by Djfireside on Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:40 pm
Tourney is Full of standard slot. I am messaging the 3 freemiums as to their status and expectations of the tournament. I am accepting reserves should the freemiums not be able to keep open slots. Will check for Authorization as well
The email is as follows in case anyone wonders:
You have signed up for my tournament and based on your account access you are eligable to have 4 running games at once. I have checked the games and it appears that you are able to have a single game free given you do not accept or start any other games.
Based on the timeframe and schedule of a tournament there may be a lag of a week or so where you may not be in a game but would still need to keep that slot open should the tournament desire.
Should you not have a open game when the tournament starts I will be forced to replace you or eliminate your slot from the tournament.
If for some reason you can not keep a game slot open for the duration of the tournament or until you are eliminated please let me know and I can let you in reserve slot should you be able to do so later on and the need arises.
Best Regards
Always question things given too easily.