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What, that map???? (WINNER: ISN2)
Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:16 pm
by alaskanassassin
CONGRATULATIONS TO ISN2 for winning this tourney!! This will be a round robin 1 vs. 1 style tourney.
You need to be preemium to play based on the number of games you'll have to play, later in the tournament, at one time.
97 percent attendance rating or better.
show: rules
In round 1 there will be 4 divisions of 8 teams. Divisions will be seeded based on CC score at time of sign up. You will play everyone in your division once on your home map and once on everyone elses map. Top 4 records will advance. In round 2 there will be 2 divisions of 8 teams. The divisions will now be seeded based on record from previous round. Same rules as round 1. Top 4 records will advance. In round 3 there will be 1 division of 8 teams. Same seeding rules as round 2. Same rules as rounds 1 and 2. Top 4 records will advance. In round 4 there is now only 4 teams left. You will play on your home map and everyone elses map 2 times through. Top 2 advance. In the final round the remaining 2 teams will play a best of 7 series against each other. With game 7 being a tiebreaker if necessary. If ever a tiebreaker is needed it will be played on Classic with escalating, chained, and sunny.
show: home map settings
At the time you sign up you must pick a home map that you have played 3 games or les s on in your CC experience. I will map rank you! You can then pick your settings for your map. No freestyle, no manual. No Beta maps.
show: participants
1. alaskanassassin - 1531: Middle Ages, escalating, unlimited, sunny 2. chapcrap - 2482: City Mogul, no spoils, chained, foggy 3. God Emperor Q - 2103: Das Schloss, nukes, chained, foggy 4. dazza2008 - 1393: WWII Eastern Front, no spoils, chained, foggy 5. marshallbobby - 1685: WWII Eastern Front, no spoils, chained, sunny 6. swimmerdude99 - 1887: Central America, escalating, chained, sunny 7. Theldin - 2060: Middle Ages, escalating, chained, foggy 8. sundance123 - 1950: Rail Africa, nuclear, chained, foggy 9. azak848 - 1801: USA Southwest, no spoils, chained, foggy 10. danervinsucks - 1753: First Nations Americas, no spoils, chained, foggy 11. donkeylove - 1750: Scotland, escalating, unlimited, sunny 12. gimli1990 - 1642: USA New England, no spoils, chained, foggy 13. 1stCatalyst - 1768: Macedonia, no spoils , unlimited, foggy 14. Stanneke - 1391: Stalingrad, no spoils, chained, foggy 15. nibotha - 2315: Castlelands, escalating, chained, sunny 16. M.K.C88-90 - 1892: Unification Italy, escalating, chained, sunny 17. gabjoh - 1178: Balkan Peninsula, flat rate, chained, sunny 18. ricthefirst - 1473: Siege, no spoils, unlimited, foggy 19. frank_tank - 1172: Archipelago, escalating, unlimited , sunny 20. ianphull - 1596: Conquer 4, no spoils, chained, foggy 21. kmhebert - 1710: Orient Express 1883, no spoils, unlimited, foggy 22. Metricsystemlove - 1643: Northwest Passage, flat rate, chained, foggy 23. whakamole - 2138: Golfe Du Saint-Laurent, escalating, chained, foggy 24. ISN2 - 2421: Age of Merchants, escalating, adjacent, foggy 25. Muzzel - 2172: Balkan Peninsula, flat rate, chained, foggy 26. JustJester - 1847: Greenland, no spoils, chained, sunny 27. deantursx - 1992: Dust Bowl, escalating, chained, foggy 28. KiIIface - 2738: Macedonia, no spoils, chained, foggy 29. TheTrueNorth - 1867: South Africa 1885, no spoils, chained, foggy 30. IcePack - 1765: Bamboo Jack, escalating, chained, sunny 31. sithyoda - 1053: WWII Poland, no spoils, chained, foggy 32. ltrain - 1353: Cricket, escalating, chained, sunny Reserves: 1. machrs 2. Vaicius 3. yazoochick 4. Steelfoot
show: Round 1 seating
KiIIface - 2738 chapcrap - 2482 ISN2 - 2421 nibotha - 2315 Muzzel - 2172 whakamole - 2138 God Emperor - 2103 Theldin - 2060 deantursx - 1992 sundance123 - 1950 M.K.C88-90 - 1892 swimmerdude99 - 1887 TheTrueNorth - 1867 JustJester - 1847 azak848 - 1801 1stCatalyst - 1768 IcePack - 1765 danervinsucks - 1753 donkeylove - 1750 kmhebert - 1710 nolefan5311 - 1710 marshallbobby - 1685 Metricsystemlove - 1643 gimli1990 - 1642 ianphull - 1596 alaskanassassin - 1531 ricthefirst - 1473 dazza2008 - 1393 Stanneke - 1391 ltrain - 1353 gabjoh - 1178 frank_tank - 1172 sithyoda - 1053
show: Round 2 seating
This was first based on your record in round 1, and then your score from the time of sign up. swimmerdude99: 12-2 chapcrap: 10-4 God Emperor Q: 10-4 JustJester: 10-4 ISN2: 9-5 nibotha: 9-5 deantursx: 9-5 killface: 8-6 whakamole: 8-6 theldin: 8-6 sundance123: 8-6 ianphull: 8-6 stanneke: 8-6 ltrain: 8-6 azak848: 7-7 donkeylove: 7-7
show: Round 3
Round 2 record (overall record) 1. ISN2: 9-5 (18-10) 2. deantursx: 9-5 (18-10) 3. ianphull: 9-5 (17-11) 4. azak848: 9-5 (16-12) 5. chapcrap: 8-6 (18-10) 6. JustJester: 8-6 (18-10) 7. Killface: 8-6 (16-12) 8. ltrain: 7-7 (15-13)
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:16 pm
by alaskanassassin
show: Round 4
ISN2: 8-4 (advanced) deantursx: 7-5 (advanced) azak848: 4-8 (eliminated) killface: 5-7 (eliminated)
show: Round 3
ISN2: 11-3 (advanced) deantursx: 9-5 (advanced) ianphull: 5-9 (eliminated) azak848: 8-6 (advanced) chapcrap: 4-10 (eliminated) JustJester: 4-10 (eliminated) Killface: 8-6 (advanced) ltrain: 7-7 (eliminated)
show: Round 2
Group 1 swimmerdude99: 7-7 (eliminated) JustJester: 8-6 (advanced) ISN2: 9-5 (advanced) killface: 8-6 (advanced) whakamole: 4-10 (eliminated) ianphull: 9-5 (advanced) stanneke: 5-9 (eliminated) donkeylove: 5-9 (eliminated)Group 2 chapcrap: 8-6 (advanced) God Emperor Q: 5-9 (eliminated) nibotha: 7-7 (tiebreaker: eliminated) deantursx: 9-5 (advanced) theldin: 7-7 (tiebreaker: eliminated) sundance123: 4-10 (eliminated) ltrain: 7-7 (tiebreaker: advanced) azak848: 9-5 (advanced)
show: Round 1
Group 1 kiIIface: 8-6 (advanced) theldin: 8-6 (advanced) deantursx: 9-5 (advanced) 1stCatalyst: 4-10 (eliminated) IcePack: 6-8 (eliminated) ianphull: 8-6 (advanced) alaskanassassin: 7-7 (eliminated) sithyoda: 6-8 (eliminated)Group 2 chapcrap: 10-4 (advanced) God Emeperor Q: 10-4 (advanced) sundance123: 8-6 (advanced) azak848: 7-7 (advanced) danervinsucks: 6-9 (eliminated) gimli1990: 6-9 (eliminated) ricthefirst: 6-9 (eliminated) frank_tank: 3-11 (eliminated)Group 3 ISN2: 9-5 (advanced) whakamole: 8-6 (advanced) M.K.C88-90: 5-9 (eliminated) JustJester: 10-4 (advanced) donkeylove: 7-7 (tie-playoff: advanced) metricsystemlove 7-7 (tie-playoff: eliminated) dazza2008: 7-7 (tie-playoff: eliminated) gabjob: 3-11 (eliminated)Group 4 nibotha: 9-5 (advanced) muzzel: 3-11 (eliminated) swimmerdude99: 12-2 (advanced) TheTrueNorth: 7-7 (eliminated) kmhebert: 2-12 (eliminated) marshallbobby: 7-7 (eliminated) stanneke: 8-6 (advanced) ltrain: 8-6 (advanced)
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:28 pm
by jjmracing
lets do it
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:02 pm
by chapcrap
I am in. I need to find a map though. I'll get back to you with my map information.
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:15 am
by chapcrap
chapcrap wrote: I am in. I need to find a map though. I'll get back to you with my map information.
City Mogul
No Spoils
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:38 am
by God Emperor Q
In please. Das Schloss, nuke, foggy, chained.
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:38 am
by dazza2008
In please WWII Eastern Front, auto, chained, sequential, no spoils and foggy
Re: What, that map???? (1/32)
Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:02 pm
by Marshallbobby
in please
WWII Eastern Front, auto, no spoils, chained, sunny
Re: What, that map???? (5/32)
Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:11 pm
by Swimmerdude99
Central America Escalating no fog Chained Thanks!
Re: What, that map???? (5/32)
Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:50 pm
by Theldin
In Please, CC score 2060 Home Map: Middle Ages, escalating, chained, foggy.
Re: What, that map???? (5/32)
Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:15 pm
by sundance123
1931 - rail africa, nuclear, chained, foggy
Re: What, that map???? (8/32)
Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:06 am
by azak848
USA Southwest (only played once) - no spoils, chained, foggy
Re: What, that map???? (8/32)
Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:01 pm
by danervinsucks
In with First Nations Americas - no spoils, chained, foggy
Re: What, that map???? (8/32)
Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:11 pm
by donkeylove
In please - Scotland, Escalating, unlimited, sunny Thanks
Re: What, that map???? (8/32)
Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:16 pm
by gimli1990
after looking for a while i got one USA New england no spoils foggy SEQ auto chained
Re: What, that map???? (12/32)
Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:15 am
by alaskanassassin
updated to this point
Re: What, that map???? (12/32)
Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:51 am
by 1stCatalyst
Count me in! 1663, Macedonia (edit)***, unlimited, Foggy
Re: What, that map???? (12/32)
Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:54 am
by Stanneke
in with Stalingrad, no spoils, fog, seq, auto,chained
Re: What, that map???? (12/32)
Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:24 am
by nibotha
in please
castlelands, esc, sunny, chained, seq, auto
Re: What, that map???? (12/32)
Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:56 pm
by M.K.C88-90
in please Kings court, manual, seq, foggy, nuclear spoils thanks
Re: What, that map???? (16/32)
Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:45 am
by gabjoh
Balkan Peninsula, flat rate, chained, no fog. Thanks!
Re: What, that map???? (16/32)
Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:40 pm
by ricthefirst
In please, Siege! no spoils FOW auto unlim
Re: What, that map???? (16/32)
Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:00 pm
by frank_tank
in plz Archipelago sunny, escalating, automatic preferred
Re: What, that map???? (16/32)
Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:42 pm
by ianphull
In please Will need to get back to u with a map, dont have map rank!
Re: What, that map???? (20/32)
Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:48 am
by kmhebert
HA took me a while to find one, Orient Express 1883, No Spoils, Unlimited, Fog of War, Standard, Automatic, etc