Okay…this idea came up when I was listening to one of these annoying random “Instant Crossword” commercials. It’s actually a ridiculous commercial (and a really bad one too), but I got a great idea from it. Note that these are all 1 vs. 1 Crossword games.
Premium and Non-Premiums are both welcome. If you don’t have Premium, you must commit to two open slots at all times during this tournament.
Number of Players: 16 (plus 3 reserves)
Map: Crossword
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Bonus Cards: Random
Fortifications: Random
Fog of War: Random
Number of Games: Undetermined.
Other Details:
So basically, the aim of this tourney is to get the crossword filled the fastest. (Crossword being the Crossword Map) So for every win, you get a package of 5 letters of a specific letter that you choose. For instance, if I won a game, and I chose the letter A, I get 5 A’s that I could use to place anywhere throughout my crossword board. For every game you win, 5 letters of ONE letter of your choice (must be PM’d or announced in tourney thread on which letter you choose). All words must be in ENGLISH (any variations) and must be on dictionary.com to be a legal word that you can use on the crossword. (An example of what you need to win is shown below)
You’ll be playing 2 games at a time. I’ll make sure that freemies will only be playing a max of 2 games at a time before I start another batch though. You can only join 2 games. Anymore than that, give the game automatically to your opponent. (I will be counting and checking by giving smaller game numbers. Let’s say you joined 3084210, 3084216 and 3084220. I would be giving the opponent in 3084220 the win.)
Word Limitations:
- Must be valid at dictionary.com’s dictionary function.
- Only a maximum of 3 prefixes or suffixes.
- A maximum of 1 proper noun/place.
- No abbreviations.
- No acronyms.
- Must be an ENGLISH word.
- A word can only be repeated in the exact form ONCE. You're allowed to do something like water, in one place and then watered somewhere else, or fox and foxes, etc.
- No swear words (Or any word where you would put an asterisk in the middle)
*If I see a rule that needs to be changed in order for the tournament to run smoother, I will change it.
*Ignored/Foe Lists are ignored in my tourney, if somebody is on your I/FL, remove them or you will be replaced.
*You will be given 3 days to join a game or else you will be replaced, and please don’t test my patience with this note.
*You have 3 days after the finishing of your game to PM me a letter, or I will use random.org a random letter for you.
*After finishing your crossword, you must either PM me something like the example below (must be legible or it’s invalid) or PM me a word list (like the one below).
*Feel free to ask any questions on this tourney by thread or by PMing me.