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The Unloved [TPA] [WINNER: lynch5762]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:53 pm
by Kinnison
The Unloved (TPA)

This is a Tournament Players Association (TPA) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.

Note: This Tournament is created in homage to Mapmakers and Maps who are not the bright, sunny, popular ones that get played every day. But the ones that are shunned... Maybe they're not pretty... maybe they've got a weird rule... but folks just don't play them. To even be considered, a map has to have less than 10k existing games, and have been in existence (even beta) for over a year.

Read the rules carefully, please.


Format: 64 players.
Round 1: Divisional Round-robin. Each player shall face each of the other players in their division in a best-of-three series on designated maps(see below). The 2 players with the best MATCH RECORD (actual score in the matches is NOT relevant) advance. If needed, tiebreakers will be a single 3-player game.
Round 2: 32 players, Bracket-style. Best of 3, winners advance.
Round 3: 16 players, Bracket-style. Best of 3, winners advance.
Round 4: 8 players, Bracket-style. Best of 3, winners advance.
Round 5: 4 players, Bracket-style. Best of 5 on designated maps, winners advance. Freemiums will not be required to join more than 3 games at a time.
Round 6: Best of 7 on designated maps, Freemiums will not be required to join more than 3 games at a time.

Round 1: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Escalating Spoils, Chained Fortifications, Casual, Sunny.
-The three round-robin matches will be played on (each match, 3 games on one map) Prohibition Chicago, Rail Australia, The Citadel.
-A Tiebreaker, if needed, will be on Triple Alliance.
Round 2: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Escalating Spoils, Chained Fortifications, Casual, Fog.
-3 Games, all on Cairns Metro.
Round 3: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Nuclear Spoils, Chained Fortifications, Casual, Sunny.
-3 Games, all on Land and Sea.
Round 4: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Nuclear Spoils, Chained Fortifications, Casual, Fog.
-3 Games, all on Solar System.
Round 5: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Flat Rate Spoils, Adjacent Fortifications, Casual, Sunny.
-5 Games, 1 Each on Austerlitz, Egypt: Lower, Midkemdil, Poison Rome, WWII Gazala.
Round 6: Standard, Automatic Deploy, Flat Rate Spoils, Adjacent Fortifications, Casual, Fog.
-7 Games, 1 Each on Gilgamesh, Battle of Actium, Egypt: Valley of the Kings, Forbidden City, Halloween Hallows, Oceania, Sydney Metro.

Placement for the TPA for this event:
1: Tournament Winner
2: Loser of the final
3-4: Semifinal losers, tied or ranked by game score.
T-?: 1-2 players from the round of 8
T-?: 0-3 players from the round of 8
T-?: 1-2 players from the round of 16
T-?: 0-3 players from the round of 16
T-?: 1-2 players from the round of 32
T-?: 0-3 players from the round of 32
T-?: 2-1 players from the first round who do not advance. (match score)
T-?: 1-2 players from the first round who do not advance. (match score)
T-?: 0-3 players in the first round. (match score)

64 players, + reserves, reserves to be used only in the Round-Robin. If I need a fill-in in later rounds, it will be the most recent or highest-ranked losing ream, following the bracket backwards. Should a bracket not have enough players, will choose an unsuccessful player from the most recent round. TPA standings shall be altered accordingly.

Players will be seeded into the brackets by score once the tournament is filled. Do NOT list your score when signing up, it's irrelevant at that time. ;)

Questions will be gleefully accepted.

Subsidiary Rules

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:53 pm
by Kinnison
If you need a delay in joining games for some reason, co-ordination must be done with the TO PRIOR to games being sent out.

Games will be sent out by INVITE. If the invite expires, forfeiture of the game will result. DECLINING an invite will be given ONE (for the tournament) additional chance to join. Subsequent declined invites shall be treated as expired, and be considered forfeiture. If ALL games in a match are forfeited, that player shall be WITHDRAWN from the tournament, and the delinquent player WILL BE REPLACED.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:54 pm
by Kinnison
1. Kinnison
2. jrh_cardinal
3. MudPuppy
4. sonicsteve
5. Night Strike
6. danryan
7. Timminz
8. Bones2484
9. ubcman64
10. banana_hammocks
11. tokle
12. ga7
13. Hath
14. keiths31
15. Eternal Shadow
16. Serbia
17. Tripitaka
18. dowian2
19. mviola
20. shaneback
21. RedBaron0
22. HighlanderAttack
23. perchorin
24. hagardunor
25. Eddy_26
26. Krissan
27. barterer2002
28. NotNowKato
29. jmyork82
30. redbugal
31. Evil Semp
32. spidey
33. spartacus65
34. kennys777
35. denominator
36. ThrushAAX
37. Mizzou3181
38. alt1978
39. theheadholes
40. phantomzero
41. jeraado
42. Enormastitz
43. ZionT
44. lynch5762
45. whakamole
46. ViperOverLord
47. freyme
48. malapeiro
49. darkbluesky
50. Tennekee
51. Blinkadyblink
52. Lacral
53. totalacid1
54. crazycolin
55. Nailer X
56. peaceone
57. evilkingjay
58. cj1990
59. chiefsfan4ever
60. Gypsys Kiss
61. Leehar
62. Woodruff
63. Lufsen75
64. Theldin


show: seeding


PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:55 pm
by Kinnison
show: RoundRobinRound

Code: Select all
Krissan-------\                                                                                                /-------Evil Semp
               >---Tennekee---\                                                                  /Night Strike<
Tennekee------/               |                                                                  |             \----Night Strike
                               >---Tennekee---\                                    /Night Strike<
redbugal------\               |               |                                    |             |             /------sonicsteve
               >---redbugal---/               |                                    |             \-sonicsteve-<
ThrushAAX-----/                               |                                    |                           \HighlanderAttack
                                               >-jrh_cardinal-\      /Night Strike<
jrh_cardinal--\                               |               |      |             |                           /------hagardunor
               >-jrh_cardinal-\               |               |      |             |             /evilkingjay-<
RedBaron0-----/               |               |               |      |             |             |             \-----evilkingjay
                               >-jrh_cardinal-/               |      |             \evilkingjay-<
Tripitaka-----\               |                               |      |                           |             /-----phantomzero
               >---dowian2----/                               |      |                           \phantomzero-<
dowian2-------/                                               |      |                                         \--------Kinnison
Timminz-------\                                               |      |                                         /-------whakamole
               >----Timminz---\                               |      |                           /-whakamole--<
perchorin-----/               |                               |      |                           |             \----------mviola
                               >----Timminz---\               |      |             /-lynch5762--<
ZionT---------\               |               |               |      |             |             |             /-----------tokle
               >-----ZionT----/               |               |      |             |             \-lynch5762--<
alt1978-------/                               |               |      |             |                           \-------lynch5762
                                               >chiefsfan4ever/      \-lynch5762--<
keiths31------\                               |                                    |                           /---------Theldin
               >---keiths31---\               |                                    |             /theheadholes<
darkbluesky---/               |               |                                    |             |             \----theheadholes
                               >chiefsfan4ever/                                    \--MudPuppy--<
chiefsfan4ever\               |                                                                  |             /--------jmyork82
               >chiefsfan4ever/                                                                  \--MudPuppy--<
danryan-------/                                                                                                \--------MudPuppy

Code: Select all
chiefsfan4ever-/                |
                                 >-***The Champ***
Night Strike---\                |


Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:56 pm
by jrh_cardinal

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:56 pm
by MudPuppy
In, please.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:02 pm
by sonicsteve
I'm IN, please

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:03 pm
by Night Strike
Some of these maps really do suck, but I'm in.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:06 pm
by danryan
I love most of these maps! In. Just wish it wasn't 1 v 1 as I suck at the format. :D

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:10 pm
by Timminz
In please.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (0/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:12 pm
by Kinnison
Night Strike wrote:Some of these maps really do suck, but I'm in.

Well, that's sort of the point. ;)

danryan wrote:I love most of these maps! In. Just wish it wasn't 1 v 1 as I suck at the format. :D

When I was asked to fill in this slot for the TPA, I found team games in every direction around them, and large-format singles is what I'm ALREADY running, in P^3. So... *shrug*

And I've got everyone through Timminz in.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:14 pm
by Bones2484
In please!

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:21 pm
by ubcman64
in please
must say i like most of these too.....should be fun :D

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:23 pm
by banana_hammocks
sign me up :)

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:25 pm
by tokle
in please

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:31 pm
by ga7
In please =)

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:39 pm
by Hath
In, please.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:51 pm
by keiths31
In please

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:58 pm
by Eternal Shadow
in please

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:50 pm
by Serbia
The Serbian Nation will give it a go.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:59 pm
by Tripitaka
In please Mr. Kin! :D

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:53 pm
by dowian2
I'm in.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:14 pm
by mviola

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (7/64)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:02 am
by Kinnison
In through mviola.

Re: The Unloved [TPA] (19/64)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:00 am
by Electricksabers
in please