This tournament will take place in the scariest places of conquer club. No, not the mafia forums(although not understanding mafia, those forums can be quite scary) You will have to conquer your fears on the field of battle. This will be a 16 player 1v1 tournament. Each round will be best of 3, with the finals being best of 5. Settings for each round will be the same-auto,seq,chained,no spoils,foggy.(cause its scarier that way.) Match-ups in round 1 will be based on points, 1v16,2v15...... and will follow a simple bracket system, where the top ranked will always play the lowest. When signing up, please post your score. I will be taking 2 reserves for round 1, after that if your opponent doesnt show up, you automatically win! Players will be given 48 hours to join before they forfeit.
Round 1:In Halloween Hallows you will start your journey. Winners of this round will move on into the dungeons. Round 2:Draknor Dungeons will be the sight of this battle. Conquer this and you will reach a cave, filled with........ Round 3: Monsters, conquer them all and you will be left in the scariest place imaginable, the human mind. Finals: 8 Thoughts, be the one left standing and you have conquered your fears!