Friend and Foe [Winner: Kabanellas]

Friend and Foe
Anyone with one free slot can sign up!
It is a cold, harsh world out there. One moment you think they're fighting alongside you, and next moment they're trying to cut you off. Backstabbers, liars, people who use you at their disposal. People will do anything to get to the top. Are you one of them? Or can you outsmart them? Either way, this is your chance to prove it!
The tournament will start with 8 Quads teams arranged in a bracket fashion, based on total CC points of the players. The winner of a best of 3 series will move on to the next round. The best of 3 series will consist of 1 home map for each team, and one game on Random map.
Here's the twist. In between rounds, the progressing team will have to play a Standard game with all the players in their team. The first person to be eliminated from that game will be eliminated from the tournament as well. This means the next game the teams play will be with one less player than before. This will continue till the last Doubles game, followed by the last Standard game to crown the eventual winner. This means the winner will only be a single player, NOT the winning team.
All games will be Sequential and Casual. Teams can decide Map, Forts, Spoils and FoW, while Random map settings will be Chained, Escalating and Sunny. Note that settings for the team's home map will be used for their Standard elimination games as well.
Round 1 - Quads (8 teams)
Round 1 Elimination - Standard (4 players)
Round 2 - Triples (4 teams)
Round 2 Elimination - Standard (3 players)
Round 3 - Doubles (2 teams)
Round 3 Elimination - Standard (2 players)
Signing Up
When signing up, please include the following:
1. I reserve the right to change aspects of the game if anything needs changing, to ensure fairness to all players or for the benefit of the tournament.
2. If you wish to withdraw from the tournament at any time, please inform me via personal message or post on this thread.
3. Ignore list is ignored in my tournament. If there's anybody that's in your ignore list then you have to remove him/her while playing in my tournament.
4. Alliances are not allowed.
5. If you do not join the game within 48 hours, you will be replaced.
6. If you are know you are not going to be around for a duration of time, please inform me. If the period of time is short enough, I will delay all of your games.
7. If any one of the members of the team deadbeated out of the Team games, the entire team will be disqualified. If the member deadbeated out of the Elimination game, then the player will be eliminated and the rest of the team moves on.
8. Reserves will only be used for Round 1. In Rounds 2 and 3, the team that was defeated by the team that dropped out will be used as the replacement.
9. For any questions, problems etc you may voice it out in this thread or you can PM me.
Anyone with one free slot can sign up!
It is a cold, harsh world out there. One moment you think they're fighting alongside you, and next moment they're trying to cut you off. Backstabbers, liars, people who use you at their disposal. People will do anything to get to the top. Are you one of them? Or can you outsmart them? Either way, this is your chance to prove it!
The tournament will start with 8 Quads teams arranged in a bracket fashion, based on total CC points of the players. The winner of a best of 3 series will move on to the next round. The best of 3 series will consist of 1 home map for each team, and one game on Random map.
Here's the twist. In between rounds, the progressing team will have to play a Standard game with all the players in their team. The first person to be eliminated from that game will be eliminated from the tournament as well. This means the next game the teams play will be with one less player than before. This will continue till the last Doubles game, followed by the last Standard game to crown the eventual winner. This means the winner will only be a single player, NOT the winning team.
All games will be Sequential and Casual. Teams can decide Map, Forts, Spoils and FoW, while Random map settings will be Chained, Escalating and Sunny. Note that settings for the team's home map will be used for their Standard elimination games as well.
Round 1 - Quads (8 teams)
Round 1 Elimination - Standard (4 players)
Round 2 - Triples (4 teams)
Round 2 Elimination - Standard (3 players)
Round 3 - Doubles (2 teams)
Round 3 Elimination - Standard (2 players)
Signing Up
When signing up, please include the following:
- Team Name
- Team Members
- Home Settings
1. I reserve the right to change aspects of the game if anything needs changing, to ensure fairness to all players or for the benefit of the tournament.
2. If you wish to withdraw from the tournament at any time, please inform me via personal message or post on this thread.
3. Ignore list is ignored in my tournament. If there's anybody that's in your ignore list then you have to remove him/her while playing in my tournament.
4. Alliances are not allowed.
5. If you do not join the game within 48 hours, you will be replaced.
6. If you are know you are not going to be around for a duration of time, please inform me. If the period of time is short enough, I will delay all of your games.
7. If any one of the members of the team deadbeated out of the Team games, the entire team will be disqualified. If the member deadbeated out of the Elimination game, then the player will be eliminated and the rest of the team moves on.
8. Reserves will only be used for Round 1. In Rounds 2 and 3, the team that was defeated by the team that dropped out will be used as the replacement.
9. For any questions, problems etc you may voice it out in this thread or you can PM me.