Everybody with 3 open spots are welcome. Approximate tournament start is 3rd week of March 2010.
Nothing fancy, just a simple randomly assigned 1v1 (64 or 128-player) bracket tournament (best out of 3 per round) to honour Japan and even more, a great clan mate of mine, RedBaron0 for putting such effort to the map. Well done, RB!
Awesome RedBaron0 has decided to give winner of the tournament 6-months premium
Subarashii should mean awesome/magnificent/splendid in Japanese, how grammatically correct it is, I have no idea. Apologies if I'm using words in Japanese incorrectly, no disrespect is meant towards the language!
Settings: 2-players, Standard, Japan, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny, Casual.
- show: notes
- I'm your Goddess and my word is the law in this tournament. Changes might be done during the duration of the tournament if it is fair and is in the benefit of it.
- Signing up to the tournament counts only when posted to this thread.
- Foe List is ignored. If you wish to play in my tournament then you have to play with anybody who stands in your way.
- If you wish to drop out from the tournament then be polite - let me know about it. Don’t just deadbeat.
- If you need more time to joining games then let me know. I’m sure we can work out something.
- Questions? Comments? Turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.
- Notification list! If you wish to get a message when I launch a new tournament (I'm letting people know ~48 hours after I've launched the tournament) then please let me know about it - post about it to this thread or send me a private message. If you deadbeat in my tournament then I will automatically remove you from the list.
- show: players
- RedBaron0
- amazzony
- HighlanderAttack
- Bones2484
- acores2005
- freyme
- Tripitaka
- Serbia
- keiths31
- danryan
- JoJo123
- Ugly_Moose
- shaneback
- Timminz
- denominator
- Gilligan
- bkx131
- Aalmeida17
- General_Grievous
- jrh_cardinal
- jricart
- MikostheMudder
- klut2z
- Commander62890
- Darin44
- adam666
- TalynStarburst
- lenesu
- uckuki
- dowian2
- jgalioto
- Timon
- knighthawk
- Blinkadyblink
- jleonnn
- sjnap
- Tobikera
- Krissan
- ga7
- Digibomb
- StoneBone
- elmerfudd
- woolleyy
- japser_be
- i_am_cheri_too
- DJ Teflon
- ZionT
- Milen83
- kratos644
- dittoeevee8888
- growler
- superkeener
- army of nobunaga
- dustin800
- BaldEagle76
- sdh
- darth emperor
- Moop
- drwho1979
- Joe B.
- LucaV
- God Emperor Q
- smbgolf
- Jobiwan
- watsy
- NotNowKato
- benga
- Frankly, my dear
- Crazyirishman
- Moonchild
- trboye
- mickunited333
- Vintre
- 6_roller
- brian c munden
- General Flashman
- Sebastian4141
- jcstriker
- gregory7
- Eddy_26
- cdogg85
- skepticCS
- vykingsfan64
- agressivo
- jakewilliams
- Iron Maid
- Hopscotcher
- chundarr
- b00060
- squishyg
- MudPuppy
- Risky_Stud
- dendexter
- bruno fountain
- dapd4p
- BlinkyOne
- ShakerInk
- AgentSmith88
- Nailer X
- jasoncederblom
- Brico
- ThrushAAX
- lokisgal
- bigreuben
- Doakstar
- denkel
- dfp2dep
- DresdenSooner
- morleyjoe
- dominator2000
- Witt13
- dcbconquer
- Easy n Dirty
- sonicsteve
- DimnjacarStef
- GlobeSmack
- Dunk90
- dcozyone
- BlackKnight_6
- wrexham
- dragon dor
- diddy
Reserves- DBandit70 [in for GRIMWOLF]
- paullb [in for StoneBone]
- mali cimi [in for ShakerInk]
- manc [in for diddy]
- Rounds (final update: June 1, 2010)
- Player in bold marked as winner who advances to next round.
Round 1
- show: round 1 finished
- elmerfudd vs mickunited333 Game 6690204 - Game 6690205 - Game 6690206
- Timminz vs Nailer X Game 6690208 - Game 6690209 - Game 6690210
- freyme vs MudPuppy Game 6690211 - Game 6690212 - Game 6690215
- Witt13 vs dcbconquer Game 6690216 - Game 6690218 - Game 6690222
- growler vs knighthawk Game 6690223 - Game 6690224 - Game 6690226
- Tobikera vs dcozyone Game 6690227 - Game 6690228 - Game 6690231
- jricart vs ZionT Game 6690233 - Game 6690234 - Game 6690237
- Timon vs Moop Game 6690238 - Game 6690241 - Game 6690245
- Bones2484 vs ThrushAAX Game 6690248 - Game 6690249 - Game 6690250
- bruno fountain vs drwho1979 Game 6690251 - Game 6690252 - Game 6690253
- DimnjacarStef vs ETROPAL Game 6690255 - Game 6690256 - Game 6690257
- sonicsteve vs Joe B. Game 6690258 - Game 6690259 - Game 6690261
- jcstriker vs trboye Game 6690262 - Game 6690265 - Game 6690267
- denkel vs japser_be Game 6690268 - Game 6690269 - Game 6690271
- KING KONQUER vs BaldEagle76 Game 6690277 - Game 6690279 - Game 6690280
- General_Grievous vs sjnap Game 6690281 - Game 6690282 - Game 6690284
- smbgolf vs jakewilliams Game 6690285 - Game 6690286 - Game 6690289
- brian c munden vs wrexham Game 6690291 - Game 6690292 - Game 6690293
- BlackKnight_6 vs Frankly, my dear Game 6690294 - Game 6690295 - Game 6690297
- 6_roller vs General Flashman Game 6690300 - Game 6690302 - Game 6690305
- uckuki vs Risky_Stud Game 6690310 - Game 6690312 - Game 6690313
- superkeener vs squishyg Game 6690314 - Game 6690315 - Game 6690316
- ga7 vs DresdenSooner Game 6690317 - Game 6690318 - Game 6690320
- Krissan vs jgalioto Game 6690321 - Game 6690322 - Game 6690324
- acores2005 vs Hopscotcher Game 6690325 - Game 6690326 - Game 6690327
- dominator2000 vs Tripitaka Game 6690328 - Game 6690330 - Game 6690331
- dittoeevee8888 vs skepticCS Game 6690332 - Game 6690333 - Game 6690335
- Sebastian4141 vs Vintre Game 6690337 - Game 6690339 - Game 6690342
- Brico vs DBandit70 Game 6690344 - Game 6690346 - Game 6690348
- I_AM_BOGEY vs AgentSmith88 Game 6690349 - Game 6690350 - Game 6690351
- cdogg85 vs Gilligan Game 6690352 - Game 6690354 - Game 6690355
- JoJo123 vs gregory7 Game 6690356 - Game 6690357 - Game 6690359
- dragon dor vs morleyjoe Game 6690360 - Game 6690361 - Game 6690362
- jasoncederblom vs BlinkyOne Game 6690363 - Game 6690364 - Game 6690365
- paullb vs adam666 Game 6690366 - Game 6690367 - Game 6690368
- denominator vs kratos644 Game 6690369 - Game 6690370 - Game 6690371
- keiths31 vs Moonchild Game 6690372 - Game 6690373 - Game 6690374
- mali cimi vs DJ Teflon Game 6690375 - Game 6690376 - Game 6690377
- bkx131 vs Jobiwan Game 6690378 - Game 6696294 - Game 6690379
- dfp2dep vs RedBaron0 Game 6690380 - Game 6690381 - Game 6690382
- LucaV vs shaneback Game 6690384 - Game 6690385 - Game 6690387
- Dunk90 vs danryan Game 6690390 - Game 6690392 - Game 6690397
- klut2z vs i_am_cheri_too Game 6693828 - Game 6693830 - Game 6693831
- agressivo vs Aalmeida17 Game 6693832 - Game 6693834 - Game 6693835
- Milen83 vs sdh Game 6693836 - Game 6693837 - Game 6693840
- b00060 vs dustin800 Game 6693841 - Game 6693842 - Game 6693843
- amazzony vs lokisgal Game 6693844 - Game 6693845 - Game 6693846
- woolleyy vs TalynStarburst Game 6693847 - Game 6693848 - Game 6693849
- MikostheMudder vs GlobeSmack Game 6693850 - Game 6693851 - Game 6693852
- jleonnn vs chundarr Game 6693853 - Game 6693854 - Game 6693855
- Blinkadyblink vs Iron Maid Game 6693856 - Game 6693857 - Game 6693858
- dendexter vs watsy Game 6693859 - Game 6693860 - Game 6693861
- Digibomb vs Easy n Dirty Game 6693863 - Game 6693867 - Game 6693868
- Eddy_26 vs manc Game 6693869 - Game 6693870 - Game 6693871
- HighlanderAttack vs Darin44 Game 6693872 - Game 6693873 - Game 6693874
- NotNowKato vs dapd4p Game 6693875 - Game 6693876 - Game 6693877
- Doakstar vs jrh_cardinal Game 6693878 - Game 6693879 - Game 6693880
- dowian2 vs army of nobunaga Game 6693881 - Game 6693882 - Game 6693883
- Commander62890 vs Crazyirishman Game 6693884 - Game 6693885 - Game 6693886
- lenesu vs God Emperor Q Game 6693887 - Game 6693888 - Game 6693889
- Ugly_Moose vs benga Game 6693890 - Game 6693891 - Game 6693892
- Serbia vs vykingsfan64 Game 6693893 - Game 6693894 - Game 6693895
- darth emperor vs GRAPE APE Game 6693896 - Game 6693897 - Game 6693898
- bigreuben vs SNARF17WD Game 6693899 - Game 6693900 - Game 6693901
Round 2
- show: round 2 finished
- elmerfudd vs Nailer X Game 6783094 - Game 6783096 - Game 6783098
- freyme vs dcbconquer Game 6783099 - Game 6783100 - Game 6783101
- knighthawk vs dcozyone Game 6783102 - Game 6783103 - Game 6783104
- ZionT vs Timon Game 6783105 - Game 6783106 - Game 6783107
- Bones2484 vs bruno fountain Game 6783109 - Game 6783110 - Game 6783111
- ETROPAL vs Joe B. Game 6783113 - Game 6783114 - Game 6783115
- jcstriker vs denkel Game 6783118 - Game 6783119 - Game 6783120
- KING KONQUER vs sjnap Game 6783121 - Game 6783122 - Game 6783123
- jakewilliams vs brian c munden Game 6783124 - Game 6783125 - Game 6783126
- Frankly, my dear vs 6_roller Game 6783127 - Game 6783128 - Game 6783129
- uckuki vs superkeener Game 6783131 - Game 6783132 - Game 6783133
- ga7 vs Krissan Game 6783142 - Game 6783143 - Game 6783144
- Hopscotcher vs Tripitaka Game 6783146 - Game 6783147 - Game 6783148
- dittoeevee8888 vs Sebastian4141 Game 6783149 - Game 6783150 - Game 6783151
- Brico vs I_AM_BOGEY Game 6783153 - Game 6783154 - Game 6783156
- Gilligan vs gregory7 Game 6783157 - Game 6783159 - Game 6783162
- dragon dor vs jasoncederblom Game 6783163 - Game 6783164 - Game 6783165
- adam666 vs denominator Game 6783166 - Game 6783168 - Game 6783169
- Moonchild vs DJ Teflon Game 6783170 - Game 6783171 - Game 6783172
- Jobiwan vs RedBaron0 Game 6783173 - Game 6783175 - Game 6783177
- shaneback vs danryan Game 6783179 - Game 6783181 - Game 6783182
- i_am_cheri_too vs Aalmeida17 Game 6783183 - Game 6783184 - Game 6783185
- sdh vs dustin800 Game 6783186 - Game 6783187 - Game 6783188
- lokisgal vs TalynStarburst Game 6783190 - Game 6783191 - Game 6783192
- MikostheMudder vs jleonnn Game 6783193 - Game 6783194 - Game 6783196
- Blinkadyblink vs watsy Game 6783197 - Game 6783199 - Game 6783200
- Digibomb vs Eddy_26 Game 6793107 - Game 6793108 - Game 6793109
- HighlanderAttack vs dapd4p Game 6783201 - Game 6793114 - Game 6793113
- jrh_cardinal vs dowian2 Game 6793112 - Game 6793111 - Game 6793110
- Crazyirishman vs lenesu Game 6783227 - Game 6783229 - Game 6783230
- Ugly_Moose vs vykingsfan64 Game 6783233 - Game 6783234 - Game 6783236
- darth emperor vs bigreuben Game 6783237 - Game 6783238 - Game 6783240
Round 3
- show: round 3 finished
- Nailer X vs dcbconquer Game 6856921 - Game 6856923 - Game 6856925
- dcozyone vs ZionT Game 6856926 - Game 6856928 - Game 6856931
- bruno fountain vs Joe B. Game 6856933 - Game 6856934 - Game 6856936
- denkel vs sjnap Game 6856938 - Game 6856940 - Game 6856941
- jakewilliams vs Frankly, my dear Game 6856945 - Game 6856947 - Game 6856949
- uckuki vs ga7 Game 6856950 - Game 6856951 - Game 6856954
- Hopscotcher vs Sebastian4141 Game 6856955 - Game 6856957 - Game 6856958
- Brico vs Gilligan Game 6856959 - Game 6856961 - Game 6856963
- dragon dor vs denominator Game 6856964 - Game 6856967 - Game 6856968
- Moonchild vs RedBaron0 Game 6856969 - Game 6856971 - Game 6856972
- shaneback vs Aalmeida17 Game 6856973 - Game 6856974 - Game 6856976
- dustin800 vs lokisgal Game 6856977 - Game 6856978 - Game 6856979
- MikostheMudder vs watsy Game 6856980 - Game 6856982 - Game 6856983
- Digibomb vs HighlanderAttack Game 6856984 - Game 6856985 - Game 6856987
- dowian2 vs Crazyirishman Game 6856988 - Game 6856989 - Game 6856991
- Ugly_Moose vs bigreuben Game 6856993 - Game 6856994 - Game 6856995
Round 4
- show: round 4 finished
- Nailer X vs ZionT Game 6917278 - Game 6917280 - Game 6917281
- Joe B. vs denkel Game 6917282 - Game 6917283 - Game 6917284
- Frankly, my dear vs uckuki Game 6917285 - Game 6917288 - Game 6917300
- Sebastian4141 vs Brico Game 6917301 - Game 6917303 - Game 6917305
- dragon dor vs RedBaron0 Game 6917307 - Game 6917308 - Game 6917310
- Aalmeida17 vs lokisgal Game 6917311 - Game 6917312 - Game 6917313
- watsy vs HighlanderAttack Game 6917314 - Game 6917315 - Game 6917316
- Crazyirishman vs Ugly_Moose Game 6917318 - Game 6917319 - Game 6917320
Round 5 (quarterfinals)
- show: round 5 finished
- Nailer X vs Joe B. Game 6968900 - Game 6968901 - Game 6968904
- Frankly, my dear vs Sebastian4141 Game 6968905 - Game 6968906 - Game 6968907
- dragon dor vs Aalmeida17 Game 6968908 - Game 6968910 - Game 6968911
- HighlanderAttack vs Ugly_Moose Game 6968913 - Game 6968914 - Game 6968915
Round 6 (semifinals)
- show: round 6 finished
- Nailer X vs Sebastian4141 Game 7022939 - Game 7022940 - Game 7022941
- Aalmeida17 vs Ugly_Moose Game 7022942 - Game 7022943 - Game 7022944
Round 7 (finals)
- show: round 7 finished
- Sebastian4141 vs Aalmeida17 Game 7055142 - Game 7055143 - Game 7055145