Conquer Club

You Say You Want A Revolution [Winner:bobzimmerman]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kingjames38 on Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:30 pm

yes when will you be up dating the americans score? thanks
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:06 pm

I'll do the American scores once the final American game finishes (it's Game 7944193 in case you're interested)
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:51 pm

Final American scores are posted, tie-breakers have not yet been applied. There is a four-way tie for spots 34-36, so there will be a four player tiebreaker, first eliminated is out.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kennys777 on Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:59 pm

Blinkadyblink wrote:Final American scores are posted, tie-breakers have not yet been applied. There is a four-way tie for spots 34-36, so there will be a four player tiebreaker, first eliminated is out.

Game is down to 2 players, Faro was eliminated first...So if you want to move on, we should be done shortly
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Jimmy V on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:53 pm

Competitive tie breaking game. I may have won the game but Kenny was the player slayer!
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:56 pm

I'm going to go through the scores again to finalize seedings for Stage 2. Expect your first set of two games today or tomorrow.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:28 pm

Scores are updated to include tie-breakers. It turns out that I made several mistakes scoring the British side the first time; I think I fixed them all, but feel free to check your score and tell me if I made a mistake.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:29 am

Half the stage 2 games are out, the other half will be sent tomorrow.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kennys777 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:09 am

Do I get credit for killing 2 in the tie-breaker game? Does the war cease to exist during tie-breakers, because my argument would be that a kill is a kill regardless of when it happened, not to mention one of my fellow patriots (Faro) fell to his death.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:28 pm

kennys777 wrote:Do I get credit for killing 2 in the tie-breaker game? Does the war cease to exist during tie-breakers, because my argument would be that a kill is a kill regardless of when it happened, not to mention one of my fellow patriots (Faro) fell to his death.

No, I didn't give you credit for your two tie-breaker kills because I didn't think it would be fair to other people if they only got 8 games to get kills in and you got 9. Because you got the most kills of anyone in the game, though, I seeded you the highest of anyone with 2 total kills.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby dean00 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:35 am

I had myself for 14 kills rather than 13--5 in gfame 7740246 1 in game 7740265 , 1 in game 7740269 and 7 in game7740788. Sorry just checked. I already killed off my 2nd round guy virtually. I don't think it makes much of a difference.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kennys777 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:48 pm

Blinkadyblink wrote:
kennys777 wrote:Do I get credit for killing 2 in the tie-breaker game? Does the war cease to exist during tie-breakers, because my argument would be that a kill is a kill regardless of when it happened, not to mention one of my fellow patriots (Faro) fell to his death.

No, I didn't give you credit for your two tie-breaker kills because I didn't think it would be fair to other people if they only got 8 games to get kills in and you got 9. Because you got the most kills of anyone in the game, though, I seeded you the highest of anyone with 2 total kills.

Like I said, just trying to argue for it...this response is valid and makes total sense...Can't blame a colonist for trying!
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:17 am

kennys777 wrote:
Blinkadyblink wrote:
kennys777 wrote:Do I get credit for killing 2 in the tie-breaker game? Does the war cease to exist during tie-breakers, because my argument would be that a kill is a kill regardless of when it happened, not to mention one of my fellow patriots (Faro) fell to his death.

No, I didn't give you credit for your two tie-breaker kills because I didn't think it would be fair to other people if they only got 8 games to get kills in and you got 9. Because you got the most kills of anyone in the game, though, I seeded you the highest of anyone with 2 total kills.

Like I said, just trying to argue for it...this response is valid and makes total sense...Can't blame a colonist for trying!

Bah, you colonists are so greedy :x (but, really, I'd be arguing for more points too if I were you)
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:21 am

I feel that this tournament has been running slowly, largely due to people not joining their games on time. There has always been a 48-hour window for you to accept your invites (which can be extended IF you pm me) but I've been lax about enforcing it. From now on, you have 48 hours (more if you pm me) or else you're eliminated (in which case your opponent will move on but will NOT be credited with a kill.)
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kennys777 on Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:49 am

Blinkadyblink wrote:I feel that this tournament has been running slowly, largely due to people not joining their games on time. There has always been a 48-hour window for you to accept your invites (which can be extended IF you pm me) but I've been lax about enforcing it. From now on, you have 48 hours (more if you pm me) or else you're eliminated (in which case your opponent will move on but will NOT be credited with a kill.)

Is it 48 hours for future games or games just sent out? I am still awaiting my opponents arrival.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:56 pm

dean00 wrote:I had myself for 14 kills rather than 13--5 in gfame 7740246 1 in game 7740265 , 1 in game 7740269 and 7 in game7740788. Sorry just checked. I already killed off my 2nd round guy virtually. I don't think it makes much of a difference.

You can't get 7 kills in a 7-player game ;)
Thanks for checking, though
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:58 pm

All but one game has either started or been cancelled due to an absent player.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby kennys777 on Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:52 pm

Blinkadyblink wrote:All but one game has either started or been cancelled due to an absent player.

so what should I do with my games that are still "awaiting player"? Should I drop them?
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:50 pm

kennys777 wrote:so what should I do with my games that are still "awaiting player"? Should I drop them?

I was going to drop them, but forgot. I did now.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:10 am

We've got 5 games still ongoing. Assuming they finish by the weekend, I'll send out more games then.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:56 pm

One game ongoing, it looks like it'll be over soon.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:59 pm

Because it's nearly Christmas and I know a lot of people are away from CC, everyone's next games will be sent out 12/27
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:24 pm

Hope you all had a great Christmas. Standings after the first round of skirmishes are in the first post. Both sides have exactly 2/3 of their players remaining. I've sent out the next round of skirmishes. You will have the usual two invites to join your games, unless a lot of people don't join.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:51 pm

5 more games still active.
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Re: You Say You Want A Revolution (Stage 1) Scores Updated 1

Postby Blinkadyblink on Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:00 am

All games are finished, I will update standings and send new games when I get a chance (this weekend at the latest)
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