Feudal war league II - triples (finished, winner in post)

Winners: Steve the Mighty, Nudge, 2007spaceodyssey
Welcome to Feudal war league chapter 02!

Settings and Format:
Map: Feudal war
Number of games: best of 3 (one game escalating, one flat and one no spoils!)
All games is under fog!
, auto, seq, chained!
Teams played each with each, and each victory counts (Round Robin format)
Win 3:0 (3 points and 0 points)
Win 2:1 (2 points and 1 point!)
Team with most points will be declared by winner!
2 teams with same number of points => winner of head to head matches!
3 or more teams with same number of points:
- new games between all teams, no spoils!
To sign up as a team, you need to provide me with a team name, team Captain and the other team members.
Team name: ------
Player 1 (C)
Player 2
Player 3
Good luck!
Welcome to Feudal war league chapter 02!

Settings and Format:
Map: Feudal war
Number of games: best of 3 (one game escalating, one flat and one no spoils!)
All games is under fog!

Teams played each with each, and each victory counts (Round Robin format)
Win 3:0 (3 points and 0 points)
Win 2:1 (2 points and 1 point!)
Team with most points will be declared by winner!
2 teams with same number of points => winner of head to head matches!
3 or more teams with same number of points:
- new games between all teams, no spoils!
To sign up as a team, you need to provide me with a team name, team Captain and the other team members.
Team name: ------
Player 1 (C)
Player 2
Player 3
Good luck!