Congrats to HighlanderAttack and dcc1220 for winning this tourney

3400 Point Team Minimum Needed at time of sign up
Like the way this map looks after all the nuking goes on

This tourney will a single elimination best of 3 Dubs Tourney on the Scotland map. 16 teams of 2 will compete in this Bracket style tourney. Brackets will be set up by combined totals ex: 1v16 2v15 3v14 4v13 and so on.
Must have 97% Attendance
Freemiums welcome but need at least 3 slots open
Game Settings:
Scotland Map
Auto Deployment
Nuclear Spoils
Reserve Policy: If there are any players that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a player drops out during Round 2 or greater, that player forfeits, and no reserve will be replaced. It will count as a victory for the opponent.