The Finalists have now been determined: Joriki will play against ultraman a 12-game 4-map series for the title of "Empereur" and a one-year CC subscription. The Runner-up will get 6 months free subscription. [b]The games invitations have now been sent.[/b]
Standings after Round 1Letizia Ramolino: MudPuppy: 6; danrayan: 5; pamoa: 5; rpshawn: 2 ; harvmax: 2.
Pauline Borghese: Kabanellas: 7; alt1978: 5; Arrudaw: 3; zat: 2; porkenbeans: 1; (2 games to finish-no impact on qualifiers)
[u]Elisa Bachiocci:[/u]
[b]Blinkadyblink: 7; dragon dor: 5;[/b] mcshanester29: 3; Nola Lifer: 3; thegreekdog: 2.
Caroline Murat: joriki: 6; ultraman: 5; Industrial Helix: 4; Onefistjel: 3; theheadholes: 2;
Josephine Beauharnais: giannikas: 6; BRADDY: 5; oVo: 4; DoomYoshi: 3; lacral: 2.
Marie Louise of Austria: Extraterrestrial: 6; Sprechen: 5; Milen83: 4; Krissan: 4; rmjw10: 1.
Maria Walewska: Raskholnikov: 6; Kgbpizza: 6; Commander9: 6; men chuch!: 2; PATMB: 0.
Albine de Montholon: [b]cj1990: 5; tokle: 5; [/b]hagardunor: 4; benga: 4; shaun850: 2.
Standings after Round 2:Joseph Bonaparte: Kabanellas: 6; alt1978: 3; danrayan: 2; Mudpuppy: 1.
Lucien Bonaparte: ultraman: 5; joriki: 4; dragon dor: 2; Blinkadyblink: 1.
Louis Bonaparte: Extraterrestrial: 5; BRADDY: 3; giannikas: 2; Sprechen: 2.
Jerome Bonaparte: tokle: 5; Raskholnikov: 3*; Kgbpizza: 3; cj1990: 1.
Standings after Round 3 are: Napoleon II: ultraman: 5; joriki*: 3; Kabanellas: 3; alt1978: 1;.
Napoleon III: Raskholnikov: 4; tokle: 4; BRADDY: 3;. Kgbpizza: 1
Round 4:Napoleon 1: joriki: 6; ultraman:3; Raskholnikov: 2; tokle: 1.
Theme: With Napoleon's Europe 1812 out of Beta, the time has come to set up a tournament illustrating the life and career of history's greatest General, from its beginnings in 1789, with the French revolution, to its end, on the fields of Waterloo, in 1815. To this end, four maps will be used: France 1789 (F) - to illustrate the origins of General Bonaparte's rise; Austerlitz (A) - the Emperor's greatest victory; Waterloo (W) - his final defeat; and finally, of course, Napoleon's Europe 1812 (N) - focusing on great powers strategy at the height of Napoleon's dominance of Europe.
Settings: sunny, no spoils, adjacent, casual.
Players In:
men chuch!4.
hagardunor 7.
Industrial Helix 15.
karlox17 17.
Blinkadyblink 20.
dragon dor 21.
ultraman 23.
oVo 24.
Onefistjel 25.
rmjw10 27.
Standings after Round 1.2 Letizia Ramolino: pamoa: 3; danrayan: 3; rpshawn: 2 ; MudPuppy: 2; harvmax: 0.
Pauline Borghese: alt1978: 3; Kabanellas: 3; zat: 2; porkenbeans: 2; Arrudaw: 0.
Elisa Bachiocci: Blinkadyblink: 4; mcshanester29: 3; Nola Lifer: 2; dragon dor: 1; thegreekdog: 0.
Caroline Murat: joriki: 3; Industrial Helix: 2; ultraman: 2; theheadholes: 2; Onefistjel: 1.
Josephine Beauharnais: giannikas: 4; BRADDY: 3; DoomYoshi: 2; oVo: 1; lacral: 0.
Marie Louise of Austria: Sprechen: 3; Extraterrestrial: 3; Milen83: 3; Krissan: 1; rmjw10: 0.
Maria Walewska: Commander9: 4; Kgbpizza: 3; Raskholnikov: 2; men chuch!: 1; PATMB: 0.
Albine de Montholon: cj1990: 4; hagardunor: 3; benga: 1; tokle: 0; Shaun850: 0.
ROUND 1Each player plays 2 games at a time, on the same map. All games on the same map start at the same time. Maps play order: France 1789, Austerlitz, Waterloo, Napoleonic Europe 1812
Letizia Ramolinodanrayan v MudPuppy
Fdanrayan v pamoa
Adanrayan v harvmax
Wdanrayan v rpshawn
NMudPuppy v danrayan
NMudPuppy v
pamoa F[u]MudPuppy[/u] v harvmax
AMudPuppy v rpshawn
Wpamoa v danrayan
Wpamoa v MudPuppy
Npamoa v harvmax
Fpamoa v rpshawn
Aharvmax v
danrayan Aharvmax v MudPuppy
Wharvmax v pamoa
Nharvmax v
rpshawn Frpshawn v danrayan
Frpshawn v
MudPuppy Arpshawn v pamoa
Wrpshawn v harvmax
NPauline BorgheseKabanellas v alt1978
FKabanellas v
porkenbeans AKabanellas v zat
WKabanellas v Arrudaw
Nalt1978 v Kabanellas
Nalt1978 v porkenbeans
Falt1978 v zat
Aalt1978 v Arrudaw
Wporkenbeans v Kabanellas
Wporkenbeans v alt1978
Nporkenbeans v
zat F[u]porkenbeans[/u] v Arrudaw
A[i]arrudaw v
Kabanellas A zat v alt1978
Wzat v porkenbeans
Nzat v Arrudaw
FArrudaw v
Kabanellas Fzat v
alt1978 AArrudaw v porkenbeans
WArrudaw v zat
NElisa Bachioccidragon dor v
Blinkadyblink Fdragon dor v
Nola Lifer Adragon dor v thegreekdog
Wdragon dor v mcshanester29
NBlinkadyblink v dragon dor
NBlinkadyblink v Nola Lifer
FBlinkadyblink v thegreekdog
ABlinkadyblink v mcshanester29
WNola Lifer v dragon dor
WNola Lifer v Blinkadyblink
NNola Lifer v thegreekdog
FNola Lifer v
mcshanester29 Athegreekdog v
dragon dor Athegreekdog v Blinkadyblink
Wthegreekdog v Nola Lifer
Nthegreekdog v
mcshanester29 Fmcshanester29 v dragon dor
Fmcshanester29 v
Amcshanester29 v Nola Lifer
Wmcshanester29 v thegreekdog
NCaroline Muratjoriki v ultraman
Fjoriki v theheadholes
Ajoriki v Industrial Helix
Wjoriki v Onefistjel
Nultraman v joriki
Nultraman v theheadholes
Fultraman v I
ndustrial Helix Aultraman v Onefistjel
Wtheheadholes v joriki
Wtheheadholes v ultraman
Ntheheadholes v Industrial Helix
Ftheheadholes v Onefistjel
AIndustrial Helix v joriki
AIndustrial Helix v ultraman
WIndustrial Helix v theheadholes
NIndustrial Helix v
Onefistjel FOnefistjel v
joriki FOnefistjel v
ultraman AOnefistjel v theheadholes
WOnefistjel v Industrial Helix
NJosephine BeauharnaisBRADDY v oVo
FBRADDY v lacral
ABRADDY v giannikas
WBRADDY v DoomYoshi
NoVo v lacral
FoVo v
giannikas AoVo v DoomYoshi
Wlacral v BRADDY
Wlacral v oVo
Nlacral v
giannikas Flacral v
DoomYoshi Agiannikas v BRADDY
Agiannikas v oVo
Wgiannikas v lacral
Ngiannikas v DoomYoshi
FDoomYoshi v
BRADDY FDoomYoshi v oVo
ADoomYoshi v lacral
WDoomYoshi v giannikas
NMarie Louise of AustriaKrissan v
Extraterrestrial FKrissan v
Milen83 AKrissan v Sprechen
WKrissan v rmjw10
NExtraterrestrial v Krissan
NExtraterrestrial v
Milen83 F[b]Extraterrestrial[/b] v Sprechen
AExtraterrestrial v rmjw10
WMilen83 v Krissan
WMilen83 v Extraterrestrial
NMilen83 v
Sprechen FMilen83 v rmjw10
ASprechen v Krissan
ASprechen v Extraterrestrial
WSprechen v Milen83
NSprechen v rmjw10
Frmjw10 v
Krissan Frmjw10 v
[b][u]Extraterrestrial [/u][/b]
Armjw10 v Milen83
Wrmjw10 v Sprechen
NMaria WalewskaCommander9 v Kgbpizza
FCommander9 v Raskholnikov
ACommander9 v men chuch!
WCommander9 v PATMB
NKgbpizza v Commander9
NKgbpizza v Raskholnikov
F[b]Kgbpizza[/b] v men chuch!
AKgbpizza v PATMB
WRaskholnikov v Commander9
WRaskholnikov v Kgbpizza
NRaskholnikov v men chuch!
FRaskholnikov v PATMB
Amen chuch! v
Commander9 Amen chuch! v Kgbpizza
Wmen chuch! v Raskholnikov
Nmen chuch! v PATMB
Commander9 FPATMB v
Kgbpizza APATMB v Raskholnikov
WPATMB v men chuch!
NAlbine de Montholonbenga v tokle
Fbenga v
hagardunor Abenga v Shaun850
Wbenga v cj1990
Ntokle v benga
Ntokle v
hagardunor Ftokle v Shaun850
A tokle v cj1990
Whagardunor v benga
Whagardunor v tokle
Nhagardunor v karlox17
Fhagardunor v
cj1990 AShaun850 v benga
AShaun850 v tokle
WShaun850 v hagardunor
Nkarlox17 v
cj1990 Fcj1990 v benga
F[b]cj1990[/b] v tokle
Acj1990 v hagardunor
Wcj1990 v Shaun850
NROUND 2Joseph Bonaparte1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
Lucien Bonaparte1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
Louis Bonaparte1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
Jerome Bonaparte1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
ROUND 3Napoleon II1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
Napoleon III1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
ROUND IVNapoleon I1. (A) 1 v 2
2. (W) 1 v 3
3. (N) 1 v 4
4. (N) 2 v 1
5. (A) 2 v 3
6. (W) 2 v 4
7. (w) 3 v 1
8. (N) 3 v 2
9. (A) 3 v 4
10. (A) 4 v 1
11. (W) 4 v 2
12. (N) 4 v 3
FINAL1. (F) F1 V F2
2. (F) F1 V F2
3. (F) F1 V F2
4. (A) F1 V F2
5. (A) F1 V F2
6. (A) F1 V F2
7. (W) F1 V F2
8. (W) F1 V F2
9. (W) F1 V F2
10. (N) F1 V F2
11. (N) F1 V F2
12. (N) F1 V F2
Round One: The tournament will have 40 players, initially divided into 8 groups of 5 players each. Each group will bear the names of the most important women in the Emperor's life: Letizia Ramolino - his mother; Pauline Borghese - his favorite sister; Elisa Bachiocci - another sister; Caroline Murat - his third sister; Josephine Beauharnais - his first wife; Marie Louise of Austria - his second wife; , Maria Walewska - his Polish mistress and Albine de Montholon, his last love interest, in exile. Each player in a group will play each other group member twice; this means each player will play eight games, two on each of the four maps mentioned above. The top two players in each group will qualify for the second round.
Round Two: The remaining 16 players will be divided into 4 groups of 4 players each. Each group will bear the name of one of Napoleon's brothers: Joseph, Lucien, Louis, Jerome. Each player in a group will play each other group member twice; this means each player will play six games, two each on three of the maps mentioned above, with France 1789 being the exculded map. The top two players in each group will qualify for the third round.
Round Three: The remaining 8 players will be divided into 2 groups of 4 players each. The groups will bear the names of his dynastic successors: Napoleon II and Napoleon III. Each player in a group will play each other group member twice; this means each player will play six games, two each on three of the maps mentioned above, with France 1789 being the exculded map. The top two players in each group will qualify for the fourth round.
Fourth Round: The remaining 4 players will form the Napoleon I group. Each player in a group will play each other group member twice; this means each player will play six games, two each on three of the maps mentioned above, with France 1789 being the exculded map. The top two players will qualify for the Final.
The Final: The final will consist of 12 games, three on each of the four maps mentioned at the start. In case of of a tie, a three-out-of-five run-off will be played on the Napoleonic Europe 1812 map. The winner will receive the title of "Empereur".
Prizes: Winner: One year's CC membership. Runner-up: six months' CC membership. Remaining two members of the Napoleon I group: three months' CC membership.
Total games: 256 (plus 3 to 5 final run-off games if neccessary).
Please indicate your interest below. I am looking for 40 interested players plus 10 alternates. This will be a fun, tournament with a great theme and unique, round-robin play, so that the winners will not be determined simply be the luck of one drop or the knowledge of one map. I hope you all join!
Please reply on this thread to let me know if you are interesed. I will confirm when you are added, and which initial group you belong to.