033
3v6: Game 6865907, Game 6865956, Game 6865977, Game 6865936, Game 6865960, Game 6865981, Game 6866021, Game 6866027, Game 6866034
4v5: Game 6865933, Game 6865957, Game 6865978, Game 6865945, Game 6865962, Game 6865983, Game 6866022, Game 6866028, Game 6866035


1: pimphawks70, ljex, dustine, commander62890 vs 5: amazzony, downfall, Daviedoo, Lindax
6: HighlanderAttack, olkok, jricart, JoJo123 vs 7: NanoTheGreat, Agent 86, Deli, saraith

1v5: Game 6932932, Game 6932939, Game 6932944, Game 6932933, Game 6932940, Game 6932945, Game 6932962, Game 6932964, Game 6932966
6v7: Game 6932934, Game 6932941, Game 6932946, Game 6932935, Game 6932942, Game 6932947, Game 6933035, Game 6932965, Game 6932967


1: pimphawks70, ljex, dustine, commander62890 vs 7: NanoTheGreat, Agent 86, Deli, saraith

1v7: Game 7047733, Game 7047735, Game 7047737, Game 7047734, Game 7047736, Game 7047738, Game 7047739, Game 7047740, Game 7047741,

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:09 am
by amazzony
Please save me a spot, I'll get a team for surely in the next couple of days.

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:56 am
by HighlanderAttack

Pretty sure this is how I would post this.

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [3/8]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:14 pm
by Commander62890
You guys are in.


Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:51 am
by amazzony
amazzony wrote:Please save me a spot, I'll get a team for surely in the next couple of days.

Sorry, I don't seem to get a team together :(

Therefore, if somebody is looking for a player, contact me (I'd prefer to be the 1v1 person but can also play doubles).

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [3/8]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:49 pm
by Lindax
The Rangers of the North would like to join and invite amazzony to join our team:

amazzony? - 1v1
downfall - 1v1
Daviedoo - doubles
Lindax - doubles

I think we'll all play the quad games too. :D



Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [3/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:21 am
by amazzony
Lindax wrote:The Rangers of the North would like to join and invite amazzony to join our team

I'd be happy to join, thanks! :D

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [3/8]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:29 am
by NanoTheGreat
O&H will join!

NanoTheGreat - 1v1
Agent 86 - 1v1
Deli - Doubles
saraith - Doubles

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:25 pm
by Commander62890
You're in.

HUGE BUMP from bottom of the list...

Seriously, wtf? No one's joining :(

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:26 am
by defpon8
I'm in.

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:38 am
by Commander62890
you need 3 teammates ;)

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:56 am
by dustin800
In please

dbandit70- singles

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:43 am
by Theldin
I would be interested in playing if someone needs a 4th teammate.

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:24 pm
by shoop76
in team will be coming tonight

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [6/8]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:22 pm
by babagonosh
sign us up please ...... Mustapha Mond, babagonosh, sirron and ripnet

Mustapha Mond and ripnet play singles

babagonosh and sirron play doubles


Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:03 am
by LikeYestrdaysJam
amazzony wrote:
amazzony wrote:Please save me a spot, I'll get a team for surely in the next couple of days.

Sorry, I don't seem to get a team together :(

Therefore, if somebody is looking for a player, contact me (I'd prefer to be the 1v1 person but can also play doubles).

Hey i dont really have a team either and am good at 1v1 but can do doubles need a player?

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [4/8]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:05 am
by LikeYestrdaysJam
defpon8 wrote:I'm in.

i'll join you if you need

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [7/8]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:00 am
by Commander62890
LikeYestrdaysJam wrote:
amazzony wrote:
amazzony wrote:Please save me a spot, I'll get a team for surely in the next couple of days.

Sorry, I don't seem to get a team together :(

Therefore, if somebody is looking for a player, contact me (I'd prefer to be the 1v1 person but can also play doubles).

Hey i dont really have a team either and am good at 1v1 but can do doubles need a player?

Amazzony's got a team already, but you, defpon8, and theldin can be a team if you get just one more before this fills up.

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [6/8]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:23 am
by raeziel
raeziel, gas, alogomouris, JuliusDgibrilius

raeziel : singles
gas : singles
raeziel, gas : doubles


Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [7/8]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:08 pm
by moldy780

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [7/8]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:17 pm
by Dunk90
ok.....I'll play

Re: Lords of the Midgard (1v1 + Team games) [7/8]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:16 am
by SuperMariner
In. Join me in a team plz

Re: Lords of the Midgard

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:50 pm
by Commander62890
Okay, invites have been sent for 24 1v1s, 8 doubles, and 4 quads games.

Good luck to everyone in round 1!! :D

EDIT: Teams 1, 5, 6, 7 advance. Round 2 coming shortly.

Re: Lords of the Midgard [Semifinals]

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:31 am
by Commander62890
Round 2 (semifinals) created and players invited. Good luck, all.