by flexmaster33 on Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:03 am
If you get a game invitational to your inbox, it could be coming from me as a reminder to fill an open slot in this tournament...I'm using that new "invite" feature to remind people with openings (it's just easier), so just a heads up if you see any of those in your box.
If you're going out of town let me know, so I can plan for it, or arrange for a sitter to play your games. If someone has a game open for 72 hours, I will replace them with the next-available reserve (only one right now) or ask captains to find a replacement. Without a timely replacement, those open games will become forfeits.
Just trying to keep the events moving at a timely pace...we should get some new events started early this week!!!
Current tourneys -- USA 2.1 Poly Best of 5, 2024 NCAA basketball season, NCAA football playoffs, 2024 NFL season, Luxembourg Best of 5, The Floor, Punch Out Boxing, Mayor of Woodboro
High rank: Major. Place: 1,056. Points: 2,093