Conquer Club

Thank You, dtellis! [Winner: Leehar]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Thank You, dtellis! [R1: Batch 6 - updated Dec 9]

Postby Lindax on Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:15 pm

Still waiting for a player: Game 8108960

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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:50 am

Lindax wrote:Still waiting for a player: Game 8108960


Thanks for the poke! :) I've checked the games, sent out reminders to 2 people and hopefully all games of batch 6 will begin soon. The 1 game from batch 5 is still active but I think it should be over in the next 24 hours.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:49 pm

Batch 5 is fully done now and all 10 stars have been given out for that set. And, batch 6 has fully started so all 10 games active now, right now between rounds 1 and 4, depending on the group.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:12 am

Batch 6 is still active with 4 games out of 10 finished. It shouldn't take more than a week for the remaining games to end so I'm expecting to send out next games in the first week of January.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:57 am

Batch 6 is done and 7th sent out. Scoreboard has been updated and right now we have 3 leaders - phillipm, icecarver and theheadholes - all of them have 4 wins. After that we have 7 people with 3 wins and everybody else have either 0, 1 or 2 win(s). Remember, first 4 people to reach 7 wins earn a place in the final round.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:36 pm

There seems to be something really wrong with the scoreboard so for now please don't take the standings too seriously. I seem to have messed up something, I'll fix it as soon as I find time.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:17 pm

Alrighty, scoreboard should be correct this time (it includes first 6 batches). So, it seems we have 3 leaders - Darin44, sandman175 and theheadholes - all of them with 4 wins. After them comes 7 people with 3 wins, 10 players with 2 wins, 6 people with 1 win and 4 people haven't managed to open their win count yet but there's plenty of time to do that.

Most games have started in batch 7, we are just waiting for Don 1 to get to his games.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:09 am

I'm forced to replace Don 1 with Gromph. Don 1 has missed all my invites and message that I sent him has been sitting in his inbox for 2 days now. This made me check and he hasn't logged in since Jan 11. As he hasn't notified me about needing more time to join games then I must replace him.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:49 am

Batch 7 is totally active now :)
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:06 am

I hope that nobody minds that I have sent out batch 8 games even though batch 7 if only half way done. But, the combination of several things made me do it, like there are no freemium players alive in batch 7, I have time right now to set up new round and most batch 7 games should be done anyways within a few days.
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Re: Thank You, dtellis! [R1: Batch 7 & 8][Jan 26]

Postby murphy16 on Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:02 pm

Woo finally in the group of 4 wins haha
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:20 am

I'm slowly giving out gold stars as games of batch 7 and 8 finish. Right now there are 2 games left to be finished in batch 7 and all 10 games of batch 8 are also active.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby murphy16 on Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:51 pm

amazzony wrote:I'm slowly giving out gold stars as games of batch 7 and 8 finish. Right now there are 2 games left to be finished in batch 7 and all 10 games of batch 8 are also active.

Wooo 5 stars now
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:01 am

Things are moving along nicely, first 8 batches are now finished and scoreboard updated. We have 4 players with 5 wins (dtellis, murphy16, RedBaron0 and sandman175), 6 players with 4 wins, 5 players with 3 wins and the rest have 2 or less wins.

I've already created batch 9 games and messages should drop in your inbox in the next 15 minutes.
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:31 am

Batch 9 has started without any reminders needed, thank you!
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:12 am

There's just 1 more game that needs to finish before we can move on to round 10. I'll set up everything so as soon as the game is over I can send out new games.

Also, I will update the scoreboard when the game ends because we have first player who has reached 7 wins and we have several players who are at 5 wins after this batch.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:17 pm

Batch 9 is finished and I've given out all gold stars for those games. We should be moving on to next batch but I'm having some difficulties with my new laptop, more accurately I find Office 2010 annoying and so different from 2003 that I can't find anything that I need to update scoreboards and get new games out.

Therefore, please be patient while I learn my new excel or teach me where can I find "Sort" in 2010 excel 8-[
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UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:02 am

dtellis helped me out with excel and I've managed to update the scoreboard (includes first 9 batches) and created batch (games sent out). dtellis is the first person to reach 7 wins so he is the first finalist. There are 7 people with 5 wins currently so it might be that this is the last batch of round 1 though I think we'll need at least 1 more before finals can begin. Also, those who have reached 7 wins still have to keep playing so the number of players in each game would be equal.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:36 pm

All games of batch 10 have started.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:39 am

2 out of 10 batch 10 games are finished, all other still active and seem not to end before 10-12 days.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:02 am

4 out of 10 batch 10 games are now finished.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:15 am

It's absolutely sure now that at least one more batch is needed before we have 4 players with 7 wins. There are only 3 games left to be finished in batch 10 so I've decided to create batch 11 games and send them out.

kierkegaard_2 will be replacing Jobiwan who has got himself in trouble with CC.

Scoreboard will be updated as soon as all batch 10 games are done.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:57 am

There's still 1 game active in batch 10: Game 8736270. It might be that the whole batch 11 finishes before that one game. Anyways, I'll let the games go on for now, lets see how current batch goes and if batch 11 is done then I'll start thinking what to do with the game if it is still active by then.
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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:10 am

Batch 10 is finished, scoreboard updated and batch 11 is fully active right now (games currently around round 5).

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Re: UPDATE - Thank You, dtellis!

Postby amazzony on Wed May 11, 2011 1:47 am

There are still 3 games in batch 11 that need to win before I update scoreboard and, it seems, send out next batch of games.
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