Moderator: Tournament Directors
Mass Miracle wrote:In please...Do I make 48?
A BETA map may not be selected until it is no longer a BETA map.
The Roaster cannot lose a point unless all piggies in the group win in their 1v1 games against him; if this occurs, the Roaster loses one point (indicated by the letter P).
The Roaster gains a point if he defeats all piggies in their 1v1 games.
Jippd wrote:I think there should have been a bonus for not losing a single game first rotation...meaning I roasted all three of my piggies three games in a row
The Roaster gains a point if he defeats all piggies in their 1v1 games. This is indicated by removing a letter from the scoreboard. If a player gains a point when there are no letters next to his name (not having lost any points thus far) on the scorecard, then he does not gain a point.
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