Willy Nilly Trips [Winners in 2nd post]

willy-nilly [ˌwɪlɪˈnɪlɪ]
adv - whether desired or not
adj - occurring or taking place whether desired or not
This will be a best of 5, Triples (3v3), single elimination tournament on Random map.
Each setting (Initial Troops, Play Order, Spoils, Reinforcements, Fog Of War) will be randomly determined for each game. Only Round Length is fixed at Casual. Your opponents will also be randomly assigned each round.
I am looking for 8 or 16 teams. You have 48 hours to join your game.
Hook2, Slaylark, Zidane - 21
Ickyketseddie, General Brock II, Agent 86
greenoaks, DaveH, Will Lee
amazzony, Gilligan, barterer2002
djkillen, Rage777, Exudos88
aaronvollrath, jakevv, beeps
luv2tri2, DA BEARS, eastside
Great-Ollie, John Deere, douitashimashite
angola, usernamer, qyu
nolefan5311, Egel, TheMissionary
MyTurnToWin, kemeryj, conquerhero
VioIet, morff69, shm78
cookie0117, Fewnix, Metsfanmax
ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte
Gifton, Edgron, I_AM_BOGEY
alt1978, jcrymal, sprinkles
Reserve: uk massive
Looking for a team: Scottyboymck