Conquer Club

HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Winner: Djfireside)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 7 )

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:28 pm

There were 18 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. Rodion
2. Dreams4insomniac
3. Callmefrank
4. Shaneback
5. Giannikas
6. Enormastitz
7. Nate the Great
8. Revlisd
9. BlackKnight_6
10. DBandit70
11. Dragon dor
12. Benga
13. Madstuthe1st
14. HighlanderAttack
15. Synergisticus
16. Djfireside
17. DD2

Timestamp: 2011-01-11 23:28:10 UTC
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 7 )

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:29 pm

Nate the Great

The players listed above are in danger and cannot lose or they are out of the tourney
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 8)

Postby benga on Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:34 am

sorry Nate
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 8)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:55 am

DD2 and Giannikas did not join games so they are out. Match up was made between their two opponents and we should have the next round early next week. Maybe mid week this week.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 8)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:03 am

Three games remain in round 8 so I am not sending round 9 until next week most likely. We have lost five players in round 8 with a chance that 2 more will be gone as well.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 8)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:56 pm

One game remains in round 8

With the 200th tourney going on I would not expect another update or more games until next week some time--thanks for the patience
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 8)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:36 pm

I have not been able to update many tourneys--I am posting this in all my active tourneys. I just got a new job which has taken all my free time away except for taking my turns and keeping the 200th tourney going. That being said I will get to all my tourneys over the next week to ten days and do updates and send out games. I am posting this in all of the threads. I will do one or two a day until I am caught up. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for being patient.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:46 am

Player and losses

Djfireside 0

Benga 1

Dragon dor 2
HighlanderAttack 2
Revlisd 2
Enormastitz 2
Dreams4insomniac 2

Callmefrank 3
Rodion 3
Shaneback 3
DBandit70 3
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:50 am

There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. Dragon dor
2. Benga
3. Shaneback
4. Enormastitz
5. Callmefrank
6. HighlanderAttack
8. DBandit70
9. Djfireside
10. Dreams4insomniac
11. Revlisd
12. Rodion

Timestamp: 2011-02-25 14:49:12 UTC

Match ups round 9:

1. Dragon dor 12. Rodion
2. Benga 11. Revlisd
3. Shaneback 10. Dreams4insomniac
4. Enormastitz 9. Djfireside
5. Callmefrank 8. DBandit70
6. HighlanderAttack 7. I_AM_BOGEY

Players that will be eliminated if they do not win:
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby Rodion on Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:35 am

For some reason, I ended up playing 2 round 9 games against Dragon Dor.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:48 pm

This year has been really busy for me. Real life took over and I totally slacked on almost all of my tourneys. The 200th has taken up all my extra time for CC. I am really not in a position to update my tourneys, but I am going to make the effort over the next five days doing at least three tourneys per day. Since I have 15 active I should have no problem actually doing this and I will continue to update three a day every day until they are all done. I am real sorry for the extended delay and hope to get everything moving in a timely manner again.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:56 pm

Rodion wrote:For some reason, I ended up playing 2 round 9 games against Dragon Dor.

just counts as your round ten game
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:01 pm

I think I recall players not joining games --but since it has been so long I am finishing round 9 with all the players that should have been in it with the correct matches--then we move onto round ten
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:01 pm

I will give two invites max to the remaining games
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:06 pm

I have not been able to update many tourneys--I am posting this in all my active tourneys. I just got a new job which has taken all my free time away except for taking my turns and keeping the 200th tourney going. That being said I will get to all my tourneys over the next week to ten days and do updates and send out games. I am posting this in all of the threads. I will do one or two a day until I am caught up. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for being patient.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:36 pm

1 Djfireside
1 Benga
2 HighlanderAttack
2 Enormastitz
3 Rodion--has played his round ten game
3 Revlisd
3 Dreams4insomniac
3 Shaneback
3 DBandit70--one player drawn from will play their tenth round game against dbandit's 9th round game--then we will continue with round ten

loses are listed to the left
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:38 pm

There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. HighlanderAttack
2. Enormastitz
3. Revlisd
4. Benga
5. Shaneback
6. Dreams4insomniac
7. Djfireside

Timestamp: 2011-04-21 02:38:04 UTC

so I will play my tenth round game against dbandit's 9th round game--dbandit must win to stay alive
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:46 pm

I will have round ten out by this weekend

round 9 is now complete
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby Rodion on Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:27 pm

I unfortunately can't play 1v1 games anymore because of scoreboard related goals (I'll still play HA's 200th, though).

Feel free to:

a) find a replacement for me (I can find you one if you want me to)
b) eliminate me before randomly deciding the next round
c) randomly pick who I'll play and give him a default win (and eliminate me)

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If I can help by finding a replacement, let me know!
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 10)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 07, 2011 5:25 am

one loss

two losses

three losses

three losses but have played ten games

*note--remember round six escalating games did not count--if you run tour stats it is not 100% accurate--any question pm me--I have everything on a spreadsheet and have been updating on the thread.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 9)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 07, 2011 5:26 am

Rodion wrote:I unfortunately can't play 1v1 games anymore because of scoreboard related goals (I'll still play HA's 200th, though).

Feel free to:

a) find a replacement for me (I can find you one if you want me to)
b) eliminate me before randomly deciding the next round
c) randomly pick who I'll play and give him a default win (and eliminate me)

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If I can help by finding a replacement, let me know!

I am sorry to hear this--I would eliminate you in this case--you do have another round to think about it since you have already played ten games.
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 10)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 07, 2011 5:30 am

Since I have played ten games but we have an uneven amount for this drawing I will play this round and skip the next round that has uneven amount of players left--that being said if I lose I am out

Players with three losses that will be out if they lose:


And now to the draw for this round:
There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. DBandit70
2. Benga
3. Enormastitz
4. Dreams4insomniac
5. Shaneback
6. HighlanderAttack
7. Djfireside
8. Revlisd

Timestamp: 2011-05-07 10:29:47 UTC
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 10)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 07, 2011 5:30 am

1. DBandit70 8. Revlisd
2. Benga 7. Djfireside
3. Enormastitz 6. HighlanderAttack
4. Dreams4insomniac 5. Shaneback
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 10)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu May 19, 2011 8:52 am

Round 11

There were 6 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. Djfireside
2. Enormastitz
3. DBandit70
4. Benga
5. Shaneback
6. Rodion

Timestamp: 2011-05-19 13:52:11 UTC
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Re: HA's 10,000th Win Tourney(Round 11)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu May 19, 2011 9:09 am

Invites for round 11 have been sent out

losses listed to the left

Leading the way:
1 Djfireside

A step behind:
2 Benga

These players must not lose--if they do they are out:
3 Enormastitz
3 Rodion
3 Shaneback
3 DBandit70

3 HighlanderAttack-does not play as I am one game ahead in rounds due to the uneven amount of players from last round so I am safe in round 11

Invites have been sent
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