Verimus, Vidimus, Vicimus I Singles to Doubles 16 players (8 teams) 4 reserves (2 reserve teams)
Introduction: There will be four great battles spread out across four worlds where you and your teammate will fight individually against the divided members of the other teams. Victors of these battles will then join with their teammate and fight together against the other remaining teams in a great final battle. The victorious team of this final will earn the tournament medal and together proclaim, āVenimus, Vidimus, Vicimus!ā (We came, we saw, we conquered!)
Tournament Setup:
Initial Battles: Initial battles will take place across four worlds with settings 8 player World 2.1 Standard Automatic Sequential Flat Rate Sunny
There will be 2 lists of 8 players, List A and List B. You and will teammate will be randomly placed on different lists by List A will be duplicated to make List 1A and List 2A. List B will be duplicated to make List 1B and List 2B. Each list will then be ordered randomly by Battles will then seed as follows: World 1A (1A1,1A2,1A3,1A4,1A5,1A6,1A7,1A8) World 1B (1B1,1B2,1B3,1B4,1B5,1B6,1B7,1B8) World 2A (2A1,2A2,2A3,2A4,2A5,2A6,2A7,2A8) World 2B (2B1,2B2,2B3,2B4,2B5,2B6,2B7,2B8)
Victory in any of the initial battles will secure a place in the grand final for you as well as your teammate.
Grand Final: In the Grand Final, the doubles teams will engage in a battle raging across a world using settings Doubles World 2.1 Automatic Sequential Flat Rate Sunny The winning team will win the tournament and earn a Tournament Achievement Medal!
A general achievement medal has been approved for this tournament and will be awarded to any player who is able to win both their initial battles, yet fails to achieve victory in the grand final.
Lindax wrote:Ok, let's do it! GA Medal granted.
Statistical Tragedy:Victor of all 8-player games, yet defeated in the final. Tournament: Verimus, Vidimus, Vicimus I
Thank you for your interest in the tournament. Unfortunately, one of your team does not have the 98% turn attendance required to take part. This is outlined in the Eligibility Rule found in the "Several Notes - Please read before joining" spoiler box. Thanks again for taking the time to post!
iblaskov, thank you for your interest in the tournament. Unfortunately, your turn attendance is too low to participate. Players must have at least 98% turn attendance.
Commander9 wrote:Sign me up. I'll confirm my teammate soon..
Commander9, I'll add you and your teammate to the list as soon a new post is made confirming the name of your teammate. I'm sorry if this puts your team in a reserve slot, but I have to give priority to completed teams.
benga wrote:I am in with S0AB69
Benga, your teammate's name is SOAB69 not S0AB69, right?
lewis.evans and Fossefox, Thank you for your interest in the tournament. Unfortunately, one of your team does not have the 98% turn attendance required to take part. This is outlined in the Eligibility Rule found in the "Several Notes - Please read before joining" spoiler box. Thanks again for taking the time to post!