Conquer Club

Assassins Round Robin (WINNERS: see first post)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Assassins Round Robin (WINNERS: see first post)

Postby alaskanassassin on Mon May 16, 2011 3:16 pm

congrats to the winners! There is one game still active but it doesnt affect who can win! It only affects who gets last! :p Thanks everyone.
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?
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Re: Assassins Round Robin (WINNERS: see first post)

Postby Pirlo on Mon May 16, 2011 3:27 pm

thank you for hosting.. nice efforts sir.. cheerz
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Re: Assassins Round Robin (WINNERS: see first post)

Postby danryan on Mon May 16, 2011 10:01 pm

Congrats, well done! =D>
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Re: Assassins Round Robin (WINNERS: see first post)

Postby Pirlo on Tue May 17, 2011 4:36 am

danryan wrote:Congrats, well done! =D>

thank you dan
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