Conquer Club

TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Winner: joriki)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Winner: joriki)

Postby dowian2 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:40 pm

Original Topic: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire

TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire Edition
Rescued by dowian2
Brought to you by The Tournament Organizer Usergroup

~~You may only join one Capture the Flag Tournament~~

Capture the Flag Details:
Capture the Flag Roman Empire Edition is part of a Super Tournament. Please refer to Center of Operations to remain updated on the progress of the Super Tournament. The winner of this tournament will go to Elite Capture the Flag, and will face winners of the other tournament.

Roman Empire Edition Details:
    Number of Players: 24 (288 total for tournament, unless we add more)
    Game Load: One game at a time
    Requirements: This must be the only Capture the Flag tournament you have joined
    Settings: Automatic, Sequential, No Spoils, Chained, No Fog

Sign Up:
To join a Capture the Flag tournament simply post in the tournament, which you wish to join. Please specify which side you like to join. You my only join one Capture the Flag tournament, so chose wisely.

Game Play:
The tournament will be split into two opposing sides, with twelve players each. Side A, the Romans, will have Italy as their home map. Side B, the Barbarians will have Europe as their home map. Imperium Romanum will be the neutral map.
    Your goal is to try to stop your opponent from capturing your teamā€™s flag, while trying to capture your opponentā€™s flag.
    Capturing Your Opponentā€™s Flag:
    A player from the Romans side and the Barbarians side will be matched up 1v1 on Imperium Romanum, so there will be twelve match ups. The winner of the game advances to opponentā€™s home map, while the loser backs up to face the opponent. If the attacker wins he captures the flag and gets 1 point for his/her team. If the defender wins, the defender tags the attacker and the attacker is sent to jail. However, the attacker is released for the next round and the defender only gains a stop by tagging the opponent. In the next round, the opposing sides will switch opponents so each player gets a new opponent. The game play will be the same. This will continue until twelve rounds have been completed. The side with the most points wins.
    Capturing Your Flag:
    The winning side will battle each other to capture their flag; all games will be played on home map. The flag has been placed on a 1200 feet height hill. You must be the first on top of the hill to capture the flag. You will be randomly matched up against a player in a 1v1 game. For each win you climb 100 feet. The first player to climb 1200 feet captures the flag and wins.
    Tie Breaker:
    In case of a tie between teams when Capturing Your Opponentā€™s Flag, the three players with the most wins on each team will face off separately against one opponent. The team that wins at least two games wins.
    In case of a tie between players when Capturing Your Flag, a tie breaker game will be played between the tied players. For ties between more then 2 players, the game will be escalating to avoid a build games.
Top Flag Raiser [GA Medal]:
The player to capture the most flags in the 'Capturing Your Opponentā€™s Flag' round will win a GA medal as the 'Top Flag Raiser'. All players can win this medal, both players on the winning and losing side. Ties will be broken by a tie breaker game. Ties will be broken by a tie breaker game.

Elite Capture the Flag:
Elite will follow the same format, only smaller. Maps would be brought with each player.

Sign Ups
Last edited by dowian2 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:56 pm, edited 30 times in total.
Major dowian2
Posts: 1482
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:18 pm

Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire - RESCUED

Postby dowian2 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:40 pm

Capturing Your Flag Score
[Feet] Name
(first to 1200 feet wins)

[1200] Joriki
[900] Dustin800
[800] chiefsfan4ever
[800] Bigpash
[800] Dragon dor
[700] Ukey
[700] Ga7
[700] V.J.
[400] Jon_snow
[400] Codland
[200] Coconutt
[200] uk massive Failed to join rounds 16-18

show: Game 22

show: Game 23

show: Game 24

show: Game 25

show: Game 26

show: Game 27
Last edited by dowian2 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:56 pm, edited 69 times in total.
Major dowian2
Posts: 1482
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:18 pm

Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire - RESCUED

Postby dowian2 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:41 pm

Overall Score
[Captures] Name

[43] Romans
[2] Jemfin3 Ukey
[4] Ga7
[8] Dragon dor*
[5] Jon_snow
[2] Bigpash
[4] Dustin800
[3] Codland
[2] Coconutt
[1] Yazoochick chiefsfan4ever
[2] Ryanweb uk massive
[2] V.J.
[8] Joriki
*dragon dor won tiebreaker game for GA medal.

[36] Barbarians
[3] Crarg
[3] Gilligan
[2] Stahrgazer shortcake710
[3] Ultraman
[5] Uckuki
[1] ESQuire
[2] Kernal_Kronic
[2] Tsoukos iamkoolerthanu
[4] Rpshawn
[6] Aussie02
[3] Mc Lor Araldite
[2] Totalacid1

Completed weeks:
show: Round 1

show: Round 2

show: Round 3

show: Round 4

show: Round 5

show: Round 6

show: Round 7

show: Round 8

show: Round 9

show: Round 10

show: Round 11

show: Round 12

show: Game 13

show: Game 14

show: Game 15

show: Game 16

show: Game 17

show: Game 18

show: Game 19

show: Game 20

show: Game 21
Last edited by dowian2 on Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:24 am, edited 59 times in total.
Major dowian2
Posts: 1482
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:18 pm

Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire - RESCUED

Postby dowian2 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:41 pm

Dowian2's Tournament Rules
  • I'm going to send out invites, which, as most of you know, expire within 24 hours.
  • If any invites expire, I will send a second invite.
  • If the second invite expires, the game will be deemed a forfeit.
  • Two forfeits in a row or three forfeits over the course of the tournament will result in a disqualification and I will find a reserve.
  • In the event a reserve is called for, the final game forfeited will not go down in the standings; the reserve will have a chance to play that one out for his/her team.

I'm generally reasonably flexible if something comes up (vacations, etc.), but you must tell me beforehand.
Last edited by dowian2 on Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Major dowian2
Posts: 1482
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire - RESCUED

Postby Mc Lor on Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:07 am

In please
Cook Mc Lor
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire - RESCUED

Postby Aussie02 on Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:38 pm

Hi dowian2,

Game Number 7968018

Between Aussie02 and ryanweb should be on the Italy Map as I am a barbarian and won the neutral game on imperium roman map.


Cadet Aussie02
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Updated 11/17)

Postby dowian2 on Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:27 am

Round 1 is winding down, with 2 flags captured and 5 attackers sent to jail so far. Round 2 games coming tomorrow!
Major dowian2
Posts: 1482
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Updated 11/17)

Postby dowian2 on Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:14 pm

Through Round 1, the score is Barbarians 4, Romans 2.

Still seven neutral games active in Round 2; I'll wait for a few more to get done before sending out the second half of the round.
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Updated 11/17)

Postby dowian2 on Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:21 pm

9 of the 12 games are complete for Round 2, Part 1, so I've sent those nine games out. I'll be sending the remainder out as you finish, and Round 3 will begin as soon as our two freemiums finish their Round 2 battles :D
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 2)

Postby Aussie02 on Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:39 pm

Hi dowian2,

I believe you can start Round 3 now:)


Cadet Aussie02
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 2)

Postby dowian2 on Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:21 pm

Strong showing from the Roman side in the second half of Round 2 - They've won 8 of the 11 completed games, enabling them to pull ahead, 6-5. =D>

Round 3 on its way!
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 2)

Postby dowian2 on Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:17 pm

However, the final game goes to the Barbarians! 6-6 through two rounds! :D
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 3/4)

Postby V.J. on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:50 pm

Mighty Romans Rule!!! :D
Sergeant 1st Class V.J.
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 4)

Postby dowian2 on Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:01 am

Round 3 is complete. Another strong showing for the Roman side in the second half of the round, winning 10 of 12 to build out a 12-8 lead.
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 4)

Postby dowian2 on Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:47 pm

The standings are updated. Still three Round 4 games active; Round 5 will begin after I'm done traveling for the holidays :)
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 5)

Postby dowian2 on Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:50 am

Scoreboard is updated; Round 4 complete, Round 5 invites sent!
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 5)

Postby dowian2 on Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:12 pm

Round 6 invites on the way. Three points for the Romans so far in Round 5, and none for the Barbarians.

Special congrats to ultraman, who was the first player in the tournament to win so much as a game against Joriki, who had started on a nine-game winning streak!
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 5)

Postby Aussie02 on Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:47 pm

Yes we Barbarians need to win some more, smash the Romans to smitherenes!!!
Cadet Aussie02
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 6)

Postby stahrgazer on Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:47 pm

I'm wondering why my round 5 only had 1 game ?
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 6)

Postby dowian2 on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:54 pm

stahrgazer wrote:I'm wondering why my round 5 only had 1 game ?

Your opponent failed to join the first game of round 5, so you won via forfeit.
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 6)

Postby Aussie02 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:44 pm

Hi, round 7 starting soon?

Cadet Aussie02
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 6)

Postby dowian2 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:54 pm

Aussie02 wrote:Hi, round 7 starting soon?


Round 7 invites were just sent out - I was waiting for the last neutral match of round 6 to complete before starting it :)
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 6/7)

Postby dowian2 on Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:41 pm

5-1 run so far in round 6 (with a possibility for 6-1) as the Barbarians are trying to mount a comeback!

Also, welcome shortcake710 to the tournament, replacing stahrgazer, who has withdrawn.
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 7/8)

Postby dowian2 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:14 pm

Round 7 is drawing to a close, and the Barbarians have pulled back to within one point at 24-23. =D>

Round 8 invites have been sent out! Good luck!
Major dowian2
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Re: TO; Capture the Flag Roman Empire (Round 7/8)

Postby Aussie02 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:16 pm

Up the Barbarians!!! Yeah!!!
Cadet Aussie02
Posts: 566
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