Conquer Club

Blood Money: USA [Winner: Eternal Shadow]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Blood Money: USA [16/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:18 pm

Ghost_Rider wrote:hey,

I'm in

You got it. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [13/36][0/6]

Postby denominator on Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:46 pm

MrGlassB wrote:
denominator wrote:The final rounds could get interesting if one or two players are way out in front. If someone is in third, it may be better to assassinate the wrong target to knock them back down to $0 rather than trying to win enough money to catch up.

Again with the good point. :) I guess the question is do we want this to be allowed? And if so, does the player assassinating the wrong target get the money the target was holding? If we say yes, there will be a lot of this going on, because people will just target the player with the most money. I don't think that's very fair. The other option is to allow it with the caveat that the offending player (the one that took out the wrong target) will not get any money for that game.

I think I lean more toward not allowing it at all or only allowing it with the caveat. Thoughts?


I think I see what you're saying and I think I agree.

The player that gets eliminated loses all money regardless of who eliminates him.
If you eliminate the correct player, you get the elimination bonus plus the eliminated player's money plus the survivor bonus.
If you eliminate the wrong player, you do not get the elimination bonus, nor do you get the eliminated player's money, but you do get the survivor bonus.

This means that everyone has to do calculations as to how much they are going to gain compared to how much the other player(s) lose. By eliminating the wrong player with a big stack of cash, not only do you knock him down to $0, you prevent his assassin from gaining his money as well.

I think that's fairest - it gives a slight advantage to players following the tournament status more closely, but not so much that anyone can win the tournament by playing games the wrong way.
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Re: Blood Money: USA [13/36][0/6]

Postby saraith on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:39 pm

denominator wrote:
MrGlassB wrote:
denominator wrote:The final rounds could get interesting if one or two players are way out in front. If someone is in third, it may be better to assassinate the wrong target to knock them back down to $0 rather than trying to win enough money to catch up.

Again with the good point. :) I guess the question is do we want this to be allowed? And if so, does the player assassinating the wrong target get the money the target was holding? If we say yes, there will be a lot of this going on, because people will just target the player with the most money. I don't think that's very fair. The other option is to allow it with the caveat that the offending player (the one that took out the wrong target) will not get any money for that game.

I think I lean more toward not allowing it at all or only allowing it with the caveat. Thoughts?


I think I see what you're saying and I think I agree.

The player that gets eliminated loses all money regardless of who eliminates him.
If you eliminate the correct player, you get the elimination bonus plus the eliminated player's money plus the survivor bonus.
If you eliminate the wrong player, you do not get the elimination bonus, nor do you get the eliminated player's money, but you do get the survivor bonus.

This means that everyone has to do calculations as to how much they are going to gain compared to how much the other player(s) lose. By eliminating the wrong player with a big stack of cash, not only do you knock him down to $0, you prevent his assassin from gaining his money as well.

I think that's fairest - it gives a slight advantage to players following the tournament status more closely, but not so much that anyone can win the tournament by playing games the wrong way.


Plus, in please ;)

EDIT: @MGB: I also put a link to this in the Assassin's usergroup I'm a part of. So you may get a rapid influx pretty soon.
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Re: Blood Money: USA [16/36][0/6]

Postby Tupence on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:47 pm

This sounds great, I'm in please

P.S. saraith's post in the Assassins usergroup advertised this to me :)
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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:39 am

saraith wrote:Plus, in please ;)

Tupence wrote:This sounds great, I'm in please

P.S. saraith's post in the Assassins usergroup advertised this to me :)

Added. :)

saraith wrote:EDIT: @MGB: I also put a link to this in the Assassin's usergroup I'm a part of. So you may get a rapid influx pretty soon.

Thanks for the link! :D

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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:43 am

denominator wrote:If you eliminate the wrong player, you do not get the elimination bonus, nor do you get the eliminated player's money, but you do get the survivor bonus.

Actually, I was not giving them the survivor bonus either. Works as sort of a penalty while still allowing people to assassinate someone else's target if they feel it's necessary. I wasn't giving the survivor bonus to the winner of the games either, but it makes sense now that you mention it.

Okay, I think I have this all figured out. I'll update the original post with the new details and post a reply with the changes. :) Thanks for the patience, guys.

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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:53 am

These are the new details. :)

MrGlassB wrote:Money will be distributed as follows.

  1. The winner of each game will receive $100,000, provided they successfully assassinated their assigned target.
  2. The winner will also receive any money their target is holding at the time, provided they successfully assassinated their assigned target.
  3. All survivors will receive $25,000 for staying alive (including the winners).
  4. Assassinated players will lose all of the money they are currently holding.
  5. Special Case: If a player assassinates a target other than the one they were assigned, the first two conditions above are void. The player will not receive $100,000 nor the money the target is holding. They will still, however, receive the $25,000 survivor bonus.
After 7 rounds, the player with the most money wins.

I actually thought of another option. Split the money held by the incorrect target between all of the other players involved in the game. I didn't use it, though, 'cause I just thought of it. :) Figured I'd get more thoughts on it before throwing it into the rules (if I even do).

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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby kuma32478 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:57 am


This is out of LF, but I saw you're from Chicago. Do you Geocache?
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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:13 am

I do not. Sorry. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby theheadholes on Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:06 am

in please
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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby nashlloyd on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:09 pm

Count me in Plz..
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Re: Blood Money: USA [20/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:26 pm

theheadholes wrote:in please

nashlloyd wrote:Count me in Plz..

Added. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [20/36][0/6]

Postby ptlowe on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:48 pm

in please
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Re: Blood Money: USA [21/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:58 pm

ptlowe wrote:in please

You got it. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [18/36][0/6]

Postby denominator on Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:21 pm

MrGlassB wrote:These are the new details. :)

MrGlassB wrote:Money will be distributed as follows.

  1. The winner of each game will receive $100,000, provided they successfully assassinated their assigned target.
  2. The winner will also receive any money their target is holding at the time, provided they successfully assassinated their assigned target.
  3. All survivors will receive $25,000 for staying alive (including the winners).
  4. Assassinated players will lose all of the money they are currently holding.
  5. Special Case: If a player assassinates a target other than the one they were assigned, the first two conditions above are void. The player will not receive $100,000 nor the money the target is holding. They will still, however, receive the $25,000 survivor bonus.
After 7 rounds, the player with the most money wins.

I actually thought of another option. Split the money held by the incorrect target between all of the other players involved in the game. I didn't use it, though, 'cause I just thought of it. :) Figured I'd get more thoughts on it before throwing it into the rules (if I even do).


The current rules look good to me. If you start splitting the money, it could open the door to someone winning without ever winning a game or eliminating anyone. Player X could just sit in 6 games and collect $150,000 for surviving, then in the final round someone eliminates player A, who won all 6 first round games (collecting at least $750,000), splitting the money among them. If it's an 8-player game, Player A drops to $0, Player B (the eliminator), gains only $25,000, while the remaining 6 players each gain the $25,000 plus $150,000 from Player A.

If Player X had the most money (other than Player A) going into the round, he wins without actually doing anything. Player B, on the other hand, could have had the second most money going into the round and with the currently written rules would win (basically, if the wrong target is eliminated, the eliminated person drops to $0 while everyone else in the game gains $25,000), making it a good play.

It is still possible to win just by surviving (assuming key players take each other out at key times), but it is far less likely than if the surviving players split the dead player's money.

(Hope that wasn't too confusing)

kuma32478 wrote:MGB,

This is out of LF, but I saw you're from Chicago. Do you Geocache?

That was entirely random, and I'm still not sure of your connection between Chicago and Geocaching. I'm in Calgary and I cache - what's your GC handle?
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Re: Blood Money: USA [21/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:15 pm

That makes sense, and I agree. :) Thanks!

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Re: Blood Money: USA [21/36][0/6]

Postby malapeiro on Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:25 pm

in pls
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Re: Blood Money: USA [22/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:38 pm

malapeiro wrote:in pls

Yep. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [22/36][0/6]

Postby soldierboy on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:54 pm

In please
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Re: Blood Money: USA [22/36][0/6]

Postby kuma32478 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:21 pm

I asked because in Chicago there is someone who has the handle "mgb" that has hidden some of the caches I've found.

I use the same handle for as I do on here.
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Re: Blood Money: USA [22/36][0/6]

Postby rishark1969 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:08 pm

in please
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Re: Blood Money: USA [24/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:42 am

soldierboy wrote:In please

rishark1969 wrote:in please

Added. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [24/36][0/6]

Postby Moonchild on Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:25 am

in :)
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Re: Blood Money: USA [25/36][0/6]

Postby MrGlassB on Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:20 pm

Moonchild wrote:in :)

Got it. :)

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Re: Blood Money: USA [25/36][0/6]

Postby nibotha on Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:06 pm

in please
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