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Chess Championship I-[completed-Winner Ivanbuba]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:18 pm
by Qwert
Chess Championship I

rules: these tournament will use swiss system for play.

Map:Peloponnesian war
settings-1vs1-standard-sequenced, escalating,chained,no fog

points: same like in chess-win 1 point-draw 1/2 point-loss 0 point

point calculation:each game round count like one chess move, and if player win in 11 moves, he score 1 points, if player win,but pass 11 moves,game will count draw,and each player will get 1/2 point.

After 12 rounds player with most points will be winner.
Tie situation:for any place highest CC points player have advantage to be above low ranked player,except for first place where will be arange another game,who will decide winner.

Every player will get chess title acording to CC points, and first round will start according to cc points seed.

grandmaster -GM- 2500 above
International Master -IM-betwen 2400-2499
Fide master-FM- betwen 2300-2399
Candidate Master-CM- betwen 2200-2299
Chess expert-CE-betwen 2000-2199
1st Category-1C-betwen 1800-1999
2nd Category-2C-betwen 1600-1799
3rd Category-3C-betwen 1400-1599
4th Category-4C-belove 1399
table-round 12
GM Frederic Hendrik vs GM dragon dor---1/2-1/2
GM Genoke vs IM EsoyItaque----------------0-1
CM DavDanilo vs CE HighlanderAttack----1-0
CE qwert vs CE DBandit70-------------------1/2-1/2
CE wrexham vs CE Grandilof---------------1/2-1/2
CE nesterdude vs 1C Steelfoot--------------0-1
1C ivanbuba vs 1C BluU-----------------------1-0
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 1C yanakis------------0-1
1C unknownhero vs 1C harvmax-----------1/2-1/2
1C JoshyBoy vs 1C evertonian----------------0-1
1C ViperOverLord vs 1C callmecommander--1-0
1C musicalmaven vs 2C anonymus----------1/2-1/2
2C Xaviers Crown vs 2C dfp2dep------------1-0
2C spore08 vs 2C nolefan5311--------------1/2-1/2
3C azak848 vs 3C torres44cm-------------0-1
3C dumhic vs 4C MonkeySpanker-----0-1
4C wepuckett vs 4C wendall2000------1/2-1/2

IM EsoyItaque vs CM DavDanilo---------1/2-1/2
1C Steelfoot vs 1C ivanbuba------------0-1
1C yanakis vs 1C evertonian-------------1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs 2C Xaviers Crown--1/2-1/2
3C torres44cm vs 4C MonkeySpanker---1/2-1/2
GM Frederik Hendrik vs CE qwert-------0-1
GM dragon dor vs CE DBandit70---------1-0
CE wrexham vs 1C unknownhero--------1/2-1/2
CE Grandilof vs 1C harvmax-------------1/2-1/2
1C musicalmaven vs 2C spore08--------1/2-1/2
2C anonymus vs 2C nolefan5311--------1-0
4C wepuckett vs GM Genoke-------------1/2-1/2
4C wendall2000 vs CE HighlanderAttack--1/2-1/2
CE nesterdude vs 1C BluU---------------1/2-1/2
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 1C JoshyBoy----------0-1
1C callmecommander vs 2C dfp2dep----0-1
3C azak848 vs 3C dumhic----------------1/2-1/2

IM EsoyItaque vs CE qwert-----------0-1
CM DavDanilo vs 1C yanakis---------1-0
1C Steelfoot vs CE Grandilof------1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs GM dragon dor-------1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs 1C evertonian----1/2-1/2
2C anonymus vs 2C Xaviers Crown----0-1
3C torres44cm vs CM loose canon--------0-1
4C MonkeySpanker vs CE wrexham-------0-1
GM Frederik Hendrik vs 4C wendall2000--1-0
CE DBandit70 vs CE nesterdude----1/2-1/2
1C unknownhero vs 1C JoshyBoy----1/2-1/2
1C harvmax vs 1C musicalmaven---1/2-1/2
2C spore08 vs 4C wepuckett----------0-1
1C BluU vs 2C nolefan5311------------0-1
GM Genoke vs CE HighlanderAttack--1-0
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 3C azak848--------0-1
1C callmecommander vs 3C dumhic--0-1

IM EsoyItaque vs CE Grandilof---0-1
CM DavDanilo vs CE qwert--------1-0
1C Steelfoot vs 1C yanakis------1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs 2C Xaviers Crown--1-0
1C evertonian vs CE wrexham------1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs 4C wepuckett--1-0
3C torres44cm vs 2C nolefan5311----1/2-1/2
4C MonkeySpanker vs 2C spore08----1-0
GM Frederik Hendrik vs GM Genoke--1/2-1/2
GM dragon dor vs CM loose canon----1/2-1/2
2C istanbul39 vs 4C wendall2000------1-0
1C unknownhero vs 1C musicalmaven--1-0
1C harvmax vs 1C JoshyBoy-------------1-0
2C anonymus vs 3C azak848--------------1/2-1/2
CE HighlanderAttack vs 1C br4nd0n2002--0-1
CE nesterdude vs 3C dumhic---------------1/2-1/2
1C BluU vs 1C callmecommander-----------1-0

GM Genoke vs 1C Steelfoot------1/2-1/2
2C nolefan5311 vs 2C istanbul39----1-0
1C evertonian vs 2C Xaviers Crown--0-1
CM DavDanilo vs 1C ivanbuba---0-1
GM Frederik Hendrik vs 4C MonkeySpanker--1/2-1/2
CE Grandilof vs 1C unknownhero---1-0
3C torres44cm vs 3C dumhic----1/2-1/2
CM loose canon vs CE qwert------0-1
1C musicalmaven vs 1C br4nd0n2002--1/2-1/2
IM EsoyItaque vs CE nesterdude--0-1
CE wrexham vs 1C harvmax----1-0
2C spore08 vs 4C wendall2000---0-1
1C yanakis vs 2C anonymus-----0-1
3C azak848 vs 4C wepuckett---1/2-1/2
GM dragon dor vs 1C ViperOverLord-----1-0
CE HighlanderAttack vs 1C callmecommander---1-0
1C JoshyBoy vs 1C BluU-----1/2-1/2

IM EsoyItaque vs wendall2000---1-0
CM DavDanilo vs GM dragon dor--1-0
1C Steelfoot vs 1C harvmax----1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs CE qwert--------1/2-1/2
1C yanakis vs 1C musicalmaven---1/2-1/2
1C evertonian vs 3C azak848----1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs CE Grandilof---1/2-1/2
2C Xaviers Crown vs CE wrexham---1/2-1/2
3C torres44cm vs 4C wepuckett-----0-1
4C MonkeySpanker vs 2C anonymus---0-1
GM Frederik Hendrik vs 2C nolefan5311--0-1
2C istanbul39 vs 4C shaneramma---1-0
1C unknownhero vs CE nesterdude--1/2-1/2
2C spore08 vs CE HighlanderAttack--1/2-1/2
GM Genoke vs CM loose canon---1/2-1/2
1C BluU vs 3C dumhic------1-0
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 1C callmecommander--1-0

IM EsoyItaque vs GM Frederik Hendrik--0-1
CM DavDanilo vs CE Grandilof----------1-0
1C Steelfoot vs 1C BluU------------1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs CE wrexham--------1-0
1C yanakis vs 3C dumhic------------1/2-1/2
1C evertonian vs 1C unknownhero--1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs GM Genoke----0-1
2C Xaviers Crown vs 2C nolefan531--1/2-/12
3C torres44cm vs 1C br4nd0n2002---1/2-1/2
4C MonkeySpanker vs 3C azak848----0-1
GM dragon dor vs 4C wepuckett------0-1
CE qwert vs 2C anonymus---------1/2-1/2
2C istanbul39 vs 1C harvmax------1-0
1C musicalmaven vs CE HighlanderAttack--1/2-1/2
2C spore08 vs 1C callmecommander------1-0
4C wendall2000 vs 4C shaneramma-------1-0
CE nesterdude vs CM loose canon---------1-0

IM EsoyItaque vs 2C spore08-------1/2-1/2
CM DavDanilo vs 2C Xaviers Crown--1/2-1/2
GM dragon dor vs 1C Steelfoot---1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs 2C anonymus-----0-1
1C yanakis vs 1C harvmax--------1/2-1/2
CM loose canon vs 1C evertonian------1-0
1C ViperOverLord vs 1C br4nd0n2002-----1/2-1/2
1C musicalmaven vs 3C torres44cm--------1/2-1/2
CE HighlanderAttack vs 4C MonkeySpanker---1-0
GM Frederik Hendrik vs 2C istanbul39---1/2-1/2
CE qwert vs 2C nolefan531-------0-1
CE wrexham vs 4C wepuckett-----1-0
GM Genoke vs CE Grandilof------1/2-1/2
1C BluU vs 1C unknownhero---------0-1
3C dumhic vs 4C wendall2000--------1-0
CE nesterdude vs 3C azak848---------1-0
1C callmecommander vs 4C shaneramma---1-0

4C wepuckett vs GM Frederik Hendrik--1/2-1/2
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 1C harvmax-----0-1
3C torres44cm vs 1C yanakis--------0-1
2C Xaviers Crown vs GM Genoke---1/2-1/2
CE nesterdude vs CE wrexham----0-1
IM EsoyItaque vs 4C MonkeySpanker-1-0
3C azak848 vs GM dragon dor----1/2-1/2
2C nolefan5311 vs 1C ivanbuba----0-1
1C unknownhero vs 2C istanbul39--1/2-1/2
1C Steelfoot vs CM loose canon--1/2-1/2
CE Grandilof vs CE qwert---1/2-1/2
2C spore08 vs 4C shaneramma--1-0
1C evertonian vs 1C musicalmaven--1/2-1/2
4C wendall2000 vs 1C callmecommander--1-0
CE HighlanderAttack vs 1C BluU--1-0
CM DavDanilo vs 2C anonymus--1/2-1/2
3C dumhic vs 1C ViperOverLord--1-0

3C azak848 vs 1C Steelfoot---1/2-1/2
CE qwert vs 2C Xaviers Crown----1/2-1/2
4C shaneramma vs 3C torres44cm--0-1
1C yanakis vs IM EsoyItaque------0-1
1C callmecommander vs 4C MonkeySpanker-1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs 1C musicalmaven---0-1
CM loose canon vs GM Frederik Hendrik--1/2-1/2
GM dragon dor vs CE HighlanderAttack--0-1
CE wrexham vs CM DavDanilo---0-1
2C istanbul39 vs 4C wepuckett--1/2-1/2
2C anonymus vs CE Grandilof---1/2-1/2
1C harvmax vs 1C evertonian--1/2-1/2
1C unknownhero vs 3C dumhic--1/2-1/2
1C BluU vs 2C spore08----------1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs GM Genoke-----1/2-1/2
2C nolefan5311 vs CE nesterdude-----0-1
1C br4nd0n2002 vs 4C wendall2000----1-0

IM EsoyItaque vs 4C wepuckett-------1-0
CM DavDanilo vs CE nesterdude-----1/2-1/2
GM Frederik Hendrik vs 1C Steelfoot-1-0
CE HighlanderAttack vs 1C ivanbuba--0-1
2C spore08 vs 1C yanakis-----------1/2-1/2
1C evertonian vs 1C BluU---------1/2-1/2
4C wendall2000 vs 1C ViperOverLord--0-1
2C Xaviers Crown vs CE Grandilof---0-1
3C torres44cm vs 1C callmecommander--1-0
4C MonkeySpanker vs 4C shaneramma--1/2-1/2
1C br4nd0n2002 vs GM dragon dor----1-0
GM Genoke vs CE qwert-------1/2-1/2
3C dumhic vs 2C istanbul39--1/2-1/2
CE wrexham vs 2C anonymus--------1-0
1C unknownhero vs 2C nolefan5311--1-0
CM loose canon vs 1C harvmax-----0-1
1C musicalmaven vs 3C azak848---1/2-1/2

2C nolefan5311 vs 1C br4nd0n2002-----1/2-1/2
4C wepuckett vs 1C musicalmaven------1-0
3C azak848 vs CM loose canon---------0-1
1C Steelfoot vs 3C torres44cm-------1/2-1/2
IM EsoyItaque vs 2C Xaviers Crown---1/2-1/2
1C unknownhero vs CM DavDanilo------1/2-1/2
1C ivanbuba vs CE Grandilof--------1/2-1/2
1C BluU vs 1C yanakis------------1/2-1/2
1C evertonian vs 2C spore08-------1/2-1/2
1C ViperOverLord vs 4C shaneramma---0-1
4C wendall2000 vs 4C MonkeySpanker--0-1
CE wrexham vs GM Frederik Hendrik---0-1
1C callmecommander vs GM dragon dor-0-1
CE qwert vs 3C dumhic----------------1/2-1/2
2C istanbul39 vs CE HighlanderAttack--0-1
1C harvmax vs GM Genoke---------------1-0
2C anonymus vs CE nesterdude--------1/2-1/2

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:04 am
by Steelfoot
In please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:37 am
by sekretar
jebo ti peloponez, dav me maglom.dok te ja ne usnimim gde si i kude si-džaba ti!

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:54 pm
by Grandilof
In please.

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:59 pm
by dumhic
in for this one please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:08 pm
by callmecommander
in please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:20 pm
by DavDanilo
i am in

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:26 pm
by Qwert
[SRB]2030 Grandilof
[CAN]1403 dumhic
[USA]1803 callmecommander
[SRB]2278 DavDanilo
welcome chess players

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:39 pm
by HardAttack
1v1 and 2v2 are not my stake mate.
Thanks for your consideration, i ll pass this nice tournament,
keep me in your PM list for ur upcoming trips and quads tourney mate, i ll appreciate to hear.
good luck.

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:07 am
by raston_morue
It sounds interesting. The only thing that needs tweaking is the idea that after 11 turns it is a draw and BOTH players get 1/2 point. I like the idea of not getting a full point unless you win with speed. Perhaps 3 points for a quick win and 2 points past 11 turns and 1 point to the loser for slowing the other player down. That would reflect the 3 ideas: speed, skill in winning, and skill even in defeat!

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:41 am
by Qwert
raston i want to use chess point award, and these mean that win give you 1 point, if you play draw then bouth player get 1/2 points,and loser get zero point. These is proper chess point award.I investigate some 100 games in pelo war on 1vs1 with these setting and i get average round per game-11, so these mean that these is usualy end of game, and its imposibile to win a game in low rounds(except if player deadbeat).
Are you interesting to play?

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:09 am
by Frederik Hendrik
Not my favorite map... But I can't miss the chance to be Grandmaster!

So I'm in.

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:04 pm
by azak848
in please!

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][so far 6 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:06 pm
by BluU
in please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][9-32]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:55 pm
by Qwert
[NED][2793]-GM Frederic Hendrik
[CAN][1566]-3C azak848
[USA][1899]-1C BluU
first GM are in chess championship.welcome.
I decide that these championship will have 32 chess player.

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][9-32]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:08 pm
by dragon dor
Dragon here :twisted:

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][9-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:16 am
by DBandit70
count me in

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][9-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:17 am
by HighlanderAttack
in please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][12-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:17 am
by Qwert
[FRA][2612]-GM dragon dor
[USA][2084]-CE DBandit70
[USA][2184]-CE HighlanderAttack
nice one GM and two CE are in :)

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][12-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:05 am
by EsoyItaque
in please as well

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][12-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:44 am
by spore08
i'm in

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][12-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:13 am
by ivanbuba
racunaj me,,,,,ili
in pls

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][15-32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:24 pm
by Qwert
[SLO][2454]-IM EsoyItaque
[USA][1695]-2C spore08
[MNE][1924]-1C ivanbuba
all in

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][15-32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:36 am
by wepuckett
In Please

Re: Chess Championship I-[open for players][15-32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:56 am
by Qwert
your in