To make it easier on me, I ask that any completed games get their [game] links posted in the tournament topic so I can pop it up in a new tab and get the scoring information I need.
And that's the last person on the official roster. Remember the rule that if I get more people within 3 days of today (Thursday), they'll be added every 8 people (I constitute a reserve, so only need 7 for the first new set). Tell your friends, and this will be a grand old time.
Despite putting the number of simultaneous games in the first paragraph, some people seem to have been mistaken. As a result I need 4 more reserves. Be aware of the 90 games that will be played simultaneously in the first round.
Groups assigned, but I still need 2 more people. Those last 2 will go in the Narcoleptics group, which isn't random, I know. Better to get 75% of the tournament started instead of waiting to pass out 360 different games.