I was thinking the other day about how the sacrifice of a teammate is part of the strategy of team games, either to obtain a bonus or get to the enemy. But what if it wasn't? Welcome to the

How it works
* It will be a straightforward, 16-team quads bracket tournament - with a twist.
* Any players who are eliminated from a game -- even if their team wins -- are considered dead and are eliminated from the tournament.
* After the first round, the game size will depend on the size of the smaller team. For example: team A has three players and Team B has two players, so it is a doubles game. Should Team B win, the remaining Team A player will then play a 1v1 game vs one of the Team B players, and so on until one team is completely eliminated.
* The tournament winners will be the SURVIVING MEMBERS of the winning team. Even if you fall in the championship game and your team wins, you are not considered one of the winners. Likewise, the fourth player for a team may not be required after the first round, but will still be a winner. War is unfair like that.
* The tournament will be played on the IBERIA map, because I like it. All games will be sequential, flat rate changed to NO SPOILS, chained, no fog games with automatic deployment.
What I need from you
The tournament will require 16 quads teams.
* Sign up in the following format:
Team Name
1. Player
2. Player
3. Player
4. Player
The numbering here is very important, because that is the order that players will be called into games after the first round. I will keep track of the team members in the second post of this thread. Dead players will be indicated with strikethrough.
Yep. You'll only play one game at a time.
If you miss your invite, I will send one more. After that, you will be considered dead.
Can you survive?
Or perhaps more importantly, can you keep your teammates alive?