Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the War for Cyprus Doubles Tournament. In case you didn't know...
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Tada! Cyprus
This is a 16 player, 8 team tournament. All games will be played on Cyprus. It is open to all players as only one game will be played at a time using the following settings Doubles, Sequential, Automatic, Foggy, Nuclear, Unlimited. 3 wins crown you and your partner CHAMPIONS! You may sign up by posting in the thread below either as an individual or as a team. If you sign up as an individual you may be randomly matched with another individual entrant but team signups are given priority, so finding a teammate is highly suggested.
This is not simply just a battle for team supremacy. You will be fighting for domination of Cyprus....for now The tournament is set up in two brackets of 4 teams each...The Greeks and the Turks. Pick your side (make sure you indicate when you sign up) and may the best tandem win!
I will still take a team requests once sides fill but you will be placed in reserves. If single players do not find partners or other singles to sign up, full teams will replace them from reserves. Individuals can also still sign up once sides are full and they will be placed in reserves.
rmjw10-ill list you as needing a partner and put you on turks but try to find one on your own and get back to me. HOWEVER, If the tourney fills and that is the only slot left and there is a team wanting in they will get the slot.