The second round isn't over yet but the 2 games that are still active should end in 1 turn. Unless some odd miricle happens this will be your placement for round 3
1. jpcloet, Gold Knight
2. BlackKnight_6, WinstonTurqhill
3. FarangDemon, americanpigdog
4. bfunny27, DBandit70
5. inonzuk, Shai
6. dowian2, slowreactor
7. Skillfusniper33, Underated
8. Decius Mus, b00060
9. mkcummins, TheSpaceCowboy
10. unknownhero, troubadour64
11. dustin800, sam02
12. JOSE17, LZND661
13. Eddy_26, elfish_lad
14. danryan, MNDuke
15. stringybeany, trapyoung
16. vexx, goggles paisano
Timestamp: 2010-05-27 07:31:19 UTC
I will get the games out in the morning.