King Knutr the Great (WINNER: mr. CD)
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:04 pm
In 1011 the Wessex claimant to the English throne, Athelred, had been forced to flee the country, and the Dane Sveinn was accepted as king of all of England. Meanwhile, the Welsh king Idwal consolidated himself in the region he now called "the Free Mercia", west of the Pennines.
When in 1014 Sveinn died, his army elected his son Knutr to be his successor. But now the English Witenagemot rebelled and invited Athelred to return. Athelred swiftly gathered an army and landed in England and forced Knutr to flee.
However, Athelred quickly fell into conflict with his son, Edmund Ironside, who had managed to gain the support of the nobles of the Danelaw. Seeing the English devided again, Knutr realized this was a good opportunity to take back his heritage. In 1015, together with his brother-in-law, the ruler of Norway, Eirikr Hakonarson, he returned to England.
When signing up please state which side you are on. The main sides are the English, Athelred and Edmund, and the Scandinavians, Knutr and Eirikr. There's also the Welsh Idwal trying to subjugate a mostly Anglo-Saxon population in Mercia.
If you know of any other personalities from the era that you feel could enter in to the story, you are very welcome to play for them (like for instance, an invasion by the Scottish king. Though, please leave the chinese emperors out of it...). If you don't choose anyone I will select one for you at random (of the five mentioned above).
This tournament will be 1v1, single elimination bracket. Seeding will be random. The first two rounds will be single games, after that the quarter finals will be best of three, semi finals best of five and finals best of seven.
In the first two rounds the maps will be determined by the individual match-ups. If the two players both are supporting Scandinavians the map will be Nordic Countries. If the two players both support the Welsh the map will be Wales. In all other cases the map will be England.
In quarter finals two of the games will be played on the map determined by the players' support, while the third game will be on Siege!.
In the semi finals three games will be played on the map determined by the players' support, and then one game each on Feudal War and Feudal Epic.
The finals will be three games on the map determined by support and one game each on Middle Ages, Siege!, Feudal War and Feudal Epic
GA Medal - Won by mr. CD
A GA medal will be given to the player who eliminates the last remaining player of one of the two major factions (English or Scandinavian). If there is a tie, the medal will be awarded to the one who won his game in the fewest rounds.
The Welsh and Scots are not considered part of either of the main factions, but they can still win the medal.
List of Kings of England