Conquer Club

HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(Winner: HighlanderAttack)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(still accepting players)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:11 pm

So this first one day speed tourney will kick off tonight at 9pm--this gives all the players a little more time to get the games in. It has to be Tuesday somewhere right. So in less than an hour I will send out instructions on joining the games. Here are the key things:

Do not play anyone more than 4 times--there are penalties for joining a game where you have played that player 4 times already and the game will not count. I will go by initialization times to check games played with the same players more than 4 times-pm me if you have a question.

Best winning percentage of the player that played at least 8 games wins the tourney--you can play as many as you want to but to be eligible to win the tourney you must play at least 8 games

Player that is insane and plays the most games wins the GA medal. Still must follow the "do not play the same player 4 times"

Basically have fun-also looking at doing weekend speed and a nightly bracket tourney speed style from time to time.

Instructions come out in fifty minutes.
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(still accepting players)

Postby rockfist on Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:31 pm

Thanks for starting this
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(still accepting players)

Postby benga on Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:35 pm

I plan to play only 8 different players, just wall me for a game.

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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(still accepting players)

Postby Sirmium Samurai on Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:57 am

if its not too late, i would like to play....
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(still accepting players)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:42 am

One note: because this is speed you may have real life get in the way once you start a game--that is the tough luck of real life. Games will count.

If I find someone dead beat more than one game at the same time--all those games will be taken out of the equation

If on the one game it was over in favor of the one player and they ended up losing when they should have won and both players agree I will adjust in the standings accordingly

I just lost one I had won and I won't even ask to reverse it--as it is just real life --it does suck though
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby dumhic on Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:24 am

in please HA
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby agentcom on Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:59 pm

Had some free time today and was hoping to play, but it looks like you've password protected your games. I'd suggest that in future speed tournaments you don't do that. Not like other tournaments where you have to keep players out of games. The more the merrier in this case.
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:12 pm

agentcom wrote:Had some free time today and was hoping to play, but it looks like you've password protected your games. I'd suggest that in future speed tournaments you don't do that. Not like other tournaments where you have to keep players out of games. The more the merrier in this case.

When you make a tourney game it has to be protected

Also--I did not want just anyone joining because of dead beat reasons

I allowed all to join until about 9am this morning--almost halfway through the tourney

After that I took down still accepting players as I was not accepting anymore--did not think it was fair for someone to come in late and go 7-1 if they were not in the tourney already and win it.

Going forward I will probably only allow the players that sign up to play--that being said anyone can sign up if they think they might have a chance to play--and end up not showing up=I will make that more clear in the instructions--especially with the turn out that I did have--we had 24 players participate

I am sorry you and dumhic missed out though
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby John Deere on Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:16 pm

in please if i can get a pw quick enough
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:38 pm

John Deere wrote:in please if i can get a pw quick enough

sign ups over for this one only 30 min left

but I will pm u with the next one
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(rd 1-- 14 hours left to pl

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:04 pm

11:00 all games not joined have been taken off the board
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(Winner: HighlanderAttack)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:45 pm

Final Standings

Player Games Wins Losses %
HighlanderAttack 25 19 6 76.00%--actually went 20-5 but lost a dead beat game he had won due to work--lol
Deantursx 8 6 2 75.00%
Benga 3 2 1 66.67%
Stevenshome 41 27 14 65.85%
Blindman30 10 6 4 60.00%
Kass23 5 3 2 60.00%
Gabriel13 17 10 7 58.82%
Italianipastido 11 6 5 54.55%
Moonchild 13 7 6 53.85%
ThrushAAX 42 22 20 52.38%
Joe B. 8 4 4 50.00%
Woopintroysbutt 8 4 4 50.00%
Luckywar 6 3 3 50.00%
Smythe02 11 5 6 45.45%
General Bax 5 2 3 40.00%
Jippd 8 3 5 37.50%
Woolfie3Paws 9 3 6 33.33%
David Staten 3 1 2 33.33%
D Major 4 1 3 25.00%
Rickmorales 17 4 13 23.53%
DJ Teflon 5 1 4 20.00%
Shoop76 5 1 4 20.00%
Plurple 12 1 11 8.33%
Therev1957 2 0 2 0.00%
Pachamarios 4 0 4 0.00%
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(Winner: HighlanderAttack)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:48 pm

Wow what a successful tourney

141 games played over a 26 hour period

Stevenshome won 27 games for most wins to win the GA Medal

Thanks for playing and with this success I will have many more of these and some bracket ones too--I want to try a bracket one next--hmm maybe this Friday night?
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Re: HA's 1v1 Random Tuesday Speed(Winner: HighlanderAttack)

Postby richie121 on Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:39 pm

In Please
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