by patrickaa317 on Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:47 am
This tourney will be open to both freemium and premium players however, you must leave 2 of your spots open.
I will take up to 75 players for this tourney and will leave sign ups open until December 1st. If it fills up fast, I may be willing to take more players, that will be determined at that time.
The gameplay is as follows:
Each round, the current players will be randomly organized in a list. You will play the person above you and the person below you (very top and very bottom are to be considered "bordering"). If you win either of these games you make it to the next round. If you lose both, you are eliminated. Each round follows same logic until there is only 1 player standing.
Settings are:
Random Map
Players must join both of their games within 48 hours otherwise they will be removed from the list and the two players they were designated to play against will play each other.
**11/22 Update: Increased player count to 76. No reserves will be taken, deadbeats will just simply be removed from list, both players scheduled to play the player who deadbeated, will play each other.
Last edited by
patrickaa317 on Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:44 pm, edited 16 times in total.