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NFL 2009 Triples - NEW YORK JETS WIN!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:05 pm
by Serbia
After running my NFL 2008 Doubles tourney, I've decided to run another for this season, only this time try it as a triples.

This is a Triples Tournament that will follow the 2009 NFL schedule.

All you have to do is put a team of 3 players together, sign up, and pick your map and settings. All maps and settings are allowed except freestyle. Games will be given out once a week. Freemiums are allowed, but if you join as freemium, make sure you have at least one spot open each weekend for a new game. Games should be expected weekly, but there may be times when it will be necessary to go bi-weekly.

Everybody will play 16 games in 17 weeks. (Every team gets one bye during the season) At the end of the season, the 4 division champions and 2 wild cards will go to the playoffs. In the playoffs, it's single elimination. The Super Bowl will be played between the winners of the NFC and AFC on the USA map, Escalating, Chained, Foggy.

For all tiebreaker rules, I'll be following the NFL Tie-breaking Procedures

AFC East
Buffalo Bills - MyTurnToWin, conquerhero, joeaggie98 Australia - Flat, Chained, Sun
Miami Dolphins - shoop76, b00060, captainsparrow High Seas - No Cards, Chained, Fog
New England Patriots - DBandit70, bfunny27, dustin800 Waterloo - No Cards, Chained, Fog
New York Jets - omiljeni, niksha88, mr_green_SAFS Feudal War - No Cards, Chained, Sun

AFC North
Baltimore Ravens - Serbia, HighlanderAttack, olkok Egypt: Valley of the Kings, No Cards, Chained, Sun
Cincinnati Bengals - goggles paisano, easy n dirty, paulg Great Lakes - Escalating, Chained, Sun
Cleveland Browns - V.J., Drags, AlexZG North America - Flat, Unlimited, Sun
Pittsburgh Steelers - IronWood, Vintender, Jackin_U_up, World 2.1 - Escalating, Unlimited, Fog

AFC South
Houston Texans - freakns, finsfleet, lordnex Rail Europe - Escalating, Chained, Sun
Indianapolis Colts - trboye, cille, yanakis, Feudal War - Escalating, Unlimited, Fog
Jacksonville Jaguars - pmchugh, cpurcell, maasman Malta - Escalating, Chained, Sun
Tennessee Titans - dinustef, Sirmium Samurai, Tonykzr New World - No Cards, Chained, Fog

AFC West
Denver Broncos - assassin07, hiddendragon, littlebrother2k7 High Seas - No Cards, Chained, Fog
Kansas City Chiefs - dowian2, Chief Bartle, chiefsfan4ever Seige! - No Cards, Chained, Sun
Oakland Raiders - elmerfudd, lurkerleader, GRAPE APE Arm's Race - Flat, Chained, Sun
San Diego Chargers - nashlloyd, jerry1111, JP007 New World - Flat, Chained, Fog

NFC East
Dallas Cowboys - leolou2, ZPimpslappa, bighick3833 Philippines - Flat, Chain, Sun
New York Giants - jcstriker, Culs De Sac, Snowgun Rail Europe - No Cards, Chained, Fog
Philadelphia Eagles - RedBaron0, gannable, amazzony Crossword - Escalating, Chained, Sun, Auto
Washington Redskins - gqmecock, supergeek24, kimbo4413 Caribbean Islands - Escalating, Chained, Sun

NFC North
Chicago Bears - Iron Maid, Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus Poison Rome - No Cards, Chained, Fog
Detroit Lions - reptile, fish061, agtsmitty, Seige! - Escalating, Chained, Sun
Green Bay Packers - jgalioto, Bigragooch, Geoe New World - Flat Rate, Chained, Fog
Minnesota Vikings - ViperOverLord, General Brewie, GARYQUINN Age of Realms 2 - No Cards, Chained, Fog

NFC South
Atlanta Falcons - BoganGod, GallantPellham, Draq WWII Gazala - Escalating, Chained, Fog
Carolina Panthers - ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte Ardennes - Flat, Chained, Sun
New Orleans Saints - Nola_Lifer, jefreus, TheMissionary WWII Ardennes - No Cards, Chained, Fog
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Gilligan, keiths31, barterer2002 World 2.1 - Escalating, Unlimited, Sun

NFC West
Arizona Cardinals - Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, osujacket Poker Club - Escalating, Chained, Foggy
San Fransisco 49ers - dantheman1991, yellowdogjack, emerickmachine USA - Flat, Chained, Sunny
Seattle Seahawks - darnon, shai, inonzuk, Middle East - Flat, Chained, Fog
St. Louis Rams - pascalleke, dragon dor, nudge Waterloo - Escalating, Chained, Fog

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

New York Jets win the AFC based on head-to-head win over Tennessee
Baltimore Ravens win the AFC North based on 2 head-to-head wins over Pittsburgh
Denver Broncos and Indianapolis Colts win Wild Card based on best conference records; Denver finishes 5th based on head-to-head win over Indianapolis

New York Giants finish 3rd based on head-to-head win over Arizona
Carolina Panthers finish 5th based on better conference record than Green Bay

Re: NFL 2009 Triples

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:21 pm
by RedBaron0
Will play, lemme assemble a team to play as the Eagles

Me, gannable and amazzony

Crossword/escalating/chained/no fog/auto deploy

Re: NFL 2009 Triples

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:26 pm
by dowian2
Kansas City Chiefs

dowian2, Chief Bartle, chiefsfan4ever

Settings TBA.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 2/32

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:18 pm
by IronWood
I'll get a Steelers team

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 2/32

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:56 pm
by shoop76

teammates and settings coming soon

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:45 am
by ViperOverLord
ViperOverLord will sign-up as the Minnesota VIkings. Teammates to be announced. Anybody that is a Vikings fan also can contact me about being on my team. If I think you are a suitable teammate then it'll be a go.

Map settings and teammates to be announced then.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:55 am
by Gilligan

Gilligan, keiths31, barterer2002

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:33 am
by reptile
reptile / fish061 / agtsmitty will be the Detroit Lions

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:57 am
by darnon
will be happy to join.

the players are: darnon,shai,inonzuk

the team : Seattle Seahawks

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:10 am
by dantheman1991
I'm in with yellowdogjack and emerickmachine with the 49ers and USA, set value cards, chained, no fog.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:55 am
by trboye
trboye, cille, yanakis

Indianapolis Colts

Settings TBD.... soon!

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:59 am
by lordnex
team is freakns/finsfleet/lordnex....
settings TBA

EDIT: we'll go with Houston Texans!

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 4/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:03 pm
by pmchugh
Indianapols colts, cause it sounds like a gun club. Or not since I got fastposted, jacksonville jags then just to compete with tryboye for stealing our team! ;)


Setttings: TBA

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 12/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:23 pm
by Serbia
Got you all down. Don't forget to provide settings!

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 12/32

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:37 pm
by Blitzaholic
arizona cardinals

blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, osujacket

poker map esc-chained-fog

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:50 am
by Serbia
Got you in Blitz.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:06 pm
by shoop76
Ok have my team

Shoop76, b00060, captainsparrow

High Seas
no cards

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:16 pm
by trboye
For Indianapolis Colts:

Feudal War, esc, unlimited, fog!


Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:53 pm
by RedBaron0
The Eagles make their settings:

Crossword/escalating/chained/no fog/auto deploy

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:01 pm
by e_i_pi
Chicago Bears please. I'll case out who wants to team up with me, I know several of my regulars have too high a gameload right now. TBA on the map too (have to consult with teammates)

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:11 pm
by Assassin07
Denver Broncos - Assassin07, other 2 will be anounced (l8r got to ask them 1st) Maps TBA.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:21 pm
by hiddendragon
we'll have our settings soon.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 15/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:32 pm
by Serbia
Gotcha all down.

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 13/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:59 pm
by e_i_pi
e_i_pi wrote:Chicago Bears please. I'll case out who wants to team up with me, I know several of my regulars have too high a gameload right now. TBA on the map too (have to consult with teammates)

Chariot of Fire

Poison Rome
No Cards
Automatic Deployment

Re: NFL 2009 Triples 15/32

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:59 pm
by jcstriker
jcstriker Culs De Sac (soon to be winners of the dubs tourney lol) and Snowgun our clan mate
we go feudal no spoils foggy and unlimited.
thanks serbia u always run a great tourney mate.
ohh and well be the panthers again :lol: :lol: