by merch313 on Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:55 pm
Here is the for the groups. 1-8, 16-24 etc will be the group you play round 1 with
There were 64 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1. Caeleth
2. giannikas
3. Risk_Averse
4. Ghost_Rider
5. icecarver
6. kabuki.mono
7. Moya
8. solar
9. evertonian
10. jsholty4690
11. Chewie1
12. hall04
13. Karl_R_Kroenen
14. brsteelers74
15. MegasWoman
16. roprotem
17. arrudaw
18. shoop76
19. woopintroysbutt
20. GreenBaize
21. ooge
22. bobdakota
23. rbelgrod
24. Muzzel
25. eddie2
26. littlebrother2k7
27. agressivo
28. stokiepaul
29. brambles
30. coloradoguy
31. rpshawn
32. arno30
33. merch
34. ckyrias
35. Dukasaur
36. Pajarito
38. sandman175
39. zissou2
40. ISN2
41. Gilligan
42. roprotem
43. PepeAtila
44. theheadholes
45. koontz1973
46. br4nd0n2002
47. jotheconqueror
48. Jacob-ski
49. wolfpack0530
50. bigpash
51. irlLordy
52. Tomod
53. razoget999
54. danryan
55. canona85
56. dumhic
57. 8ooRunR
58. TheTrueNorth
59. Lensois
60. yongwe
61. Boss Tokugawa
62. evilkingjay
63. murphy16
64. Napoleon47
Timestamp: 2011-02-28 20:54:34 UTC