Conquer Club

2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - Winner: OliverFA

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby n00blet on Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:32 am

Oh boy oh boy that's devious... :?
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby NotNowKato on Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:39 am

Hi All,

I'm really glad I stumbled across this AA Tourney style of play, love the idea of honor based play & gentlemens/ladies agreement. Hope I can make some impact thru the year on the scoreboard, but more importantly, gain some strategic knowledge of this AA gameplay & befriend those I am in games with.

Kato :D
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:03 pm

NotNowKato wrote:Hi All,

I'm really glad I stumbled across this AA Tourney style of play, love the idea of honor based play & gentlemens/ladies agreement. Hope I can make some impact thru the year on the scoreboard, but more importantly, gain some strategic knowledge of this AA gameplay & befriend those I am in games with.

Kato :D

I fully agree with you :-) The more I play AA games, the more I think they are far more enjoyable than non-AA games. I love the additional strategic aspects of those games, that could never happen with "normal" rules:

- More than one super army. Fight actually happens in several fronts. Some fronts have bigger armies, some fronts have smaller armies.
- Fight continues after the initial defense has been broken, as the attacker still needs to make his way into the defender land.
- Maneuvering. I have actually seen strategies such as deep defense or pocketing.
- Bombarding at least has sense. For example, in Feudal War, bombarding takes a completely new dimension.
- And many more I don't remember now
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:33 pm

I have updated the scores. You can see them in the first page.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby NotNowKato on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:32 pm

Hi Guys, my sincere apologizes in the AoM game, i got carried away & attacked nemrehs1 thru 3 territories, eventually taking Pirate cove, where the bulk of his bonuses were coming from, have posted in game chat, plse let me know what i can do to help rectify my horrendous mistake. Thanks & sorry again :oops:
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby n00blet on Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:58 am

NotNowKato wrote:Hi Guys, my sincere apologizes in the AoM game, i got carried away & attacked nemrehs1 thru 3 territories, eventually taking Pirate cove, where the bulk of his bonuses were coming from, have posted in game chat, plse let me know what i can do to help rectify my horrendous mistake. Thanks & sorry again :oops:
Take the most precious living thing in your life (besides yourself) to the highest peak within 3 days walking distance, and sacrifice them under thunder and lightning. If you must wait for a few days before a storm hits, then spend the days chanting about dice and strategy while dancing around the tied up sacrifice. Then, stained with their blood, return to your computer by foot and start a non-real time AA game and do not leave your chair or visit another website until it is completed. Then, and only then, will you be forgiven.
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby NotNowKato on Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:37 am

n00blet wrote:
NotNowKato wrote:Hi Guys, my sincere apologizes in the AoM game, i got carried away & attacked nemrehs1 thru 3 territories, eventually taking Pirate cove, where the bulk of his bonuses were coming from, have posted in game chat, plse let me know what i can do to help rectify my horrendous mistake. Thanks & sorry again :oops:
Take the most precious living thing in your life (besides yourself) to the highest peak within 3 days walking distance, and sacrifice them under thunder and lightning. If you must wait for a few days before a storm hits, then spend the days chanting about dice and strategy while dancing around the tied up sacrifice. Then, stained with their blood, return to your computer by foot and start a non-real time AA game and do not leave your chair or visit another website until it is completed. Then, and only then, will you be forgiven.

I will begin the slow walk to the highest peak, damn it! - its pouring with rain & its cold, cold, cold, oh what shame. At least this rain will wash out the blood by the time I return (saves explaining to the wife where the blood came from). :oops:
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby -=- Tanarri -=- on Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:41 pm

If it's still possible to join the tournament, I would be interested in doing so.

Map: Forbidden City
Spoils: None
Reinforcements: Chained

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:52 pm

I have updated scores, including the last penalties. Also, just for fun, I calculated how would things be if a normal CC score type was used. However, I think our system is better ;-)

Click image to enlarge.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:12 pm

I am afraid we have major problems in Game 6634626 :-(
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:03 pm

One map suggestion:

Oasis, no spoils, adjacent reinforcements.

The purpose of this setting is to encourage desert atrition. With adjacent reinforcements and adjacent attacks, troops really have to go inside the desert and suffer some loses for sure. If border clashses happen, players will have to also worry about atrition.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby n00blet on Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:29 pm

OliverFA wrote:One map suggestion:

Oasis, no spoils, adjacent reinforcements.

The purpose of this setting is to encourage desert atrition. With adjacent reinforcements and adjacent attacks, troops really have to go inside the desert and suffer some loses for sure. If border clashses happen, players will have to also worry about atrition.
That would be interesting, but without spoils I feel like whoever wins that first battle within the desert would automatically be able to hold the oasis and win.
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:29 pm

Flat spoils could be an option too. But not escalating, or attrition would lost any sense.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby denominator on Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:38 pm

We tried an AA game on Oasis once: Game 4121131. It didn't go so well, I was the only one to charge the Grand Oasis and nobody could get there in time to stop me.

Then we tried it again: Game 4289718. It didn't go so well again, because it was random luck to whoever got the top Oases in their run.

It sounds like a good map in concept, but when you play it, it fails. You have no choice but to charge the Grand Oasis, but if somebody is on your tail you lose your bonuses before you can block the Grand Oasis, and somebody else takes it. If you depend on others to block the Grand Oasis, they'll just end up winning because you can't get there.

I think Third Crusade would be far more interesting.
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:32 pm

Hey guys, got some free time so thought I would poke my head in.

First of all, Kato, you seem to be playing well in the games we have had together under AA format.

And I have been enjoying a highly strategic feudal game as well!

Also, denominator makes a great point about AA on Oasis, the first game was sort of a wash, the second, even with the same players, didn't go that well.

Finally, Oliver and Jake, great work hosting this.
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby Ace Rimmer on Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:05 am

I want to say thanks to everyone - we've had a few mistakes as you can see in the third post, but for the most part this has been a great game with everyone following the rules! I'm happily surprised that everyone has done so well following the rules :)

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby NotNowKato on Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:12 am

jakewilliams wrote:I want to say thanks to everyone - we've had a few mistakes as you can see in the third post, but for the most part this has been a great game with everyone following the rules! I'm happily surprised that everyone has done so well following the rules :)


Have been enjoyin' this series of games very much, thanks to Jake & Oliver 4 organizing the tourney. =D>
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:40 pm

NotNowKato wrote:
jakewilliams wrote:I want to say thanks to everyone - we've had a few mistakes as you can see in the third post, but for the most part this has been a great game with everyone following the rules! I'm happily surprised that everyone has done so well following the rules :)


Have been enjoyin' this series of games very much, thanks to Jake & Oliver 4 organizing the tourney. =D>

Jake is the one doing most of the task, and is the one who deserves most of the credit ;-)
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

Best score: 2,346 - Best position: #618 - Best percentile: 4.87%
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby Ace Rimmer on Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:14 pm

OliverFA wrote:
NotNowKato wrote:
jakewilliams wrote:I want to say thanks to everyone - we've had a few mistakes as you can see in the third post, but for the most part this has been a great game with everyone following the rules! I'm happily surprised that everyone has done so well following the rules :)


Have been enjoyin' this series of games very much, thanks to Jake & Oliver 4 organizing the tourney. =D>

Jake is the one doing most of the task, and is the one who deserves most of the credit ;-)

You're doing a fine job keeping up with the scores!

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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:53 pm

Another suggestion: City Mogul with chained reinforcements and escalating spoils.

City Mogul reinforcements come in big numbers, for this reason escalating spoils are different in this map. Instead of completely changing the nature of the map, they work almost like flat spoils work in most maps.

Also, City Mogul has many open "ports" (subway entrances) and ports play very different in AA games.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

Best score: 2,346 - Best position: #618 - Best percentile: 4.87%
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:12 pm

jakewilliams wrote:You're doing a fine job keeping up with the scores!


Last week I was on holiday, so could not update. But will update ASAP,including also the base 1000 part. I thougt that score with base 1000 could serve to make the league more interesting for newcomers, as they would enter the league with 1000 points. But of course, that's only an alternative score ;-)
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

Best score: 2,346 - Best position: #618 - Best percentile: 4.87%
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby Ace Rimmer on Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:50 pm

OliverFA wrote:Another suggestion: City Mogul with chained reinforcements and escalating spoils.

City Mogul reinforcements come in big numbers, for this reason escalating spoils are different in this map. Instead of completely changing the nature of the map, they work almost like flat spoils work in most maps.

Also, City Mogul has many open "ports" (subway entrances) and ports play very different in AA games.

Yes, City Mogul is definitely high on my list. Especially since somebody's sitter fucked up an AA game on that map prior to the tourney.


Yes it was my sitter.
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby n00blet on Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:25 am

jakewilliams wrote:
OliverFA wrote:Another suggestion: City Mogul with chained reinforcements and escalating spoils.

City Mogul reinforcements come in big numbers, for this reason escalating spoils are different in this map. Instead of completely changing the nature of the map, they work almost like flat spoils work in most maps.

Also, City Mogul has many open "ports" (subway entrances) and ports play very different in AA games.

Yes, City Mogul is definitely high on my list. Especially since somebody's sitter fucked up an AA game on that map prior to the tourney.


Yes it was my sitter.
Hahahahaha I definitely remember that :P

I would certainly be up for another one though ^^
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:46 pm

The rule was broken in game Game 6487981

2010-04-07 21:15:35 - denominator assaulted Comanche 9 from Comanche Homeland and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:15:51 - denominator assaulted Aztec 2 from Comanche 9 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:15:54 - denominator assaulted Aztec 3 from Aztec 2 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:15:59 - denominator assaulted Aztec Homeland from Aztec 3 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:06 - denominator assaulted Aztec 6 from Aztec Homeland and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:12 - denominator assaulted Aztec 8 from Aztec 6 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:16 - denominator assaulted Aztec 9 from Aztec 8 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:21 - denominator assaulted Mapuche 4 from Aztec 9 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:30 - denominator assaulted Mapuche 5 from Mapuche 4 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:35 - denominator assaulted Mapuche 6 from Mapuche 5 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:42 - denominator assaulted Mapuche 9 from Mapuche 6 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:16:49 - denominator assaulted Portuguese 2 from Mapuche 9 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:17:04 - denominator assaulted Southern Atlantic Port from Portuguese 2 and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:17:09 - denominator assaulted Dutch 1 from Southern Atlantic Port and conquered it from OliverFA
2010-04-07 21:17:28 - denominator ended the turn

I will substract one point from the final score to reflect it
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

Best score: 2,346 - Best position: #618 - Best percentile: 4.87%
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Re: 2010 Adjacent Attacks Tournament - In progress

Postby OliverFA on Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:55 pm

Scores updated (both the official scores on main page and the base 1000 one)

Click image to enlarge.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

Best score: 2,346 - Best position: #618 - Best percentile: 4.87%
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Private OliverFA
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