Well...I was in position to roll cashes a sweep the board. 3 players had 4 cards. I deployed and went for the weakest player (whose territories all happened to be adjacent to mine and was also the highest ranked). My plan was foolproof. Cash, roll, cash, roll, cash, roll was my plan. All 3 players with 4 cards were within 2-3 moves of my stacks. I could take out all 3 of them easily and if I wasn't able to take out the other 2, I didn't have to worry because they only had 2 cards each.
I distributed my troops in accordance to the opposition I was facing. 8 on the first, 9 on the second, and since I had some left over, 11 on the last one. You know, just in case. The attacks with stacks 1 and 2 went as according to plan. Perhaps I even put too many troops on them. Then came the last stack. My 19 against his 9.
You probably already know where this is going. My 19 failed to win. Now too weak to get back in it, my hopes of winning the tourney (even getting to Round 2) were shot down before they even got off the ground. I bided my time, set myself up in the best possible positions, played my cards right, and still got shafted in the end by crappy dice. :-/
Just letting off some steam I suppose. I really was speechless just after it happened. Hehe
Have a good tournament everyone! I hope your end is not nearly as frustrating as mine was.