Conquer Club

LOST: Finale Farewell [Mr. Eko wins!!] - TalynStarburst

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [25/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:25 pm

snad wrote:ill take the most cunning character! ha no jk ill take whoever

all right, i got you down and will pass you a good character once it fills up. thanks for joining! :)
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [26/32]-[0/4] R

Postby Australopithecus on Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:41 pm

I've never watched Lost in my life, but what the heck, I'll play. You can assign me any character that no one else wants.
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [26/32]-[0/4] R

Postby jasoncederblom on Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:14 pm

in about i be christian. the one that roams the island. not the one that drinks too much :)
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [26/32]-[0/4] R

Postby ETROPAL on Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:19 pm

Dr. Pierre Chang in ... 1&st=Score

Puis,c'est trĆØs difficile pour moi d'essayĆ© de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en franƧais, la langue de moliĆØre.
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [26/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:30 pm

got ya all and roamin Christian. couldn't find a picture of that one, but close enough :p

Australopithecus - character will be picked when full

ImagePlayed by jasoncederblom
Christian Shephard

ImagePlayed by ETROPAL
Dr. Pierre Chang
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [29/32]-[0/4] R

Postby bjf5893 on Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:32 pm

in, any character
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [29/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:35 pm

bjf5893 wrote:in, any character

got you down as an opened character, thanks for the signup!
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [30/32]-[0/4] R

Postby mudfighter on Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:25 am

I'm in. I don't really care about the character, maybe Michael Dawson...
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [30/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:01 am

mudfighter wrote:I'm in. I don't really care about the character, maybe Michael Dawson...

all right, got ya down as Michael as he is unpicked

Michael Dawson Played by mudfighter
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [31/32]-[0/4] R

Postby alogomouris on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:43 am

I will be Desmond Hume, please quote me in
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [31/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:59 am

alogomouris wrote:I will be Desmond Hume, please quote me in

got you down as Juliet as requested through pm :)

we are now full and ready to start, reserves are welcome!

i'll cast the remaining players in a few minutes too.

ImagePlayed by alogomouris
Juliet Burke

please note that it may take a few days to get these games going.
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [FULL]-[0/4] Taking Reserves!

Postby TalynStarburst on Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:06 am

The remaining players are now cast.

ImagePlayed by Australopithecus
Goodwin Stanhope

ImagePlayed by snad
Leslie Arzt

ImagePlayed by bjf5893
Tom Friendly
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [FULL]-[0/4] Taking Reserves!

Postby rubiks on Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:02 pm

I'll be a reserve if you still need someone.
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [FULL]-[0/4] Taking Reserves!

Postby TalynStarburst on Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:14 pm

rubiks wrote:I'll be a reserve if you still need someone.

thank you, got you down
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [23/32]-[0/4] R

Postby grifftron on Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:11 am

TalynStarburst wrote:
grifftron wrote:yeah sad to see it end, but hope it ends great... its already coming all together, creators of LOST are geniuses! My wife and I are so addicted to it.


yeah it's my 2nd all time favorite show right underneath Farscape. it's going to be sad for it to end but i'm glad that they have a planned out ending instead of dragging it on and downhill like some other too long lived shows

I was thinking about what my wife and I would get addicted to after LOST is over... never seen Farscape.. sounds sci-fi... could chicks get into it? must be over already right? let me know, interested in looking into it

Great job at running this tourney BTW... Takes some time to run something like this.

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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [23/32]-[0/4] R

Postby TalynStarburst on Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:50 am

grifftron wrote:
TalynStarburst wrote:
grifftron wrote:yeah sad to see it end, but hope it ends great... its already coming all together, creators of LOST are geniuses! My wife and I are so addicted to it.


yeah it's my 2nd all time favorite show right underneath Farscape. it's going to be sad for it to end but i'm glad that they have a planned out ending instead of dragging it on and downhill like some other too long lived shows

I was thinking about what my wife and I would get addicted to after LOST is over... never seen Farscape.. sounds sci-fi... could chicks get into it? must be over already right? let me know, interested in looking into it

Great job at running this tourney BTW... Takes some time to run something like this.


heheh, thank you. it took a bit of time setting this up, but worth it when you have passion for a show like this. Farscape is sci-fi.. and it's considered one of the most watched sci-fi shows by females percentage wise. it has 4 seasons and a mini series that wraps the series up. it can be a hard show sometimes to get people into to.. some can get into it right away and love it while others it takes patience to find their liking in the show as it takes a about a season to really find a foot hold in the show with the writing and acting.. in other words, it only gets better and very rewarding if you continue with it. i like to compare it to the classic star wars a little in that it has action, humor, and romance in it and it uses puppeteers over a lot of cgi as it is produced by the Jim Henson company.

hope it works for you, let me know as there are other shows i can recommend to as i love many :)
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby grifftron on Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:44 am

Ok thanks, i will check it out.

And I'm into the 2nd Round, 4 - 1

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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby jricart on Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:44 pm

Hurley going to the next round!
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby Jokulhaups on Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:51 am

Dr. Chang is a great pick, good episode 2nite
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby trboye on Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:24 pm

Ben won 3 games, last 2 in progress!
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby grifftron on Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:43 pm

On to the next round after a close win 3/2... tough opponent!

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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby grifftron on Sat May 01, 2010 12:02 am

Why was there no episode this week?
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby TalynStarburst on Sat May 01, 2010 3:19 am

grifftron wrote:Why was there no episode this week?

i know, sucks huh? probably even worse for those who were expecting an episode.. luckily had a friend i ran into at the college who told me there Lost wasn't coming back until next week.
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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby grifftron on Fri May 07, 2010 1:05 am

episode this week made up for last week not having one...

anyone cry watching Jin and Sun die? My wife was upset about that O:)

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Re: LOST: Finale Farewell [Ongoing]

Postby TalynStarburst on Fri May 07, 2010 3:03 am

grifftron wrote:episode this week made up for last week not having one...

anyone cry watching Jin and Sun die? My wife was upset about that O:)


was thinking the same thing, made up for no episode. wow.. talk about taking out some characters too! i don't even think Joss Whedon could have done that much! :p
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