As I was afraid, I managed to mess up the schedule a bit more than just weeks 13 and 14. Therefore, I've created an excel sheet with all games that are counted in the tournament. There's a handful of games that were played double, I apologise for that!

If some games were played double then the game that was played earlier will count in the tournament.
Excel sheet is in the form of a google doc and can be found on this page: ... iVlE&hl=enIt has also been added in the post of the schedule on first page. The schedule posted in there is a bit wrong but I won't start fixing it because the excel sheet should give good enough overview to those interested.
I'm working on fixing the scoreboard right now, lets see how and when I'll get it updated.
Also, just a note, coacheberhardt has gone freemium and therefore seems not to be able to join his last game of the tournament. I will not be replacing him and will give forfeit to his opponent if he can't join the game within a week. I will leave myself the right to reconsider about this decision if it becomes clear that the 1 game can decide who advances to playoffs and who doesn't.