Butter's diabolical scheme has worked perfectly so far, ignored and figured to be unimportant in this competition. He unleashes his plan.... on Eric Cartman's.... his mail box.
Butters dashes up to Eric's door with a large burlap sack. He then starts stuffing letter after letter through Eric's mail slot. Each letter has an identical ballot inside.
- ā Roadrunner
X Mr. Burns
X Kyle
X Butters
X Jeff
After stuffing all but the last one through the slot, Butters opens the last one and reads it.
My victory is complete! All the votes will be for the Roadru--- THE ROADRUNNER! OH HAMBURGERS!
Butters nervously runs around in a circle on Eric's steps.
Butters tries to stick his hand inside the mail slot frantically grabbing for the letters piled up on the other side. Butter's slides through just barely, mostly because of the cold sweat on his palms making his hands slick. Butters grabbed a wad of letters and felt sudden relief that he could salvage his plan and quick change the votes and still win.
Then he tried to pull his hand out of the mail slot. His hand is stuck.
Butters tries in vain to pull his hand out of the slot, but it is no use. Butters starts banging his head against the door. But what Butters hears next just makes him want to cry.
Moooooom, somebodies at the door!!