by merch313 on Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:21 pm
Full just waiting on tourney privileges.
Here is the seeds for the bracket which will be up in a few. Order will be 1v2 3v4 and so on.
1. 13. theheadholes pittsburgh00
2. 30. jdtins conchobar
3. 21. Regan the great Devon99
4. 6. drunkmonkey Eddy_26
5. 20. coconutt alt1978
6. 11. masterhighlander Darin44
7. 4. Swifte Pyrhhus
8. 7. SeriouslyANewb Aaarrrrggh
9. 24. Tarcellius Robespierre__
10. 15. seamusk danfrank
11. 25. MNDuke HippieBroker
12. 5. denthefrog Streaker
13. 2. Great-Ollie John Deere
14. 17. superkeener BenKenobie
15. 10. capk81 rnunez
16. 26. dragon dor DJoach
17. 29. VioIet Master Chief
18. 23. JesseLacey DevilAndGod
19. 31. answa 40Kguy
20. 28. DBandit70 bfunny27
21. 27. jefjef MegasWoman
22. 8. jghost7 gambler21210
23. 9. dcc1220 HighlanderAttack
24. 16. scaryteded Yellow Peril
25. 18. beeps jake
26. 22. Gilligan The Fuzzy Pengui
27. 1. merch313 ooge
28. 32. CandaVespin Bamage
29. 19. khan22 mpjh
30. 3. Hook2 littlebrother2k7
31. 14. rmjw10 Felony 187
32. 12. aaronvollrath asplam
Timestamp: 2010-12-05 03:19:29 UTC