Journeys of Discovery – 2; Vasco da Gama (Winner; Pope Joan)

For the second voyage of discovery, we plot the route of Vasco da Gama, who was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail in 1497 directly from Europe to India.

(Vasco looks like a slightly happier version of Marco Polo!)
From Portugal, he sailed for 3 months before his fleet landed in South Africa, and then, after hopping around the African coast, he set sail for India, arriving there just 23 days later. His return journey to Africa took 132 days though, and cost the lives of over half his crew. Similarly, this journey will cost the winner the lives of 15 of their competitors......
Number of Players: 16
Game Format:
Rounds 1 - 3; 1 v 1 best of 3 knock-out
Round 4 (Final); best of 5
2 games sent out at a time to allow freebies to join
Matchups using
Maps and Settings:
Automatic; Sequential; Chained; Sunny; plus...

(Vasco looks like a slightly happier version of Marco Polo!)
From Portugal, he sailed for 3 months before his fleet landed in South Africa, and then, after hopping around the African coast, he set sail for India, arriving there just 23 days later. His return journey to Africa took 132 days though, and cost the lives of over half his crew. Similarly, this journey will cost the winner the lives of 15 of their competitors......
Number of Players: 16
Game Format:
Rounds 1 - 3; 1 v 1 best of 3 knock-out
Round 4 (Final); best of 5
2 games sent out at a time to allow freebies to join
Matchups using
Maps and Settings:
Automatic; Sequential; Chained; Sunny; plus...
- Round 1 - Portugal; Flat Rate
- Round 2 - South Africa; Escalating
- Round 3 - Indian Empire; Nuclear
- Round 4 - Africa; No Spoils