I've gotten the tournament privileges, and I'm currently making all 60 opening games! This might take a while considering my busy schedule, so be patient! If you have any questions let me know. I will sometime in the near future make a standings board for each league, it will take some time.
Special Thanks to dboekeand giantrascal, the only players who posted the logo as their signature to spread the word! Without their help this tournament would not have started so soon!
Tournament Update 8/27 (August 27) -GlobeSmack replaces lenesu of the Malta division after 48 hours. -dumhic replaces General Flashman of the Scotland division after 48 hours.
August 31: I've updated all the standings boards (can be found above here on page 11), I'm just waiting for two games in the Africa League to finish and I'll send out the next batch of games. I've been very busy recently so I won't be able to immediately send out the next games when divisions finish (sorry ). If you've got any questions, or find any mistakes in the standings (I do tend to double-check but mistakes happen) let me know it will be greatly appreciated. --WorldCup4James
danfrank wrote:Round stat is not balanced due to the fact that all the maps are not created equal..
Yes, this is true, but the round differential is only applied to games being played within a division, where all games take place on the same map. There will be no comparison of round differential among divisions, and there are no awards given out for having the highest round differential. Therefore it is fair because all the players in a division play on the same map.
We're needing at least 3 reserves to keep the tournament going smoothly!If you'd like to help, invite a friend to join as a reserve! Thanks so much! Standings should be updated this weekend!