Talyn's Trips Quest: Classic(WINNERS first post)

Old Thread:http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=139240#p3039594
WINNERS: I_AM_BOGEY, hmsps, nesterdude
New series starting with the classic map.
This is a team tournament for triples (3 players per team) and will play in a double elimination bracket style. There will only be one game per matchup. If you lose your first game, you will be placed in the loser's bracket and still have a chance to win. If you lose your 2nd game, your team is eliminated from the tournament. Final winner of the loser's bracket (will have to win twice) will face the final winner of the winner's bracket (will only need to win once). I will use brackets from http://challonge.com/ to keep track of matches and I will also use that site to randomize the teams for start offs.
I will need at least 8 teams, but will any number above.. which means that some teams may get 'bys'. I'll need some reserves too, but if a team member makes a no show then it may be up to the remainder of that team to find a replacement.
When signing up, you can give me give me your other teammate names.. if you need time to find other teammates, just say reserve . If you do not tell me to reserve or you do not have any teammates, then you will be placed with other teammates of the same status in the order of their sign up. Winning team gets the pick the map for the next tournament and gets the first seat for that tournament.
Freemiums are welcome as long as they have completed at least 20 games.. just leave 1 slot open all times.
Tournament sign up will close on March 23rd (in 3 weeks from the start of this thread)
Teams Signed Up So Far: 18
PROGRESS OF GAME: Sign Up (Will be updated every few days)
current status
This is where anyone can check up on the progress of the games.
WINNERS: I_AM_BOGEY, hmsps, nesterdude
New series starting with the classic map.
This is a team tournament for triples (3 players per team) and will play in a double elimination bracket style. There will only be one game per matchup. If you lose your first game, you will be placed in the loser's bracket and still have a chance to win. If you lose your 2nd game, your team is eliminated from the tournament. Final winner of the loser's bracket (will have to win twice) will face the final winner of the winner's bracket (will only need to win once). I will use brackets from http://challonge.com/ to keep track of matches and I will also use that site to randomize the teams for start offs.
I will need at least 8 teams, but will any number above.. which means that some teams may get 'bys'. I'll need some reserves too, but if a team member makes a no show then it may be up to the remainder of that team to find a replacement.
When signing up, you can give me give me your other teammate names.. if you need time to find other teammates, just say reserve . If you do not tell me to reserve or you do not have any teammates, then you will be placed with other teammates of the same status in the order of their sign up. Winning team gets the pick the map for the next tournament and gets the first seat for that tournament.
Freemiums are welcome as long as they have completed at least 20 games.. just leave 1 slot open all times.
Tournament sign up will close on March 23rd (in 3 weeks from the start of this thread)
Teams Signed Up So Far: 18
PROGRESS OF GAME: Sign Up (Will be updated every few days)
current status
This is where anyone can check up on the progress of the games.