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Officers Tournament I [Rescued][Winner: danryan]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:13 am
by amazzony
It would be a shame to let this one get abandoned because it should be ready to start the final phase so I've decided to save it. Currently updated standings can be found from the second which are here. Everything that Hoagy had been done (before abandoning the tournament) can be found in this post.

    Original topic can be found here
Hoagy wrote:24 players are needed for this tournament. At least 4 reserves will also be needed.

Entry Requirements

To enter, you need to be a Lieutenant or higher, and have taken 90% or more of your turns. When posting to enter, you may nominate any map to be used in the first round.

If you are not a Lieutenant yet, you might want to enter the NCO's tournament instead. Click the link below to view this tournament.

If you are at the eligible rank to enter when posting, but are subsequently demoted to below Lieutenant, don't worry, you'll still be in the tournament.

Round One format

The maps played in the first round will be the five with the most nominations (any ties will be determined randomly).

All games will be Standard, Sequential, Flat Rate, Chained, No Fog. Game speed: Casual.

The first round will be six groups of four players each and will play the best of five games. Tie-breaks will be played out on the sixth most popular map nominated.

Maps to be used in Round One

Arms Race!
High Seas
Feudal War
World 2.1

Tie-breaker map: Randomly determined (by a die, the only real random number generator!) from the maps that got 1 vote.

Final Round

The six winners of the most games will qualify for the final round, which will be the best of three six player games.
If there are a lot of players with the same number of wins vying for a place in the final then there will be a play-off round. The players will be divided as evenly as possible into however many games are necessary (for instance, if there are nine players left playing for two final positions then there will be a four-player game and a five-player game with the winner of each going into the final). The maps used will be chosen by the lowest-ranked players that made the play-offs. For the sake of speeding the progress of the tournament up a bit, the play-off games will be ESCALATING, not flat rate.

The lowest three ranked players may each choose a map to be used in the final (no duplicates, so if your choice has already been picked, choose another one). Please post your choice of map in this thread. If any finalists do not want to choose a map, the choice will be handed up to the next highest ranked player. If after this, not enough maps have been selected, any remaining maps will be Random.

In case of a tie in the final round, a tie-breaker will be played out by the tying players on a Random map.


Players who decide to drop out will be replaced by a reserve, who will continue with the same number of wins (if any) as the player they are replacing. Deadbeating players and anyone who happens to be disqualified for any reason will be replaced in the same manner.

show: participants

show: results until abandoning

Standings and Games: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:14 am
by amazzony
Round 1
Player - Wins
MSex - 3
Agent 86 - 2
danryan - 2
Dieforasandwich - 2
LazarusLong - 2
magiiiiiic - 2
mrbang - 2
Vertigo - 2

b00060 - 1
Darin44 - 1
drake_259 - 1
Frito Bandito - 1
greengo - 1
Hoagy - 1
Jobiwan - 1
magneto_acolyte - 1
Mehmed II - 1
Quack. - 1
rubntug - 1
BrotherWolf - 0
Captain_Scarlet - 0
efreddy - 0
Kotaro - 0
Mr_Adams - 0
MyTurnToWin - 0

Tiebreakers. Winners (and finalists) marked in bold.
Round 1
Game 6816539 - LazarusLong, magiiiiiic, Agent 86, danryan
Game 6816540 - mrbang, Dieforasandwich, Vertigo, BADPAT
Round 2
Game 6933376 - mrbang, Dieforasandwich, Vertigo, Agent 86, LazarusLong

Round 2 (finals)
    Games (settings: 6-player, Standard, Sequential, Flat Rate, Chained, No Fog, Casual, Automatic)
  1. Game 7273652 (map: Midkemdil by Agent 86) [winner: danryan]
  2. Game 7273653 (map: Arms Race! by BADPAT) [winner: mrbang]
  3. Game 7273657 (map: Waterloo by mrbang) [winner: LazarusLong]
    Game 8670667 (Random/Escalating) [danryan, mrbang, LazarusLong]

Player - Wins
mrbang - 1
LazarusLong - 1
danryan - 1
MSex - 0
Agent 86 - 0

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:29 am
by amazzony
I've updated first and second post with all the knowledge I have managed to gather. As you can see, a tiebreaker situation has happened (which I'm not actually surprised of) so I'll try to understand the tiebreaker solution and act accordingly.

With 3 wins, MSex has secured his position in the finals. Next 8 members who all have 2 wins will have to fight for the remaining 5 places in the finals. As much as I understand, Hoagy didn't think it through and therefore there isn't a solution for this kind of situation and I will have to work out a tiebreaker process myself.

I've decided that we'll keep playing games as follows until we have the 5 players who will continue in finals.
Tiebreaker rounds - slight changes might be made after I know how many people are continuing in tiebreaker round.
Round 1 (8 players): 2 4-player games. 2 winners advance to finals, remaining players play round 2.
Round 2 (6 players): 1 6-player games. 1 winner advances to finals, remaining players play round 3.
Round 3 (5 players): 1 5-player game. 1 winner advances to finals, remaining players play round 4.
Round 4 (4 players): 1 4-player game. 1 winner advances to finals, remaining players drop out.

I realise it's not what was in the original tournament but I have to improvise here as there aren't rules about a situation like that. If we have 3 volunteer drop outs from the 8 then the tiebreaker games will be skipped. I'll be contacting the 8 to know who is interested in continuing.

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:15 am

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:38 am
by magiiiiiic
count me in

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:26 am
by LazarusLong
I'm in.

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:02 am
by danryan
Sure I'll finish up.

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:25 am
by Vertigo
Yes, I will play.

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:39 am
by Agent 86
Thanks for the rescue, I'm in.


UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:24 am
by amazzony
Thanks everybody, we are just missing 2 confirmations but I'm sure we'll get them because both players seem active on the site. According to the rules map will be picked randomly so I'll use to decide it. I'll set up the games as soon as I get privileges and send out invites to get the show back on the road; it'll most likely happen in the next couple of hours. I know that the games should be Flat Rate but the tournament has been going on long enough, spoils are going to change to Escalating anyway in finals (according to original tournament rules) and the tiebreaker process consists of several rounds, therefore I'll change the spoils to Escalating already in the tiebreaker games.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:50 am
by amazzony
I've got privileges from Lindax so we can get the show back on the road :) has decided that first tiebreaker round will be played on Feudal War and who goes to which game has also been decided with the help of that site. I'll be sending out invites shortly.

Re: Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:35 pm
by mrbang



UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:59 am
by amazzony
And as Dieforasandwich joined the first tiebreaker game then we are ready to continue the tournament :D Both tiebreaker (round 1) games are active.

UDPATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:00 am
by amazzony
Haven't forgotten you, not to worry :) Both tiebreaker games are moving along nicely though no eliminations yet.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:38 pm
by amazzony
I'm off until Sunday (May 2nd) and won't be updating nor even keeping an eye on the tournament until then but games are active and shouldn't be over before Sunday so I'll check you again when I return :)

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 4:44 am
by amazzony
I'm back but I see that the games haven't finished.... Well, keep playing and I'll try to check games daily :)

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:57 am
by amazzony
First R1 tiebreaker has finished, BADPAT has advanced to finals. Waiting on the second to end before we can move to R2 of tiebreakers.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:18 am
by amazzony
danryan has advanced to finals and magiiiiiic deadbeated out of the game (he has been removed from the tournament). Round 2 of tiebreakers has been sent out to 5 remaining players. decided that the map will be World 2.1 for this game.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:10 am
by amazzony
Round 2 of tiebreaker is active. I'll get back to you when it has ended :)

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:16 am
by amazzony
Just confirming that I haven't abandoned you :) Tiebreaker game of R2 is still active with no change.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:27 am
by amazzony
Still no change since last update.

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:11 am
by amazzony
Still waiting for the game to end to move on to round 3 of tiebreakers :)

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:49 am
by amazzony
I'm back and I see that you are looking ways to turn the game into a stalemate which means we might need a tiebreaker game for a tiebreaker game :P

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:16 pm
by amazzony
No change, still the game active (though with 1 eliminations now).

UPDATE - Officers Tournament I [Rescued]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:57 am
by amazzony
No change, still the game active. If there's no big change in a week then I'll figure out how to move on with the tournament.