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HA welcomes shoop76 back (Winner: HighlanderAttack)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:37 pm
by HighlanderAttack
HA welcomes shoop76 back:

Shoop left us about two months ago to deal with real life. He has returned and said he will keep his game count to a minimum. I want to welcome him back with a tourney.

So welcome back shoop

16 entrants
Map:Treasures Of Galapagos
1v1, 2 player games
chained reinforcements
no spoils

It will be a normal 16 team bracket non seeded. I will use to create the seeds.

All 4 rounds will be 2of3

To sign up, just post to this thread

For this tournament premium players only-freemiums that want to play have to keep three spots open at all times

I will take reserves, but only for round 1 if someone does not join.

When I send a pm you have 48 hours to join or you are automatically forfeited. If I have time I send a reminder, but that should not be expected.

It will be a normal 16 team bracket non seeded. I will use to set the match ups.
I will use reverse set up to make the match ups-1-8 will play 16-9. Basically each round will have the lowest number playing the highest number. I will just make this list, cut it in half and reverse the higher numbers. PM me if you have questions-these will be posted each round.

Anyone with less than 99% turns taken may be left out of the tourney without a decent excuse that they will play the games without missing turns.

Foed players may be left out of the tourney.

Players that do not join games or miss turns may not be allowed into future tourneys.

I hope this covers everything.

Feel free to ask questions.

List of players:
mr. CD
Frito Bandito

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (1of16)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:53 pm
by Electricksabers
in please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (1of16)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:59 pm
by jrh_cardinal
in please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (1of16)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:01 pm
by shoop76
Thank you HA. Its great to be back. Of course I accept.

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (4of16)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:36 am
by hagardunor
In please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (4of16)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:11 am
by mr. CD
In please and welcome back shoop.

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (4of16)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:29 am
by Krissan
In please

Welcome back shoop!

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (4of16)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:09 pm
by Frito Bandito
in please!

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (8of16)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:20 pm
by benga
i8n ofcs!

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (8of16)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:41 am
by ubcman64
in please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (8of16)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:39 pm
by ckyrias
in pls

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (8of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:12 am
by Domicas
In please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (8of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:10 am
by razoget999
in please.

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (12of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:10 am
by fairman
in please

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (12of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:11 am
by Sniper08
in plz

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (12of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:30 am
by TheTrueNorth
in plz

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (12of16)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:43 pm
by stokiepaul
In please HA if theres room

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (rd 1)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:40 pm
by HighlanderAttack
There were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. mr. CD
2. Krissan
3. shoop76
4. benga
5. hagardunor
6. jrh_cardinal
7. HighlanderAttack
8. razoget999
9. TheTrueNorth
10. ubcman64
11. Sniper08
12. ckyrias
13. fairman
14. shaneback
15. Frito Bandito
16. Domicas

Timestamp: 2011-01-27 19:38:40 UTC

1. mr. CD 16. Domicas
2. Krissan 15. Frito Bandito
3. shoop76 14. shaneback
4. benga 13. fairman
5. hagardunor 12. ckyrias
6. jrh_cardinal 11. Sniper08
7. HighlanderAttack 10. ubcman64
8. razoget999 9. TheTrueNorth

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (rd 1)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:35 pm
by HighlanderAttack
I have not been able to update many tourneys--I am posting this in all my active tourneys. I just got a new job which has taken all my free time away except for taking my turns and keeping the 200th tourney going. That being said I will get to all my tourneys over the next week to ten days and do updates and send out games. I am posting this in all of the threads. I will do one or two a day until I am caught up. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for being patient.

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (rd 1)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:07 pm
by HighlanderAttack
I have not been able to update many tourneys--I am posting this in all my active tourneys. I just got a new job which has taken all my free time away except for taking my turns and keeping the 200th tourney going. That being said I will get to all my tourneys over the next week to ten days and do updates and send out games. I am posting this in all of the threads. I will do one or two a day until I am caught up. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for being patient.

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (rd 1)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:20 pm
by HighlanderAttack
games for round 2 just made--invites on the way

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (rd 2)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:45 pm
by HighlanderAttack
one series remains and we can start the semi finals

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (semis)

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:33 pm
by HighlanderAttack

16. Domicas
3. shoop76

5. hagardunor
7. HighlanderAttack

Re: HA welcomes shoop76 back (Winner: HighlanderAttack)

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:00 am
by HighlanderAttack
HA welcomes shoop76 back (Winner: HighlanderAttack)

I usually do not send out a congrats pm to the group when I win a tourney, but since this was a tourney welcoming shoop back using his favorite map I can not resist sending this out.

Welcome back shoop--thanks for coming back--thanks for getting to the finals--but most importantly I needed to send you a reminder that even though it is nice to have you back--do not try and beat me in a finals :)

More don't blink tourneys are posted for those of you who like manual 1v1 tourneys--I will keep active sign ups for these going for the next month or so --don't miss out

Thanks for playing