Moderator: Tournament Directors
basic_man2010_20 wrote:okay i wasn't trying to argue with anything i was just point out a guideling that i thought had been broken with then turny being made... i could ahve been wrong just wanted input on it... the way that I had read that is it was syaing that you could not restrict a turny to beonlg for people of ONLY 2,000 or more but you could do it as being only people less then 2000 points as there is a bigger group of people less then 2000 then thereis above 2000 and with the amount of 2000 only turnys that was bieng made no lower rnaks got to play...
murphy16 wrote:In please
Deng Xiao Ping wrote:IN PLEASE
Koganosi wrote:Username:stokiepaul
Rank: Lieutenan
2000 and higher?
He is missing 300 points.
gorehound wrote:Thanks for keeping the scores updated so quickly! It is a pleasure to see such efficiency!! cheers
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