While I was out: Part 1/4
Premium Players Only
After roughly 8 months of absense do to a stint in Iraq, I have finally returned to CC but much has changed since I left, 20 new maps (Not including beta), manual troop placement, and neuclear spoils?! WHAT IS THIS MADDNESS?!?!?! So, what better way to bring myself back in then to hoast a short series of tournaments (4 to be exact) featuring the points which I have missed out on.
While I was out: Part 1
With 20 new maps that I do not recognize, the first part will feature 13 Colonies, Austerlitz, Castle Lands, Chicago, and Dawn of Ages. Manual Troop placement and neuclear spoils are also new to me, and as such they will be placed in weather I like it or not! This first part will feature as a 1v1 bracketed tournament (My personal favorite style) 16 players, each playing 5 games against one another to decide each round.
Game Settings
Players: 2
Game Type: Standard
Maps: 13 Colonies, Austerlitz, Castle Lands, Chicago, and Dawn of Ages
Initial Troops: Manual
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Nuclear
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War: No
Game Speed: Casual
Note: While this first part is 16 players, further parts will likelly feature more
Note2: If this tournament fills quickly and seems well recieved I may bump it up to 32 players
Note3: Part 1 is a 1v1 bracket, none of the other 3 parts will be this format, so if you enjoy other styles, keep an eye out.
Welcome, and I hope all enjoy