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Pig Roast-Holidays 2010 [Winner: Blinkadyblink]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:32 pm
by WorldCup4James
Frequently Asked Questions
show: FAQ

This tournament is now full. List of Players and Pots are on the second post. Standings are on the third post. All Tournament Games and the Maps Selected by Roasters are found in the fourth post.
show: Requirements to Play

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks, spending a nice afternoon with friends and family, throwing the football around, and enjoying a nice dose of fellowship.
But let's not forget Thanksgiving Dinner.
Turkey, sweet potatoes, pecan pie, and...
Roasted Pigs...yum...
Click image to enlarge.

I'm not sure if you enjoy roasted pigs, but to me...they just taste delicious.
Unfortunately nobody's created a slaughterhouse map or something like that so this tournament isn't directly related to pigs.
But if you've ever played the classic basketball game known as HORSE, then you should understand the premise of this tournament. But there are some major differences!
show: Basics of the Roast

show: Resume

The Official Rules of the Pig Roast
*The tournament organizer has the right to change rules prior to or during the tournament and make any decisions connected to play to make the Roast more enjoyable.

* will be used when randomness is needed.

Number of Players: 48
show: Determining the Groups

show: Gameplay

show: Scoring

show: Example

show: The Thundering Twenty-Four

show: The Tireless Twelve

show: The Wildcard Game

show: The Fiery Four

show: No-Show Policy

show: Important Reminders

I appreciate your attention, I know it's a lot. :) =D>

Players and Pots (Updated 5/29)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:33 pm
by WorldCup4James
show: List of Players--Opening Stage

show: List of Players--Thundering Twenty-Four

show: List of Players--Tireless Twelve

show: List of Players--Fiery Four

show: Pots--Opening Stage

show: Pots--Thundering Twenty-Four

show: Pots--Tireless Twelve

The Pig Roast Final Standings Board, July 10, 2011

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:33 pm
by WorldCup4James

show: Tireless Twelve Standings

show: Opening Stage Standings

Games and Maps Chosen by Roasters: Updated 7/10

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:34 pm
by WorldCup4James
All Tournament Games, by Group

Updated: 7/10, 3:42 P.M. Eastern U.S. Time

The Fiery Four
Rotation 1: Played on New World

Game 9151399--Blinkadyblink vs. kgbpizza
Game 9151400--Blinkadyblink vs. Domicas
Game 9151401--Blinkadyblink vs. darkbluesky

*Blinkadyblink remains the Roaster, as nobody defeated him. kgbpizza loses a point (P). Domicas loses a point (P). darkbluesky loses a point (P).
Rotation 2: Played on WWII Poland

Game 9174676--Blinkadyblink vs. kgbpizza
Game 9174677--Blinkadyblink vs. Domicas (Round 10)
Game 9174678--Blinkadyblink vs. darkbluesky

*Domicas becomes Roaster, as he was the only player who defeated the Roaster (Blinkadyblink).. kgbpizza loses a point (PI). darkbluesky loses a point (PI).
Rotation 3: Played on Hive

Game 9195421--Domicas vs. Blinkadyblink (Round 11)
Game 9195423--Domicas vs. kgbpizza
Game 9195425--Domicas vs. darkbluesky (Round 21)

*Blinkadyblink becomes Roaster (defeating the Roaster in 10 fewer rounds than darkbluesky). kgbpizza loses his last point (PIG) and is therefore eliminated.
Rotation 4: Played on Eastern Hemisphere

Game 9264888--Blinkadyblink vs. Domicas (Round 16)
Game 9264889--Blinkadyblink vs. darkbluesky (Round 11)

*darkbluesky becomes Roaster (defeating the Roaster in 5 fewer rounds than Domicas). Blinkadyblink lost to each piggie still alive, so he loses a point (P).
Rotation 5: Played on Unification Germany

Game 9304018--darkbluesky vs. Blinkadyblink (Round 10)
Game 9304019--darkbluesky vs. Domicas

*Blinkadyblink becomes Roaster, as he was the only player who defeated the Roaster (darkbluesky).. Domicas loses a point (PI).
Rotation 6: Played on Northwest Passage

Game 9362699--Blinkadyblink vs. Domicas
Game 9362700--Blinkadyblink vs. darkbluesky

Domicas loses his last point (PIG) and is therefore eliminated. darkbluesky loses his last points (PIG) and is therefore eliminated. Blinkadyblink is the last Roaster standing! *Blinkadyblink has triumphed and claimed victory in the Pig Roast! Congratulations, and thanks to everyone for competing!.

show: Tireless Twelve--All Finished Games

show: Thundering Twenty-Four--All Finished Games

show: Opening Stage--All Finished Games

Maps Selected by Each Roaster During the Roast
show: Maps Selected by Each Roaster During the Roast

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [0/64]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:34 pm
by WorldCup4James
WorldCup4James, the host, is in.

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [1/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:31 am
by DBandit70
You can count me in

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [1/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:13 am
by greenoaks
i too will give this a try

my score at time of posting is - 1522

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [1/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:14 am
by rmjw10
in please

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [4/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:28 pm
by TheCrown
In pls... and yes, I love bacon.

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [4/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:31 pm
by WorldCup4James
TheCrown wrote:In pls... and yes, I love bacon.

Glad to're in! DBandit70, rmjw10, and greenoaks are in as well.

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [5/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:55 pm
by Jobiwan
in plz

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [6/64]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:59 pm
yes please

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [6/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:54 am
by Domicas

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [6/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:16 am
by stuzzman
Im in if theres a spare place


Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [6/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:35 am
by blitzkreig2
in please, this tournament sounds awesome.

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [6/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:16 am
by kgbpizza
i'm in. please and thank you.

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [11/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:14 pm
by WorldCup4James
If you'd like to help advertise this tournament, you can post this as your signature! It's greatly appreciated!
Code: Select all

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [11/64]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:28 pm
by Gromph

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [12/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:01 am
by Jippd

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [13/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:47 am
by cfreze00
I would like to join

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [14/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:40 pm
by zat
I'll join

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [15/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:52 pm
by ellenaj
Would love be in please

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [16/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:09 pm
by earlybirdbrew
Im in!

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [17/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:28 pm
by dalemac22
sign me up world cup

Re: Pig Roast-Thanksgiving 2010 [18/64]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:52 pm
by FutureShock99