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New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 - [Winner: dragon dor]
Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:02 pm
by JoJo123
5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year! As per New Year tradition, you pick your own resolution (map and settings). You’ll play 6 games against an opponent each round – 3 games on each player’s resolution. If you win 2 out of 3 on both maps, you advance and get to choose the map you will keep for the next round. You can change the settings. If you win your resolution or your opponent’s resolution you will advance to the next round with that map but can change the settings. If you lose both resolutions, you are out. The last player standing has kept his New Year’s Resolution and will win the tournament! Freemiums are welcome. They must keep at least 1 slot open and play fairly quickly! When there is an odd number of players remaining, a player (selected by will receive a bye. After 24 hours of not responding you will get a warning. After 72 hours you have broken your resolution to play in this tournament and have lost. A reserve will be put in for the first round. From the 2nd round on, the other player will receive a bye. Please post with your favorite map and settings. All settings are available. For example, I choose Treasures of Galapagos, sequential, automatic, no spoils, chained, and foggy.If you wish to take your opponent's map, please notify me if you want to change the settings. Otherwise, I will assume that you want your map (if you won it) or wish to keep your opponent's settings the same (if you lost your map and won your opponent's).
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:02 pm
by JoJo123
show: Player List
1. Lucifer4o - USA, SAFCF 2. HighlanderAttack - Arms Race! - SANUS 3. HillBubble - Pearl Harbor, SAUCS 4. Darin44, Land and Sea - SANCF 5. colton24, AOR1 - SANCF 6. Evil Semp, Seige! - SAFAS 7. Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF 8. Zorbas - High Seas - SMFCS 9. DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF 10. swbaird - WWII Poland - SAEUF 11. YoursFalsey - American Civil War - SAFCF 12. taxmanjle - Phillippines - SAFCF 13. GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF 14. jricart - Egypt Lower - SANAS 15. dustin800 - 8 Thoughts - SANCF 16. shoop76 - Treasures of Galapagos - SANCS 17. carnasaur9 - American Civil War - SANCF 18. Johnny Rockets - Doodle - SMFCS 19. SC MAN - Classic Art, SAEUS 20. Blinkadyblink - Battle for Iraq!, SANUF 21. dfp2dep - North America, SANCS 22. Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS 23. adam666 - AOR2, SAFCF 24. Witt13 - City Mogul, FMNAF 25. DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF 26. Torino Kid - Classic Art, SAFUS 27. dragon dor - Feudal War, SAECF 28. BenKenobie - Madagascar, SAFUS 29. claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS 30. ParadiceCity9 - Alexander's Empire, SAEUS 31. Paragon42 - Arms Race!, SANCF 32. marco130671 - Germany, SAFCF 33. jug68 - WWII Poland, SANCS 34. BrotherWolf - Imperium Romanum, SAEAF 35. denominator - Australia, SMNAF 36. GlobeSmack - City Mogul, SAECS 37. scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF 38. General Flashman - Scotland, SAFCS 39. Athiest - Supermax, SAECS 40. acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF 41. fbonsignori - Arms Race!, SAECF 42. manc - British Isles 2, SANCS 43. DimnjacarStef - Age of Merchants, SAECF 44. Andrewrh - Classic, SAEUS 45. Arrakis - Iberia, SAFCF 46. Tupence - Dust Bowl, SAEUF 47. Ghost_Rider - Italy, SAFUS 48. bruno fountain - Luxembourg, SAFCS 49. ultraman - Imperium Romanum, SANCS 50. Sionach - Poker Club, SAEUF 51. smegal69 - Supermax, SAFCF 52. Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF 53. harvmax - Classic Shapes, SMECF 54. shortcake710 - Treasures, SAFCF 55. Nailer X - Arms Race!, SANCS 56. heatz - AOR2, SANCF 57. morfam1 - Route 66, SANCF 58. jiekling - WWII Poland, SANCF 59. Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS 60. ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF 61. God Emperor Q - Waterloo, SANuCF 62. scottie - Age of Merchants, SANCF 63. drage - First Nations of North America, FANCF 64. vykingsfan64 - USA, SAFCS Reserves: 1. JoshyBoy - Australia, SAECS 2. PepeAtila - SMNuCF 3. drake_259 - New World, SANCS 4. coacheberhardt - USA, SAFCS 5. deanios - Classic Shapes, SAFCS 6. wjw1741 - 7. redtide - Arms Race!, SANAS 8. superkeener - Poker Club, SANCS 9 . LordZack72 - 10. JoJo123, Treasures of Galapagos - SANCS
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:02 pm
by JoJo123
Round 14 Cubs24 - AOR1, SANCF vs.
dragon dor - Tamriel, SAEUS
Round 13 Cubs24 - AOR1, SANCF vs.
claudio - Classic, SAFCF
dragon dor - Tamriel, SAEUS -
BYE Round 12 Cubs24 - AOR1, SANCF vs.
dragon dor - Tamriel, SAEUS
claudio - Classic, SAFCF -
BYE show: Round 11
Cubs24 - AOR1, SANCF vs. Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUFdragon dor - Tamriel, SAEUS vs. claudio - Classic, SAFCF
show: round 10
dragon dor - Tamriel, SAEUS vs. heatz - AOR2, SANCFclaudio - Classic, SAFCF vs. Cubs24 - AOR1, SANCFBlinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF vs. Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS
show: round 9
dragon dor - AOR1, SANCF vs. Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUSralphcptc - Classic, SAECS vs. heatz - AOR2, SANCFclaudio - Classic, SAFCF vs. Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUFAnders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS vs. Xpanhol - Arms Race! - SANuCF
show: Round 8
dragon dor - AOR1, SANCF vs. Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECSXpanhol - Arms Race! - SANuCF vs. heatz - AOR2, SANCFclaudio - Classic, SAFCF vs. acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCFCubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS vs. ralphcptc - Classic, SAECSBlinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF gets a bye
show: round 7
acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF vs. Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS Xpanhol - Arms Race! - SANuCF vs. Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF vs. claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS DBandit70 - Phillippines - SAFCF vs. dragon dor - AOR1, SANCF Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS vs. heatz - AOR2, SANCF
show: round 6
DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS dragon dor - AOR1, SANCF BenKenobie - High Seas - SMFCS claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS heatz - AOR2, SANCF ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF denominator - Supermax, SAFCF Xpanhol - Phillippines - SAFCF DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF
show: round 5
dragon dor - Phillippines - SAFCF Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF BenKenobie - High Seas - SMFCS acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF dfp2dep - North America, SANCS ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF denominator - Supermax, SAFCF claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS heatz - AOR2, SANCF scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF
show: round 4
acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS taxmanjle - Feudal War, SAECF DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS Athiest - Supermax, SAECS Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS heatz - AOR2, SANCF marco130671 - Germany, SAFCF scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF dfp2dep - North America, SANCS ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF HighlanderAttack - Arms Race! - SANUS Tupence - Dust Bowl, SAEUF denominator - Supermax, SAFCF Paragon42 - Arms Race!, SANCF dragon dor - Phillippines - SAFCF BenKenobie - High Seas - SMFCS smegal69 - Australia, SMNAF Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF
show: Round 3
taxmanjle - Feudal War, SAECF ultraman - Imperium Romanum, SANCS Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS dfp2dep - North America, SANCS smegal69 - Australia, SMNAF Tupence - Dust Bowl, SAEUF Paragon42 - Arms Race!, SANCF fbonsignori - Arms Race!, SAECF HighlanderAttack - Battle for Iraq, SAECS swbaird - WWII Poland - SAEUF denominator - Supermax, SAFCF ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF heatz - AOR2, SANCF BenKenobie - High Seas - SMFCS GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF dragon dor - Phillippines - SAFCF drage - Land and Sea - SANCF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS Witt13 - City Mogul, FMNAF DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF Zorbas - Egypt Lower - SANAS marco130671 - Germany, SAFCF DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF Athiest - Supermax, SAECS acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF shoop76 - Madagascar, SAFUS Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUF scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF Ghost_Rider - Italy, SAFUS claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS jricart - Treasures of Galapagos - SANCS Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF
show: Round 2
Arrakis - Iberia, SAFCF GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF fbonsignori - Arms Race!, SAECF DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF HillBubble - Pearl Harbor, SAEUS Blinkadyblink - Arms Race! - SANUS harvmax - Classic Shapes, SMECF heatz - AOR2, SANCF Johnny Rockets - Doodle - SMFCS dfp2dep - North America, SANCS Lucifer4o - USA, SAFCF claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS Sionach - Poker Club, SAEUF Athiest - Supermax, SAECS BrotherWolf - Imperium Romanum, SAEAF DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF vykingsfan64 - USA, SAFCS Darin44, First Nations of North America, FANCF HighlanderAttack - Battle for Iraq, SAECS Paragon42 - Arms Race!, SANCF morfam1 - Route 66, SANCF Zorbas - Madagascar, SAFUS shoop76 - Egypt Lower - SANAS smegal69 - Australia, SMNAF ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF Witt13 - City Mogul, FMNAF jricart - Treasures of Galapagos - SANCS Tupence - Dust Bowl, SAEUF scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF colton24, AOR1 - SANCF shortcake710 - Treasures, SAFCF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS drage - Land and Sea - SANCF taxmanjle - Feudal War, SAECF Ghost_Rider - Italy, SAFUS BenKenobie - High Seas - SMFCS ultraman - Imperium Romanum, SANCS GlobeSmack - City Mogul, SAECS DimnjacarStef - Age of Merchants, SAECF swbaird - WWII Poland - SAEUF marco130671 - Germany, SAFCF Andrewrh - Classic, SAEUS jug68 - WWII Poland, SANCS dragon dor - Phillippines - SAFCF denominator - Supermax, SANCF
show: Round 1
shortcake710 - Treasures, SAFCF Cubs24 - Tamriel, SAEUS dustin800 - 8 Thoughts - SANCF harvmax - Classic Shapes, SMECF General Flashman - Scotland, SAFCS Paragon42 - Arms Race!, SANCF adam666 - AOR2, SAFCF GRAPE APE - Arms Race! - SANCF Andrewrh - Classic, SAEUS Jobiwan, Third Crusade - SAFAF marco130671 - Germany, SAFCF morfam1 - Route 66, SANCF acores2005 - WWII Poland, SANCF Ghost_Rider - Italy, SAFUS ultraman - Imperium Romanum, SANCS bruno fountain - Luxembourg, SAFCS smegal69 - Supermax, SAFCF denominator - Australia, SMNAF HighlanderAttack - Arms Race! - SANUS Blinkadyblink - Battle for Iraq!, SANUF colton24, AOR1 - SANCF Sionach - Poker Club, SAEUF Tupence - Dust Bowl, SAEUF scottishleaf - AOR3, SAFCF Nailer X - Arms Race!, SANCS Xpanhol - AOR1, SANCF God Emperor Q - Waterloo, SANuCF DimnjacarStef - Age of Merchants, SAECF jug68 - WWII Poland, SANCS DBandit70 - Arms Race! - SANuCF vykingsfan64 - USA, SAFCS dfp2dep - North America, SANCS drage - First Nations of North America, FANCF Darin44, Land and Sea - SANCF manc - British Isles 2, SANCS GlobeSmack - City Mogul, SAECS ParadiceCity9 - Alexander's Empire, SAEUS DarKYiNe - Random, SAECF taxmanjle - Phillippines - SAFCF dragon dor - Feudal War, SAECF jricart - Egypt Lower - SANAS shoop76 - Treasures of Galapagos - SANCS claudio - Classic Shapes, SAECS carnasaur9 - American Civil War - SANCF BenKenobie - Madagascar, SAFUS Zorbas - High Seas - SMFCS swbaird - WWII Poland - SAEUF Lucifer4o - USA, SAFCF HillBubble - Pearl Harbor, SAUCS Athiest - Supermax, SAECS Evil Semp, Seige! - SAFAS Arrakis - Iberia, SAFCF YoursFalsey - American Civil War - SAFCF fbonsignori - Arms Race!, SAECF scottie - Age of Merchants, SANCF Johnny Rockets - Doodle - SMFCS Anders2004 - Arms Race!, SAECS Torino Kid - Classic Art, SAFUS heatz - AOR2, SANCF jiekling - WWII Poland, SANCF ralphcptc - Classic Art, SAFCF BrotherWolf - Imperium Romanum, SAEAF SC MAN - Classic Art, SAEUS Witt13 - City Mogul, FMNAF
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:10 pm
by JoshyBoy
reserve for you buddy.
Australia- Automatic, Chained, Escalating, Sunny.
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:31 pm
by HighlanderAttack
arms race seq no spoils unlimited forts sunny
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:32 pm
by what,me worry?
im down
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:32 pm
by Darin44
in Land And Sea Seq Chained No cards Foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:34 pm
by colton24
Aor1 Seq No Cards Auto Chained Fog
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:35 pm
by Evil Semp
I'll play. Siege flat adjacent no fog
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:36 pm
by leolou2
thanks JoJo but i'm burned out on 1v1 games but have fun and a Happy New Year
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (1/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:39 pm
by Jobiwan
In please third crusade, automatic, sequential, adjacent, flat rate, foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:54 pm
by DBandit70
In please
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:00 am
by swbaird
WWII Poland, unlimited, escalating, foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:13 am
by YoursFalsey
I resolve not to get my butt kicked in 1v1 games so often... (American Civil War, Sequential, Automatic, Flat, Chained, Foggy)
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:17 am
by taxmanjle
I'm in. Phillipines seq auto flat chained foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:21 am
arms race. sequential auto no spoils chained foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:31 am
by jricart
Im in! Egypt Lower, Auto, Seq, No Spoils, Adjacent, Sunny.
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:32 am
by dustin800
8 thoughts sequential, automatic, no spoils, chained, and foggy.
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:41 am
by shoop76
Treasures of Galapagos SANCS
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:01 am
by carnasaur9
american civil war, or u.s. northeast: sequential, automatic, chained, no spoils, fog
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:06 am
by Johnny Rockets
I'm in! Doodle, sequential, Manual, Flat, chained, and Sunny. Johnny Rockets
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:06 am
I'm in....Classic Art...esc. sunny...unlimited...Standard...thanks for the invite
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:07 am
by Blinkadyblink
I'm in. Battle For Iraq! Automatic Seq. No Spoils Unlimited Foggy
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:12 am
by dfp2dep
i'm in north america SANCS
Re: New Year’s Resolution Revolution 1v1 Remix (8/64)
Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:13 am
by Cubs24
Tamriel- sequencial, automatic, sunny, escalating, unlimited