Moderator: Tournament Directors
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
nàme wrote:johnboss13 was first one out of , why is he in Game 7375771? do i not understand the tournament or is he not supposed to be there?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Jace22 wrote:round 4? what happened to round 3
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
naxus wrote:
Many of the groups have finished round 3 already and are on round 4. One or two groups have just got to round three.
Round 4 out by the way
nàme wrote:my game is still missing 3 people
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
nàme wrote:*fairly* certain its been over 72 hours seeing as how you sent it over 5 days ago, which is over 120 hours ago
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
naxus wrote:nàme wrote:*fairly* certain its been over 72 hours seeing as how you sent it over 5 days ago, which is over 120 hours ago
Little extra time never killed anyone. Either way that games been dropped and your group advanced to round 5.
Round 5 coming out later today/Early tommorow
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
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